Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 247 The Land of the Dragon

"Senior Brother Yu, do you really plan to ask that girl Axia to lift the stone lion with her bare hands and then take her under your wing?"

The three of them left Panshui City and walked in the deserted wilderness. Wen Ruman couldn't help but asked Lu Yu out of curiosity.

"That's natural. Otherwise, if you can become a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect casually, wouldn't it mean that our identity as a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect has really become a cheap thing?" Lu Yu said matter-of-factly.

Wen Ruman frowned slightly: "However, the time given by the Elder's Court to recruit disciples at Jade Butterfly Peak is only within the year. If the time comes, that girl Axia still fails to lift the big stone lion, wouldn't it? It will be missed..."

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "If that's the case, then let her stay at the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce and become a reserve for our Jade Butterfly Peak disciples."

After the incident where the goods were robbed, Lu Yu already had the idea of ​​​​training the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce into the reserve force of Yudie Peak. Yudie Peak is controlled by the Elder Council and cannot recruit disciples at will without any scruples, so temporarily recruit people to Wanhe Peak. The joint chamber of commerce is a compromise.

In this way, although the Elder Council only gave Jade Butterfly Peak a quota of one hundred disciples, Lu Yu still had great potential and could recruit far more than a hundred disciples. Moreover, this did not violate the regulations of the Council of Elders, and at the same time, it made The strength of Jade Butterfly Peak has been improved.

But in this case, the requirements for financial resources will be even higher.

In terms of financial resources, it's not bad. As long as all the benefits of the reservists are the same as those of ordinary disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, I believe it will not be difficult to keep them.

The key is the teaching of skills. The Dali Sword Sect adheres to the principle that "the Dharma should not be taught lightly". As long as you are not a formal disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, you cannot learn the skills collected by the Dali Sword Sect. Anyone who teaches the skills without authorization will be punished. Be subject to severe punishment.

Therefore, how to enable reserve members to learn suitable exercises and steadily improve their cultivation level is the key to the entire reserve training plan. It is precisely for this reason that no so-called reserve forces have been developed in the peaks of the Dali Sword Sect. .

However, this problem is difficult to solve for others, but it is not a big problem for Lu Yu. Using the first star on the star map, he can easily design a system that is independent of the Dali Sword Sect system. The external exercises are used as training for reserve members in their transitional stage.

The Wen sisters were extremely smart. As soon as they heard Lu Yu's introduction, they immediately thought of his full plan, and their hearts suddenly felt sour.

"Senior Brother Yu, we sisters are completely sincere to you, but we have never received any single guidance from you..."

"Could it be that in Senior Brother Yu's mind, our status as sisters is still comparable to that of Miss Axia?"

"Senior brother is really cruel. When you have a new person, you forget about the old one..."

"In this case, we might as well just move down from Jade Butterfly Peak and go to the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce to become reserve disciples. Maybe we can benefit from some of our senior brothers' rain and dew..."

The two sisters looked pitiful, weeping and complaining.

Lu Yu's head suddenly felt huge. These two sisters were indeed foxes. In terms of appearance, they may not be the best, but their ability to act coquettishly and flirtatiously was definitely among the best.

"Okay, okay, let's stop here! If you have some free time along the way, I will improve your cultivation techniques!"

Lu Yu finally agreed to the sisters' request with a headache.

The two sisters suddenly smiled sweetly, and their eyes showed the joy of succeeding.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yu!"

"Senior Brother Yu is the best!"

"Let me tell you, senior brother will definitely not forget our benefits!"

"It's true that our infatuation is in vain!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Don't be too busy saying thank you. Since I helped you, you should also help me... After this trip is over, the teaching and management of the reserve disciples will be handed over to you. What do you think?"

The two sisters agreed happily.

"No problem!"

"I love helping each other like this with Senior Brother Yu!"

"I wonder...Senior Brother Yu, is there anything else that needs our help?"

"For example, making the bed, doing laundry, folding quilts?"

The three of them laughed and joked all the way eastward.

Their next destination is Lujiang County.

Lu Yu had been away from home for more than half a year since he was brought back to Dali Sword Sect by Fang Haoran during the four-county martial arts competition. When he left, he encountered such a sudden change that he didn't even have time to say goodbye. Although he occasionally exchanged some letters with his family later, he was still full of concern for the place where he grew up.

Therefore, the purpose of his trip was not only to recruit disciples, but also to go home and have a good look. Even if he could not use his true identity, it would be great to just watch with a cold eye as Scar King.

In order to reach their destination as soon as possible and avoid another incident like being intercepted in Panshui City, the Wen sisters changed out of the clothes of core disciples and put on ordinary secular women's clothes instead.

The three of them walked together, looking like a vulgar and ruthless man in the world, walking around with two beautiful concubines who were as beautiful as flowers. From time to time, they attracted the envious eyes of others on the road.

Whenever encountering such a situation, instead of restraining themselves, the Wen sisters deliberately flattered Lu Yu and tried to please her, acting like submissive little wives.

This made others even more jealous and depressed, and they could only curse in their hearts: Bah! Flowers stuck in cow dung! The good cabbage is so good that pigs can't bear it!

Lu Yu tried to dissuade the Wen sisters several times from their bad taste, but they showed no repentance.

Lu Yu felt deeply powerless. He couldn't really push the two sisters to the ground and give them a spanking - this should be what they wanted even more...

In the end, Lu Yu had no choice but to let it go and let them go...

Fortunately, both of these sisters are extremely talented in acting. Everything they perform is vivid, so there is no need to worry about being spotted.

A few days later, the three of them gradually approached their destination.

Lu Yu stood at a fork in the road, looking at the dark cloud-covered mountains in front of him, his eyes deep, and he remained silent for a long time without saying a word.

Seeing his appearance, the Wen sisters immediately noticed something strange here.

"Are you here already? Could it be that this is the place where Senior Brother Yu thrives?"

Wen Rulan looked at the dark cloud-shrouded mountains in front of her and asked curiously.

"The place where dragons thrive?"

Lu Yu smiled and said without looking back: "In a sense, it can be understood this way... However, this is not my place to thrive, but the place for our entire Lu family to thrive. !”

Wen Ruman put up a pergola with his hands, trained his eyesight, and looked at the mountains in the distance for a while, then frowned slightly.

"What exactly is this place? Why do I always feel like this place is a bit...smoky?"

"It's right that it's full of smoke and smoke. This place can be said to be the most chaotic place in the entire Jiangzuo land. I don't know how many armed fights occur there every year and how many lives are lost..."

Lu Yu sighed lightly.

"This is the famous Yushan Mine!"

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