Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2443: Holy Mother

"Oh, I'm so stupid..."

Just after walking out of the top of Liaotian Peak, Lu Yu slapped the back of his head fiercely, revealing a look of annoyance.

"How could I forget Brother Chen... I don't want this flame seed, but I can give it to Brother Chen. Anyway, he is already a devout believer, but he has not yet recognized his ancestors... It should be of great help to him!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yu was about to return to the top of the peak to see if there was a way to take out the flame seed.

However, at this moment, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and Lu Yu suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a figure had blocked him in front of him.

This was the figure of a woman, wearing a plain white long skirt, with a head of black hair falling like a waterfall, a graceful figure, and a graceful curve. Although she was only facing Lu Yu, her graceful demeanor could be seen from the curve of her back.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Who is this woman?

Although I told Chen Hui to keep an eye on Xi Sihai, he couldn't just keep an eye on Xi Sihai, right? Why did someone come up so quickly?

"Are you Mr. Lu?"

The woman stood on the edge of the peak with her back to Lu Yu, looking at the ever-changing clouds inside the peak, and said without turning her head.

Lu Yu frowned even more tightly: "Who are you?"

The woman turned around slowly, with a melon-seed face, willow-leaf eyebrows, cherry mouth, and almond eyes, all of which combined together formed a breathtaking face.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Just looking at the back is tempting enough, but I didn't expect that the front image after turning around is even more tempting.

The corners of the woman's mouth slightly raised, and her red lips slightly lifted, and she said: "Perhaps, I should call you...uncle?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face gradually turned into astonishment: "You are...the Holy Mother?"

The woman couldn't help laughing: "What Holy Mother? It's just a bunch of busybodies making trouble. How can I deserve this title in front of Uncle Lu? You should call me Xi Mengying! Or, you can also call me Xiaoying..."

When she said the last sentence, her eyes were almost curved into a crescent moon, and her eyes were flashing with autumn water, and the power of captivating people became stronger.

Lu Yu was full of astonishment.

This is the Holy Mother?

Xi Kaijiang's daughter?

She has given birth to eighteen offspring? One of them is still seventy or eighty years old like Xi Sihai...

No need to say anything else, just looking at her image, she doesn't look like she has given birth to eighteen children...If you don't say it, just looking at her appearance, it's not an exaggeration to say that she is a girl who has not yet married.

"What's wrong? Uncle Lu? Are you dissatisfied with Xiaoying? Why don't you say anything?" Xi Mengying said again.

Lu Yu shook his head, dispelling all the doubts in his heart, and said: "How is Brother Chen?"

Xi Mengying puffed up her cheeks: "Uncle is really sad. I have said so much to you, but the first thing you said was to ask about the eldest brother... Why are you all like this? You think about the eldest brother for everything. Am I, Xi Mengying, really not as good as him?"

As she said that, she straightened her body, and her curves became more surging and passionate, revealing the capital of the two of them.

It's a pity that Lu Yu is no longer Wuxia Amon at this time. The Tao heart that was affected by the Thousand Eyes God has long been restored. At this time, Xi Mengying in front of him is indeed graceful and charming, but for him, this level is nothing at all.

"Okay, you don't have to act in front of me anymore, just speak frankly!" Lu Yu said: "Tell me first

Xi Mengying smiled and said: "Uncle Lu is really quick-witted. Whether you believe it or not, I really like you more and more... Don't worry, what can you do to him? He is staying with Hai'er now

The word "Hai'er" immediately shocked Lu Yu. He could not associate Xi Sihai's image with "Hai'er" no matter what.

This also indirectly confirmed that Xi Mengying in front of him was indeed the Virgin Mary who had given birth to a group of children. Maybe there were other twists and turns behind this, but she was indeed Xi Sihai's biological mother.

"As for what I want... Where did Uncle come from?" Xi Mengying continued.

Lu Yu said, "Why? Aren't you here to seek justice for your son?"

"Seek justice? Are you talking about Hai'er?" Xi Mengying's smile became sweeter and sweeter. "Uncle, it's too polite to say that. What's there to seek justice for? Hai'er is my child, but in terms of generation, you are my uncle, his great-uncle. What's there to seek justice for when my grandfather teaches his son a lesson... Let alone Hai'er, even if you want to teach me a lesson, I'm willing..."

As she spoke, she twisted her body gently, and suddenly her chest swayed, making her words full of a different meaning.

Lu Yu frowned and said, "Do you usually talk to people like this?"

Xi Mengying said, "Of course not. In front of other people, I am the Holy Mother of Kunlun Sect... But I have already said it just now, I like you, uncle, and I only act like this in front of people I like..."

Lu Yu said, "But I don't like you like this, so you'd better save it!"

Xi Mengying said: "Why don't you like it? Is it because you are worried about my father? You can rest assured that my father can't control me. You don't need to worry about this..."

Lu Yu's whole body was almost in a mess.

He really couldn't figure out what kind of family tradition Xi Kaijiang had?

In vain, he had always thought that Xi Kaijiang was very capable. How come the daughter he raised was like this?

Or is this just her superficial appearance?

Lu Yu shook his head and said calmly: "Tell me, what is your purpose? Even if it is not to seek justice for your son, you can't come here for no reason, right?"

Xi Mengying smiled and turned back to look in the direction of the Tiantian Peak again: "Then let me tell you straight, uncle, what were you looking at just now?"

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, thinking about how to answer.

But when Xi Mengying suddenly raised her hand, the flame seed in the light ball was already in her hand.

"Is it this?"

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