Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2435: Arrogant at first but respectful later

Master Xi's eyes suddenly condensed, and his eyes became extremely sharp: "What are you talking about?"

Although he was obviously just a fake body, he gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Lu Yu did not retreat, his eyes were tit-for-tat, and he said word by word: "Don't you understand yet? I am not your subordinate, nor am I a subordinate of your Great Yan God King. You want me to follow your instructions, I am afraid you have made a wrong wishful calculation! What kind of plans and arrangements do you have in the future, you can propose to me, but whether to execute them or not is up to me!"


A ball of holy fire jumped up directly from behind Master Xi, and exploded, and the momentum was even stronger than when they exchanged secret signals before.

The atmosphere between the two was already tense.

Just as the situation was about to get out of control, Tong Fang rushed forward, stood between the two and said, "Stop, stop! You two, please be quiet, we are all family, if you have anything to say, please talk it over..."

"Family?" Master Xi sneered, "Brother Tong, you treat him as family, but he doesn't treat you as family! Didn't you hear what he said just now? He doesn't even have the slightest respect for His Majesty the Divine King!"

Tong Fang said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Brother Xi, although I feel very sorry, but Mr. Lu has not yet converted to the embrace of the Holy Fire, we cannot use the standards within the Freemasonry to demand him... As for this plan, as far as I know, it is indeed It's just a cooperative relationship. His Majesty the God King has never said that he wants Mr. Lu to obey our arrangements. "

Master Xi said coldly: "According to his attitude, I think this plan has no need to continue, because it is doomed to fail... Brother Tong, please get out of the way. I want him to pay the price for his arrogance and let him know that being on the list of giants does not mean that he is qualified to perform this task. Without our plan, he is nothing!"

Tong Fang said: "Brother Xi, if you really want to do it, then I won't stop you, but before you do it, I want you to see something first..."

As he said, he raised his hand and waved.

Suddenly a flame flew out, dragging a long tail leaf, and rowed towards the direction of Fuyou.

Under the reflection of the fire, the scene on Fuyou was clearly visible, and the various monster skeletons piled up inside were exposed.

Master Xi was stunned, his face full of astonishment: "This, this is..."

He had been dormant in the Cancer Star Region for many years, and he was in charge of a sect in Kunlun. He was the white glove of the Freemasons for trading. He had no idea how many times he had dealt with the skeletons of various monsters. He naturally knew what the scene he saw was...

But he couldn't figure out how there were so many monster skeletons on the Fuyou?

This had never happened before...Even if the total amount of all the monster skeletons harvested in the past ten thousand years was added together, it might not have reached the level now.

No wonder he was stunned and speechless for a while.

"All this is the credit of Mr. Lu!" Tong Fang said, "He not only guided us to a new route and reached a depth that had never been reached in the past, but also achieved such a harvest in the process...If you still want to fight him, please do as you please!"

For a while, Master Xi's face became extremely wonderful, shocked, astonished, confused, doubtful, ashamed, entangled...all kinds of complex expressions changed in turn, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

The sacred flame behind him went out quietly without anyone noticing.

After a moment, he suddenly smiled, and all the previous complex emotions were swept away, and his eyebrows showed an extraordinary demeanor of a ruler.

"Sorry, Mr. Lu, I was abrupt just now. I didn't recognize the great man, please forgive me... Now let's get to know each other formally again. I am Xi Kaijiang of the Freemasonry, and I meet Mr. Lu Yu!"

As he said this, he leaned down and bowed deeply to Lu Yu in front of him.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Originally, he had already made plans to fight the opponent head-on. After the battle with the demon, he had become more adept at using the power of the red lotus, and was not afraid of any head-on confrontation.

But he didn't expect that the opponent's attitude suddenly took such a 180-degree turn, so smooth that he felt a little caught off guard.

However, this is not a bad thing... Perhaps the other party's change is not sincere, but more out of consideration of interests, but this is enough, at least it shows that the other party is a smart person who can weigh the pros and cons, know how to advance and retreat, and react quickly.

Regarding the current assassination plan, Lu Yu would rather cooperate with such a smart person, rather than a believer who is loyal to the Great Yan God King but does not know how to adapt.

"Master Xi is too polite, the more you argue, the clearer the truth, the more you discuss, the clearer the truth... Everyone is for the smooth progress of the plan, as long as Master Xi understands the "reason" in it, how can I be unkind?"

Lu Yu deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "reason", the meaning of which is self-evident. This reason refers to the reason of distinguishing the primary and the secondary and understanding who is the big and small king.

Xi Kaijiang bowed again: "Mr. Lu's demeanor is impressive, no wonder he can conquer the world on his own, I am completely convinced!" The two of them talked and laughed, in harmony, as if the previous tension had never happened.

Tong Fang said: "You two are both people with great vision and wisdom. It is a blessing for both of us to be able to work together without holding grudges...Okay, Brother Xi, I will leave Mr. Lu to you. I look forward to the news of your triumphant return!"

Xi Kaijiang said hurriedly: "Brother Tong, you can't leave yet. Your trip this time was originally advanced, and you brought such a large batch of goods. I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet. Before this matter is completely resolved, you must stay here to help me stand the last shift!"

Tong Fang said in embarrassment: "Then how long do you need me to stay here? You also saw that the current situation of the Fuyou is very bad. I must rush back to the Cancer Star Region as soon as possible to ask His Majesty the God King to repair it, otherwise it may change later..."

He didn't finish his words. The so-called change refers to the situation in the extraterritorial world changing. At that time, without Lu Yu's super detector as a guide, he can't bring the empty shell of the Fuyou back to the Cancer Star Region. In that case, things will become extremely troublesome. However, the meaning of this sentence is conveyed in place.

Xi Kaijiang said: "I know you are in trouble now, but if the problem on my side is not solved, it will be even more troublesome. So no matter what, you have to stay here to help me solve the problem of this batch of goods. I can't give you a specific time. I can only tell you that I will do it as soon as possible!"

Tong Fang said: "Even if I can wait, Mr. Lu can't wait!"

Xi Kaijiang said: "Goods are goods, Mr. Lu is Mr. Lu, I just want you to help me sort out these goods again so that people will not doubt their origins, but Mr. Lu does not need to stay here..."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Lu Yu, and continued: "In fact, there is something that Mr. Lu needs to do right now..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "You've assigned me a job so soon?"

Xi Kaijiang said: "Mr. Lu, don't misunderstand. This is not my arrangement for you, nor is it the arrangement given to you by His Majesty the God King. In fact, this is your own arrangement for yourself..."

Lu Yu was confused: "What is it?"

Xi Kaijiang said: "Didn't you specifically ask us to ensure the safety of your companions? Now there are two family letters sent from the Cancer Star Region, which should be reporting safety to you. They were delivered by His Majesty the God King in a special way, and only you can open them."

Lu Yu was stunned: "Where is it?"

Xi Kaijiang glanced at him: "Of course not here... It's in Kunlun Mountain, please follow me!"

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