Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 297 Spending a Lot of Money

Following Lu Yu's shouting, the entire Tianxiang Tower suddenly became silent.

People looked sideways, trying to see who this aggressive visitor was, who was so vulgar.

In fact, Tianxiang House, as the leader among the ten-mile-long painted boats in the capital, is a very elegant place for romance. The guests inside are either rich or noble. Occasionally, the nouveau riche come here and are frightened by the reputation and atmosphere of Tianxiang House. I can't help but restrain myself, at least I won't call out "Madam" loudly as soon as I come in.

Not to mention in Tianxiang Tower, even in the entire Shili Huafang, no one would call the person in charge of Fengyue Place "Old Madam", they would all call him "Public Owner" in a formal way.

People like Lu Yu who shouted "Madam" as soon as he walked in the door knew where the country soil spores came from without even thinking about it. The reason why people were curious was just to see what the soil spores were like.

Lu Yu didn't seem to be aware of this, but continued to shout loudly: "I heard that Tianxiang House is the most famous brothel in the entire capital. Why has no one come to entertain me for such a long time? Isn't this the way to treat guests?"

Seeing the ferocious look on his face, the girls in charge of welcoming guests were already suspicious, but now they were even more intimidated when they heard him yelling like this. It seems that this guest is not only a country bumpkin, but also has a very bad temper. Guests like him are the most difficult to serve.

"Please be patient, sir!"

At this time, a young and middle-aged woman with still charming charm came up to her, her face filled with a warm smile that was like a spring breeze.

"I am Chen Chunniang, the owner of the hotel here. Your guest is very friendly, but this is your first time coming to our Tianxiang Building? I wonder if you like listening to music or singing and dancing? How about I recommend some girls to you? I guarantee that they are all talented. How about a charming, gentle and charming woman?”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Old Madam, don't think that it's my first time here, so you think I'm a fool! I'm here today just for your oiran, and I won't give up until I see her. You Don’t think of trying to get rid of me with other vulgar powder!”

Chen Chunniang giggled: "So the guest officer came here because he admired our family Qianqian's reputation? I don't know where the guest guest came from. It seems that he must have traveled a lot, right? What if our family Qianqian knew that there was someone like the guest guest? I don’t know how happy I should be to find such a pious person specially..."

"It's just that our Tianxiang Tower has the rules of Tianxiang Tower. Miss Qianqian does not meet strangers. If the guest is interested in Qianqian, how about you come over to support her more when she performs on stage next time? Once you are familiar with her, you will be familiar with her the next time. , only after you gradually become familiar with her, you will have the opportunity to get close to her..."

"As for this time, how about letting our Miss Jiaojiao serve you first? Her singing and dancing are also outstanding among the Ten Miles of Painted Boat, and they are not much worse than Miss Qianqian!"

As she said that, Chen Chunniang waved to a girl next to her. This girl was quite pretty and scantily clad. She looked passionate. She was obviously trying to divert Lu Yu's attention.

Unexpectedly, this soil spore in the eyes of everyone refused.

"No need!"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "Why don't you meet a stranger and become familiar again? It's just because the money is not in place... Madam, you may not know who I am, but there is one thing you must recognize!"

After speaking, Lu Yu turned around and suddenly winked at Zhou Peiling who was still lingering outside the door.

Zhou Peiling walked in nervously and stood beside Lu Yu angrily.

Chen Chunniang couldn't help being stunned.

She didn't know the daughter of the Zhou family, but she was extremely surprised by his beauty. As soon as he walked in, he immediately completely suppressed the Jiaojiao girl beside him. No wonder this guest would be so impressed by Jiaojiao, who was highly recommended to her. Not interested at all...

Chen Chunniang felt that her brain was running out of energy. She had never seen a client come to a brothel with an entourage, but it was unique to visit a brothel with a female entourage, and such a charming female entourage...

Really, you already have such a beautiful woman by your side, why would you want to visit a brothel? Could it be that he wanted to deliberately smash the Tianxiang Tower signboard?

"Take it out!" Lu Yu said to Zhou Peiling in a commanding tone.

Zhou Peiling didn't react for a moment: "What can you bring out?"

"What else could it be? Of course it's money. Don't you need to pay for visiting a brothel?"

Zhou Peiling was startled, then her eyes widened: "You actually asked me for money to visit a brothel?"

Lu Yu nodded: "That's right. You are also a person who has no fingers in the spring water. How can you carry money with you... Well, let's do this. This hairpin on your head seems to be quite valuable, so use it first. Come and pay!”

With that said, regardless of whether Zhou Peiling agreed or not, he took off a hairpin from her head.

Zhou Peiling was furious, but had no choice but to glare at Lu Yu fiercely, as if she wanted to eat him.

Lu Yu handed the hairpin in front of Chen Chunniang. This hairpin was designed with a pearl flower. The petals were crystal clear and the orbs were sparkling. You could tell at a glance that it was not an ordinary thing.

"If I read it correctly, this pearl should be a blue sea pearl. It takes a hundred years of nourishment by the fairy clam unique to the blue sea to form a pearl. It is extremely precious. Regardless of other things, the price of blue sea pearls at this moment is only three More than a thousand taels of gold..."

"I will use these hairpins as prostitution tonight! Boss Chun Niang, do you think I am still a stranger now?"

As Lu Yu spoke, he inserted the hairpin into Chen Chunniang's plump chest.

Chen Chunniang's heart couldn't help but beat violently as Lu Yu inserted the hairpin, and her chest trembled slightly.

The value of the hairpin was secondary. What surprised her even more was the identity of the woman in front of her. The other person just casually took something off her body and it was worth thousands of gold. So how noble should the other person's identity be?

But such a noble woman was submissive to this seemingly vulgar guest. Even though she was unwilling to have her hairpin removed, she dared not speak out in anger.

So, what is the identity of this guest?

Chen Chunniang couldn't help but put away her original contempt and looked squarely at the rough man in front of her again.

"I wonder what you call your guest officer?"

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "My surname is Wang."

"It turns out to be Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang and our Miss Qianqian have never met, but they are so affectionate. I am really touched by seeing this... Mr. Wang is so sincere. Originally, our Miss Qianqian had to come out to thank him no matter what. Oh, unfortunately, Miss Qianqian has an appointment with a distinguished guest tonight, and the identity of this distinguished guest is very important, so it is really difficult to be separated... Please forgive me, Mr. Wang! "

Chen Chunniang said with an embarrassed look.

Lu Yu clicked his tongue twice and looked at him angrily: "I didn't expect that after spending three thousand taels of gold, I couldn't even see Miss Qianqian's face. You Tianxiang Tower has such a big air! I'm still I can’t believe how beautiful this Qianqian girl is, I really have to see her today!”

With that said, he was about to rush upstairs.

Chen Chunniang was shocked. She didn't expect Lu Yu to be so domineering. The people upstairs were all rich and distinguished people. If Lu Yu forced his way in and disrupted the order and ruined the guests' interest, there would be big trouble.

So she quickly called for the guards while frantically trying to stop Lu Yu.

The surrounding girls who were welcoming the guests also gathered around him.

In the chaos, an angry voice came down from upstairs.

"Where did you come from, a country man! Is three thousand taels of gold a lot? With only three thousand taels of gold, you are clamoring to see Miss Qianqian, the number one courtesan in the capital. What do you think of the majestic capital of a country?"

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