Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 301 Big Lie

The surface of the Yulei River is quite wide, and the lights are brightly lit on both sides of the river, but the middle of the river is dark. The three of them are in it, and they feel like they are isolated from the world and quietly watching the hustle and bustle of all living beings.

It was also the first time that Zhou Peiling experienced this completely different feeling from the past, and she suddenly felt something in her heart.

"I know why you are going on a boat trip. You want to take the opportunity to avoid people from Prince Lu's Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace coming to visit you, right? I really thought that you, Prince Consort, are not afraid of heaven or earth!"

Lu Yu was lying comfortably on a bamboo chair, leisurely enjoying a glass of wine served to him by Lou Qianqian.

Hearing this, he glanced sideways at Zhou Peiling: "You don't have to use any provocation against me. Your little thoughts can't be hidden from my eyes. You just want to watch the conflict between me, King Lu and Li Xiang completely intensify, okay? Just let them firmly oppose my marriage to Qin Yanzhen! But don’t you think about it, do they have the guts to come and cause trouble for me?”

Zhou Peiling said unconvinced: "You are arrogant, domineering and unreasonable. The Prime Minister's Palace may not be able to do anything to you, but Prince Lu's Palace may not be afraid of you! Prince Lu has many strange people under his command, and the crown prince of Prince Lu is also a national advisor. Master Qi Yang's disciple, how dare you hurt him, the master will never let it go!"


Lu Yu drank the wine in his glass with a regretful expression on his face.

"If I had known this, I would have asked you to break Prince Nalu's legs..."

Zhou Peiling felt angry when she saw Lu Yu's lazy look, but there was nothing she could do to him, so she could only snort heavily, thinking to herself that this devil really couldn't fall off the coffin. Tears, then just wait and see.

Lou Qianqian on the side listened silently to the conversation between the two, feeling extremely surprised.

Princes and prime ministers are already powerful figures in the eyes of ordinary people. Even if just one of their family members appears, it is enough for any house in Shili Huafang to deal with it carefully...

But these great figures were of no importance to the man in front of him, and he even looked at them with disdain. This strong contrast filled Lou Qianqian's heart with a strange emotion.

The man in front of him had a rough appearance and a scar on his face. He was indeed not handsome from ordinary people's perspective, but in Lou Qianqian's mind, he suddenly had a special charm.

She said with great interest: "There are rumors in the market that the Prince Consort attended a banquet at Cining Palace last night and even made it difficult for Queen Mother Zheng to come to the stage. I wonder if this is true or false?"

"Can things in the palace spread so quickly?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows.

"It's clear that someone with ulterior motives wants to ruin my reputation. It's not that exaggerated! It's just that Queen Mother Zheng made a proposal to me, but I didn't agree. Then I also made a proposal, and she didn't agree either... …”

Lou Qianqian was shocked. Although the man in front of him spoke lightly, he also admitted the truth of the matter in disguise.

"The Prince Consort is truly a hero!"

She exclaimed, lifted the jug, and filled another glass of wine for Lu Yu.

"Qianqian also heard another rumor..."

"Nowadays, many people in the capital are saying that Princess Gaoyang will come to the capital soon, and the whole capital will be turbulent, but the Prince Consort is right in the middle of this storm... Qianqian is really curious, what will the Prince Consort do next? How to do it?”

Zhou Peiling on the side couldn't help but pricked up her ears when she heard this question.

In fact, she was also very curious about Lu Yu's next move. It was clear that Qin Yanzhen was about to enter the city, but he still wanted to go on a night trip with the number one courtesan in the capital. She really couldn't figure out this devil. What exactly is going on in my mind.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Miss Qianqian, are you concerned about me?"

Lou Qianqian bit her lower lip lightly, with just the right amount of shame in her eyes.

"Qianqian is just curious, but if the prince-in-law insists on saying this, it's not a bad idea..."

Lu Yu put down his wine glass and said with a calm smile: "The answer to this question has actually been placed in front of Miss Qianqian. What I want to do next is to ask Miss Qianqian to do me a favor!"

Lou Qianqian said in surprise: "How can Qianqian help the Prince Consort?"

Lu Yu sat up straight from the bamboo chair and was about to tell a big lie...

His eyes were shining: "To be honest, Wang's purpose in coming to Beijing this time is not simple, but to steal a batch of imperial treasures..."

"After inspecting the palace last night, I have a pretty good grasp of the situation of these treasures. I am fully confident that I can steal these treasures. However, the difficulty lies in how to take these treasures out of the capital..."

"Therefore, I would like to ask Miss Qianqian to help me think of a way. Is there any clever plan that can hide the mystery and help me transport this batch of treasures out of Beijing?"

Lou Qianqian and Zhou Peiling on the side couldn't help but be stunned.

They didn't expect that Lu Yu would casually reveal a secret about stealing the treasure of Ouchi...

The two of them had to lament that this was indeed the devil's style. There was no intention to avoid the crime of beheading and decapitating one's head.

Lou Qianqian said in astonishment: "Why are you looking for me?"

"As the number one oiran in the capital, Miss Qianqian was born in a complex environment like Shili Huafang. She should have come into contact with many people from all walks of life and has many human resources. If she wants to accomplish this, she should not hesitate to do so. By the way..."

"Besides, if this matter is to succeed, the most critical point is to be unexpected... You see, even Miss Qianqian herself is asking why, isn't that enough to prove that this is a good choice? "

Lu Yu shrugged and said.


Before Lou Qianqian could answer, Zhou Peiling, who was standing at the stern of the boat, threw away the oar with an angry and anxious expression on her face.

She was born in the Taifu Mansion. Although she had a bad relationship with her father, she had accepted the orthodox ideas of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism since she was a child. Now that she heard Lu Yu discussing his plan to steal the treasure of Ouchi in such a grand manner, she suddenly found it unacceptable.

"You, you, are so brave!" Zhou Peiling said angrily.

"What are you yelling about! You are also involved in this matter!" Lu Yu scolded her.

Zhou Peiling couldn't help but be stunned: "Wha...what?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "You also know that there are many eyes and ears around me, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me every day... Therefore, you must handle this matter with Miss Qianqian, every detail, step and route out of the city. Choose, you need to check these carefully to ensure that everything is foolproof!”

When Zhou Peiling was about to object, Lu Yu continued: "If this happens, I will let you go and let you regain your freedom!"

Zhou Peiling was stunned and suddenly became quiet, silently calculating the pros and cons of this matter in her heart.

Lou Qianqian smiled bitterly and said: "Since the prince-in-law told Qianqian so openly about this matter, I think if I didn't agree, I might not be able to leave easily tonight..."

Lu Yu glanced at her approvingly: "It seems that I found the right person. Miss Qianqian is really smart as ice and snow!"

"If you don't agree to this, then Miss Qianqian will have to stay with Wang all day long like Miss Ling'er, and Miss Ling'er will also lose the chance to regain her freedom!"

"But if you agree, Wang promises to give you a heavy reward after the project is completed, so that you will never have to show your face in this ten-mile boat!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he looked at Lou Qianqian sincerely.

Unexpectedly, Lou Qianqian finally shook his head.

Lu Yu thought she was going to refuse at first, but then he heard her faintly say: "Qianqian's body is like catkins, what's the use of asking for more gold treasures? If this can be done, Qianqian has nothing to ask for, but the prince consort can do it." Take Qianqian away from the capital..."

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