Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2429: Stars Converge

When Lu Yu thought of this, his mind suddenly became clear, and he seemed to have a feeling of blessing.

"No, I don't need your immortality. I have my own meaning of existence, and the meaning of my existence is immortality!"

Lu Yu responded loudly.

At the same time, red silk threads flew out of his body, just like the other party was entangled with himself, and entangled with the other party in the opposite direction.

"Low-level living beings... Do you know what you are saying?"

All the lines of the ghost face moved, as if it was mocking Lu Yu.

The next moment, more black lines flew out from the ghost face, not only tightly entangled the red lotus on Lu Yu's body, but also deeply penetrated Lu Yu's body.

Instantly, the red lotus cracked inch by inch, almost collapsing, which was a sign that had never appeared in the past battles; Lu Yu's body also became erratic, like a false mirage, which could dissipate with the wind at any time in the next second.

However, even so, Lu Yu's eyes were still firm.

He stared at the exaggerated ghost face in front of him, paused for a word, and said slowly: "I may not be able to have eternal life, but as long as I leave a trace of existence in this life, it may become eternal!"

The voice fell.

The red lotus bloomed again.

Even if it was dragged into the mysterious dimension by the power of the demon and then cracked inch by inch, it had to grow against the trend.

The petals continued to bloom, and every time a petal bloomed, it was cut by the mysterious power and turned into powder, but the blooming petals of the red lotus seemed endless, one after another, and inexhaustible.

"No matter where you come from, no matter what kind of existence you are, but here, it is my home court... Otherwise, why do you think I brought you here?"

These words seemed to have infinite magic, and countless stars flashed in the surrounding universe and starry sky in an instant, as if the originally dark weapon was suddenly connected to the power supply.

Beams of starlight broke through the darkness, spanning billions of miles, and all shone on Lu Yu.

Starlight traction.

The lotus seed in his body was originally planted by his mother, and later it was officially activated after Senior Tianjian and his father pulled the starlight for purification... Therefore, his cultivation already has the ability to pull the starlight, but the effect is very low, far less powerful than the star-gathering beads... But with his golden elixir, all this has changed completely.

Now, he pulls the starlight from all over the sky with his own power.

Countless star powers converge on him.

Lu Yu's whole body is full of dazzling brilliance, and even his eyes have become dazzling stars.

At this moment, his power is filled to an unprecedented state.

In fact, this is his real purpose...

In the outer world, the star power cannot reach, and his power is greatly restricted. As long as he leaves the outer world, the situation is instantly reversed.

This is the real reason why he asked Tong Fang to drive the Fuyou back to the heavens and the worlds no matter what the cost, and it is not just for the mercy of keeping everyone alive.

At this moment, the power of the stars converged in one body, and the place where Lu Yu was located became the most shining place in the heavens and the worlds.

The endless power of the stars continued to pour into the ghost face in front of him, whether it was the red line he emitted or the black line emitted by the other party, they all became his channels.

The ghost face in front of him was the demon, and the existence of the demon was that special dimension. At this moment, it was no longer a battle between the two, but a collision between two dimensions.

However, even though the power of the demon was strong, even though the dimension it was in was extremely special, it did not have the ability to share multiple dimensions like Lu Yu, and it could not withstand such a huge force impact for a while.

The final result was obvious.

The ghost face was torn into pieces in front of Lu Yu and was swallowed up in the starlight.

On the contrary, the damaged red lotus persisted until the end, the cracks were healed, and it was reborn.

The elusive demon was finally completely destroyed, and his power also disappeared completely, without a trace.

The sacred flame had long gone out, and the Jinkun beast had fallen into silence. Only the starlight was still shining here, almost eternal.

As Lu Yu had just said, perhaps he himself could not achieve eternity, but the traces of his existence could achieve eternity... As long as the stars in the sky were not extinguished, the traces of his existence would not be erased.

The whole process lasted for an unknown period of time.

Finally, the starlight gradually went out, and the pupils in Lu Yu's eyes gradually returned to their normal colors.

A black bead appeared in front of him, dark and plain, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it... However, it was suspended in the air, and as long as your eyes focused on the bead, a shallow pattern would float on the surface of the bead, which was exactly the ghost face pattern before.

Lu Yu frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, held the black bead in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

The ghost face pattern on it became clearer, half true and half false, like a dream, between reality and illusion... It was very similar to the moment when he faced the ghost in person before.

I didn't expect that although the demon was destroyed, there was such a bead left... What does this mean?

Does it represent its power and is it still possible to revive?

Or, just like the lotus seed he possessed, this black bead was actually also a "Demon Seed"?

"I'll take this thing away, do you have any objection?"

Lu Yu calmly put the black bead into his arms, and then glanced at Tong Fang beside him.

On the entire Fuyou, besides Lu Yu himself, the only person still alive was Tong Fang.

In fact, at that moment before, Lu Yu did not deliberately hold back. At that time, his whole body and mind were thinking about how to destroy the demon, so how could he care about Tong Fang around him?

Unexpectedly, Tong Fang still survived under the ravages of the starlight. This was naturally not due to his own strength, but relying on the protection of the power of the Great Evolution God King.

From this, it can be seen that the power of the Great Evolution God King is indeed extraordinary. The reason why it is not as effective as the power of the red lotus in restraining the power of the demon is just the mutual restraint between the attributes.

"Killing the demon is all thanks to your power... This is what you deserve, so why should I have any objection?" Tong Fang said weakly.

Lu Yu said: "That being said... But after all, you have paid a great price. Let's put it this way. I only need this bead this time, and the rest of the monster bones are all yours... In addition, there should be a lot of dead fish in the outer world. In this way, your losses can be roughly compensated!"

After this battle, although the personnel had evacuated in advance.

But as expected before, as early as the moment when the sacred fire raged, all the formation facilities on the ship had been burned to ashes, and the Fuyou was left with only an empty shell... Although their plan was indeed successful, they paid a huge price for it.

Fortunately, when the personnel evacuated before, they had taken away all the bones of the death shadow that had moved to No. 6, otherwise the loss would be even greater.

Tong Fang shook his head with a wry smile: "What's the point of talking about loss or not... Our purpose this time was to send you to the Central World without anyone noticing, but you just now, it seems that all our efforts have been wasted!"

The scene of the stars gathering just now left a very deep impression on Tong Fang. He had never seen such a scene in his life... If this scene fell into the eyes of other people with intentions, they would definitely see the clues.

In this way, their lurking plan can be considered a failure.

However, Lu Yu was not disappointed at all. He smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter... Isn't there your Majesty the Great Yan God King? Long before I set off, I asked him to hide my whereabouts for me. Now he will find a way to clean up this mess."

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