Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2437 Holy Land Wind and Thunder

It is covered with white snow and thousands of miles of ice.

There were more violent winds roaring in the sky, dark clouds rolling, and thunder surging.

After leaving the Star Battleship, he spent a full day walking in the Kunlun Mountains. All Lu Yu saw were scenes like this. He finally understood what Chen Hui said about the decline of Kunlun...

To put it simply, Kunlun's ecology has undergone earth-shaking changes. Even with Lu Yu's current level of cultivation, walking among the mountains is obviously difficult, and he still needs Chen Hui's help from time to time... It can be seen from this that , how bad the living environment here is.

This is not the Kunlun in myths and legends at all...

In the myths and legends of the past, although Kunlun was majestic and steep, it was also lush and green, with peaceful creatures, full of exotic flowers and grasses, rare birds and beasts all over the mountain, and prosperous Taoism, just like a fairyland... But at this time, there is no trace of it anymore. Such a shadow, what the eyes can see is only sinister.

Lu Yu once asked Chen Hui why he had to enter Kunlun on foot. The terrain here is open and it seems that he can drive a star battleship.

Chen Hui didn't say anything, he just picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the sky. Suddenly the stone turned into powder in the air. Only then did Lu Yu understand that the terror of the sky was not just as simple as it seemed on the surface. The actual danger is far more terrifying than it seems.

Chen Hui seemed to be taking advantage of the situation and introduced some basic conditions here to Lu Yu. Taoist power is not prohibited in Kunlun Mountain, but all forms of Taoist power here will become extremely unstable, and even the slightest carelessness will cause trouble. Come thunder in the sky.

Sometimes a thunderstorm would turn a mountain into powder. Under such circumstances, Chen Hui did not even dare to demonstrate to Lu Yu and could only warn him again and again.

It is for this reason that they can only choose the most primitive way to walk into the mountains.

The living environment is extremely harsh, and it is impossible to rely on the power of Taoism. Not to mention that entering the range of Kunlun itself requires a very high threshold. With the combined blessing of these multiple reasons, the number of people living here has become extremely rare, and even more so. There is no talk of establishing a prosperous world where Taoism and Dharma flourish.

In fact, the entire towering Kunlun is at least the size of dozens of star fields. However, the only forces active here today are the Kunlun sect. The total population is only a few hundred million, which is not as good as the Great World of Guantian. In this way Naturally, it is impossible for a population base to create a prosperous world with thousands of powerful cultivators like the two central fairy courts.

"Is the entire Kunlun environment like this?" Lu Yu asked Chen Hui, "In such an environment, let alone survive, I'm afraid you can't even practice, right?"

Chen Hui said: "Of course not everything is like this... According to the division method of our Kunlun Sect, the entire Kunlun is roughly divided into three types of landforms, namely: the Land of Thunder, the Land of Crazy Thunder, and the Land of Spring Thunder. The scope of these three The ratio is about six to three to one…

"The place we are now is called the Land of Thunder. You can walk in it, but you cannot cast spells. Once you cast a spell, it will cause thunder; in the Land of Crazy Thunder, there will be thunder raging from time to time. There are no rules, no traces to follow, and it is a land full of madness and chaos. You must not step into it unless necessary. The last kind of spring thunder land is the place that is truly suitable for survival. Although thunder occasionally appears, it is much gentler, just like Spring thunder usually brings vitality and is even helpful to our cultivation..."

"It's a pity that although the Spring Thunder Land has a ratio of one-tenth, most of it is divided by the Crazy Thunder Land and cannot be set foot at all. Where our Kunlun Sect is located is the largest Spring Thunder Land in the entire Kunlun. That’s exactly where we’re going at this time.”

Lu Yu nodded suddenly, finally understanding the general situation of the Kunlun Sect.

The two walked for several days, and finally the ice and snow melted, and a touch of green appeared in the unchanging glacier - they finally crossed the vast thunder and arrived at the land of spring thunder full of life.

In fact, compared to the entire towering Kunlun, the area they walked through was less than one percent. It was only because the star battleship was docked relatively close that they arrived in such a short time. If you don't get here, you may not be able to climb over this huge and ancient mountain range even if you walk for hundreds of years.

After walking out of the land of thunder, there was no scruple about using Taoism. Chen Hui stretched out his hand and made a move, and immediately two clouds fell from the sky and lay at the feet of the two of them.

Then he made a gesture of invitation to Lu Yu and said, "Brother Lu, you've had a hard journey, let me help you out next!"

Lu Yu was not polite and stepped directly onto one of the clouds. He felt soft under his feet, as if he were stepping on a ball of cotton.

