Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2426 Paper Submission

In the illusion of thoughts, Lu Yu experienced another round of fierce attacks.

This time, it was a black sphere of stars. Because they merged with the background color of the sky, Lu Yu was not sure how many stars there were, but judging from the feeling, it was more fierce than the previous round of attacks.

The earth was completely filled with black, and the original green had long disappeared.

Under the cover of black, even the scene of thousands of holes could not be seen. The endless smoke and dust rolled and rolled. This scene was quite similar to the form of the demon in the outside world.

In a black world, only the red lotus that Lu Yu incarnated was still as red as fire, immortal and indestructible.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet began to float irregularly. Lu Yu was slightly startled and looked up at the sky. He saw that the originally dark sky was flickering and began to float irregularly.

Although he didn't know the specific situation outside, he had a rough judgment in his mind. When he saw this scene, he understood that he and Tianmo had entered the tire pressure array.

Although this is a fantasy world constructed by thoughts, thoughts must also rely on entities to exist. In other words, changes in the external environment will affect the entities they leave in the outside world, and then affect the world of thoughts here.

At this time, the irregular floating of the sky and the earth obviously gave him a very familiar feeling, which was the frequency of the tire pressure creeping.

The reason why the originally dark sky appeared bright or dark was because it was affected by the tire pressure array.

Sure enough, after a while, a golden luster appeared in the sky, and it could be vaguely seen that it was a very huge giant.

It was like a great white shark lurking in the deep sea, occasionally floating on the water, allowing people to get a glimpse of it between the turbulent waves.

Countless black star spheres exploded one after another, which was the result of their direct collision with the golden giant in the sky.

After this collision, the golden giant revealed more parts... Lu Yu realized that the part he had seen was just the tip of the iceberg of the giant. In fact, its entire body may have spanned the entire sky.

It is indeed the Golden Kun Beast...

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There is no doubt that the giant in the sky must be the legendary Golden Kun Beast... Just like Lu Yu, in this fantasy world built by thoughts, without the constraints of material foundation, thoughts are the source of power, and the Golden Kun Beast also revealed its original body.

However, it must be said that this was actually somewhat beyond Lu Yu's expectations... Originally, he thought that the Golden Kun Beast would appear in the form of a skeleton. After all, the power of the tire pressure formation also comes from its skeleton, but he didn't expect it to recover to a complete physical state...

Does this mean that there is actually a powerful mental body hidden inside the Fuyou, just like the Emperor Shuntian who was originally hidden inside the Ark of the Other Shore?

Lu Yu did not continue to dig deeper. No matter what the truth was, it had little to do with the situation he was facing now.

With the appearance of the Jinkun beast, it also joined this world war. Although it smashed countless black stars into pieces as soon as it appeared, it did not reverse the passive situation. It was also stuck in the mud and could not get out.

It was just that it and Lu Yu were one in the sky and one on the ground.

The power of the demon was too strong after all. Even if the power of the Jinkun beast was added, it was still a drop in the bucket for the overall situation...

However, this still won Lu Yu a chance to breathe. Taking this opportunity, Lu Yu began to stretch his body and expand his power.

The red lotus seemed to be nourished by rain and dew, and it grew rapidly. In just a blink of an eye, its shape expanded by more than a thousand times.

Although it was a drop in the bucket, and although the situation was still difficult at this time, it was at least developing in a good direction.

Next, both Lu Yu and the Jinkun beast needed to wait for another opportunity.

Perhaps when the next opportunity comes, they can completely reverse the situation.

And the next opportunity will depend on the outside world.

On the Fuyou, Tong Fang looked at Lu Yu in front of him, and his jaw almost dropped.

He looked at Lu Yu in front of him, and then looked at the black lotus in the tire pressure array, his eyes moving back and forth between the two, he could hardly believe his eyes...

In the tire pressure array, the black lotus remained. If he remembered correctly, the black lotus was hiding Lu Yu's true body... He was still in the tire pressure array, how could a new Lu Yu suddenly appear now?

What on earth was going on?

After a while, he found that Lu Yu's expression was a little stiff, he had been smiling all the time, and there was no other expression... He suddenly reacted.


Tong Fang stretched out his hand to test it, and found that Lu Yu in front of him was just an illusion, and his entity was actually just a thin piece of paper, which was the unique feature of puppetry.

Tong Fang's expression suddenly became more shocked...

I didn't expect that I was actually fooled by a puppet technique. Although it was because of my distraction, it was still incredible.

What was even more exaggerated was that Lu Yu actually performed puppetry in such an environment...

You have to know that in the outer world, all methods are forbidden. Even he himself cannot cast spells in such an environment. He can only drive the power in his body in the most primitive way. How did Lu Yu make such a spell work independently?

With Tong Fang's experience of thousands of voyages in the outer world, he couldn't figure out how Lu Yu did it... This is simply horrifying!

But no matter how unbelievable he is, the incident has really happened in front of him, and he can only choose to accept this fact.

"Mr. Lu, what do you want?" Tong Fang asked with difficulty.

This is the first time he has seen such a high degree of simulation puppetry, and Lu Yu must have a deep meaning for leaving such a puppetry here... No matter from which aspect, he can't treat Lu Yu in front of him as a puppet, but as Lu Yu's spokesperson.

However, facing Lu Yu, he didn't answer. He still smiled on his face and kept making gestures repeatedly.

Tong Fang realized that this puppetry actually has its drawbacks. At least he can't speak like a real person... But for communication, this level is enough.

After repeating it several times, Tong Fang quickly understood the puppet's intention.

"Do you want me to find the nearest landing point, leave the outer world directly, and return to the heavens and the worlds?" Tong Fang confirmed.

The puppet stopped the gesture and nodded with a smile.

With the nod, his figure gradually turned into a piece of paper and fell to the ground.

Tong Fang was stunned.

There is no doubt that returning to the heavens and the worlds directly without any reconnaissance and intelligence is a very risky move.

However, compared with the feat of hunting the demon, is there anything more risky than this?

Tong Fang looked at the paper on the ground, then looked at the black lotus in the tire pressure formation, and finally gritted his teeth.

"All generals, listen to the order, turn left and full rudder, full speed ahead!"

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