Then his body lightened up and he flew up, above the clouds.

Lu Yu felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

It is not that he has no experience of soaring in the clouds and riding in the mist. When he was still a core disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, soaring in the clouds and riding in the mist was already a common thing for him... But only after experiencing the wild thunder of the towering Kunlun. , he realized how precious it is to be able to soar into the clouds and mist.

The scene below is completely different from before, with green trees, blooming flowers, shrouded clouds and mist, and misty green mountains. Occasionally, some birds come over and fly side by side with the white clouds under their feet... This scene finally happened. A bit like a fairy.

Although there is no comparison with the scene described in myths and legends, it still allows Lu Yu to vaguely see some shadows of the Kunlun Wonderland in the past.

"Brother Lu..."

Chen Hui's voice interrupted Lu Yu's thoughts.

"Master is not in the sect at this time. He has specifically told you to go to Xiaotian Peak to pick up those two things by yourself... But it is getting late now and you are tired from the journey. Why don't I make arrangements for you first? How about a cleansing feast and then going to Xiaotian Peak tomorrow?" Chen Hui's voice interrupted Lu Yu's thoughts.

Lu Yu shook his head: "I'm not here to be a guest in your Kunlun sect. It doesn't matter whether I wash myself off or not. I'd better go and finish the business first!"

"In that case, fine!"

As he spoke, the clouds under his feet adjusted their direction and flew towards a peak within the Land of Spring Thunder.

The flow of people below gradually became more numerous.

They all wore the same style of clothes as Chen Hui, but the colors were slightly different, showing that they were all disciples of the Kunlun Sect...

However, even if they don't wear the same style of clothes, these people can't be outsiders, because Chen Hui has already introduced that there is only one active force like the Kunlun Sect in Kunlun, who will appear here, or someone like Lu Yu Such guests can only be from the Kunlun Sect.

It can be seen that this Xiaotian Peak is definitely a holy place among the Kunlun Sect. It is surrounded by disciples of the Kunlun Sect. However, they do not dare to get too close and only pay homage from a distance on the periphery. It seems that this can make people worship from a distance. They understood some kind of mysterious truth.

Lu Yu, under the leadership of Chen Hui, the eldest disciple, had no such scruples and flew directly into the range of the mountain peak, pressed down on the clouds, and landed halfway up the mountain.

"Brother Lu, what you want is on this mountain peak. Frankly speaking, I don't know what is going on... But the master has said that you will know it yourself, so the next step is just You can rely on yourself!" Chen Hui spread his hands and showed a helpless expression.

It’s already this time, why are you still playing riddles?

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse in his heart.

However, complaints are complaints. He himself knew that Xi Kaijiang did not mean to embarrass him, but that the matter was of great importance. This was information transmitted from the other side of the distant worlds. Xi Kaijiang could not reveal too much information to others. Even if this person is his own proud disciple.

Lu Yu raised his head and silently stared at the mountain peak in front of him.

Being able to transmit information from the other end of the world to here in such a short period of time, frankly speaking, Lu Yu himself was surprised by such a method... This also means that this mountain must have something special, otherwise It is impossible for it to receive information from the other side of the universe.

What method did God King Dayan use to transmit information over such a long distance?

What is so special about this mountain peak? What role does it play in the entire delivery process?

Lu Yu thought seriously, slowly closed his eyes, and extended his mind and consciousness towards the top of the mountain.

Soon, he made a discovery...

It’s Godhead!

There is a godhead on the top of the mountain... So far, Lu Yu still hasn't figured out what the godhead is, but the previous exchange with Peacock King Ming made him remember the familiar feeling unique to this godhead field. .

He had already inferred before that the divine realm was related to the "transfer station" for the exchange of ideas. The "transfer station" should be an ability attached to the divine realm. At this time, Dayan God King's approach undoubtedly proved it again. this point.

Lu Yu didn't know whose godhead was on this mountain peak, nor did he know how God King Dayan applied this godhead. He didn't care about these... What he really cared about was that all of this was real. , no matter what method the other party used, in short, he did successfully deliver the two family letters.

Lu Yu explored silently, made up his mind and opened his eyes again.

"I think I've figured out what's going on...Brother Chen, please stay here for a moment, I'll be right back!"

With that said, Lu Yu suddenly jumped into the air and was about to reach the top of the mountain.

However, his body had just completed the rising movement. At this moment, a loud shout came:

"Stop! Kunlun Holy Land, who dares to make trouble here!"

Along with the voice, a huge palm print fell from the sky, accompanied by powerful wind and thunder, and it was about to slap Lu Yu to the ground.

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