Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2421 Holy Fire Shelter

After repeated battles, Lu Yu already had a certain understanding of the existence of the demon.

Although the entire extraterrestrial world is extremely chaotic, and various monsters are fighting on their own, and there seems to be no deep connection, in fact they all have a unified source of power, and that is the devil.

To a certain extent, the relationship between the demons and various monsters is like a huge ant kingdom. Each demon is the king of an ant nest, and various kinds of monsters are derived from it. Monsters are equivalent to various ants with different functions in an anthill.

Of course, it seems that the various monsters do not show clear division of labor and cooperation like ants, but Lu Yu feels that this is just a superficial phenomenon. The cooperation between them should be manifested in a way that ordinary people cannot understand at all. Other areas.

After all, this is an extraterrestrial world. Its material foundation, living environment, power composition, and other factors are completely different from those of the heavens and worlds. Naturally, it cannot be speculated according to the standards of the heavens and worlds.

As for the relationship between the many heavenly demons, this is beyond the scope of Lu Yu's understanding. After all, so far, he has not even dealt with a single heavenly demon head-on.

"Okay, I have nothing to do anyway. Head Tong, can you tell me about the previous scenes when you encountered the demon?" Lu Yu said.

At this time, he and Tong Fang had returned to the position of the skull, controlling the movements of the entire Fuyou.

Due to Lu Yu's tough attitude, Tong Fang did not say anything to refute. The two of them had basically reached a consensus and were ready to try to contact the demon head-on... As for the next step after the contact, whether to fight or flee, we will decide when the time comes. It depends on the specific situation.

For Lu Yu, it would be best to be able to kill a demon, but if there is no chance, it would be very helpful for him to take the opportunity to learn first-hand information about the demon.

However, although the plan has been set, things cannot be rushed. At least they must wait until the tire pressure circle has completely digested Death Shadow No. 1. Otherwise, they have no other means to deal with large monsters, let alone Talk about fighting against the devil.

Lu Yu's ability can only provide auxiliary effects. In real battles, he still has to rely on the cooperation of various formation systems on the floating ship.

To a certain extent, the tire pressure array on the Fuyou is very similar to the Kuangsha array on the other side of the Ark. Both are the trump cards of their respective battleships. Naturally, they have to wait for the service fuel consumption to clear their stomachs before they can fight again. .

Therefore, now has become a short truce window. With Lu Yu's keen perception, there is no need to worry about running into large monsters again at this time, so this is what Lu Yu said, "Idleness is idle anyway"...

"That happened a long time ago..." Tong Fang had a complicated look in his eyes, and his tone was full of emotion: "I encountered the demon three times in total, and there was actually nothing to say about the process. I didn't see its true form at all. Looks like..."

"Have you never seen what it looks like?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "Then how do you know for sure which demon you encountered?"

"Feeling." Tong Fang replied, his voice full of bitterness.

"It's a very strange feeling. When facing other monsters, you can still see the demonic energy surging, and see the gradual invasion of the power of the demon. But when facing the demon himself, there is no such chance. …”

"For a moment, you will feel as if the blood in your body has solidified. You can't even move a finger. You can only feel the boundless cold..."

"This is still my level of cultivation. As for those whose cultivation is not as good as mine, they will immediately explode and die, but only their spiritual thoughts will die, and their torn bodies will be controlled by the power of the devil. Under constant aggregation and fission, many deformed and twisted monsters are reorganized...

"That was a scene that would never appear in hell. After three encounters with the devil, my crew members changed three batches, and no one could survive..."

Lu Yu tried to imagine such a scene, and suddenly goosebumps appeared on his body... He immediately shook his head quickly, expelling the horrific scene from his mind, and asked: "In this case, what about these three times?" How did you survive? Didn’t you say you couldn’t even move your fingers?”

"Of course it's because of the blessing of His Majesty the God King." Tong Fang said, "In fact, when His Majesty the God King built the Fuyou, he had already anticipated that such a situation would occur, so he applied a seal on the keel of the back. A core protection..."

"Once the power of the demons invading the Fuyou exceeds a certain limit, this core protection will come into play. At that time, the holy fire will baptize every corner of the Fuyou and burn all the powers of the demons... This is how I survived these three experiences."

Lu Yu understood... It turned out that the God King Dayan had tampered with the Fuyou in advance. The power of the demon outside the territory was indeed strange, but as a God King left over from the ancient era, his power of the red square blazing sun was natural. It also has a unique feature. Under the raging fire of his holy fire, all the monsters were reduced to ashes. Only Tong Fang, who also believed in the power of the holy fire, survived in such an environment.

It can be seen that Tong Fang's belief in the God King Dayan is indeed very devout.

However, it can be predicted that after such a baptism of burning, the loss of Fuyou must be extremely heavy. Not only did it lose all the crew members, but also all the formation systems on the ship were burned to ashes.

Although Tong Fang did not say it explicitly, it must have taken a very long time for Fuyou to regain its combat power after such a baptism.

"So, if the situation is not good on this trip, Fuyou will also ignite the holy fire and clear all the power of the demons, right? So, at least this time we will not worry about our lives..." Lu Yu said.

Tong Fang glanced at him: "It's just that I won't worry about my life. As for you, young master... you may feel that you have experienced the power of His Majesty the God King, but in fact, what you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg... If you also want to be under the protection of the holy fire, my suggestion is that you don't take this opportunity to convert to the holy fire? With your understanding, it must not be a difficult thing..."

Lu Yu smiled but said nothing.

At other times, if he was facing the danger of death, he might have considered it.

But now that he has reached the Golden Core, the multi-dimensional transformation of the red lotus has long been familiar to him. No matter how violent the power of the Red Blazing Sun's sacred flame is, as long as the Great Yan God King does not take action personally, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to him... You must know that his initial purpose of comprehending the mystery of the lotus outside the lotus is to restrain the power of the Great Yan God King.

Perhaps, the power of the Red Blazing Sun is stronger than the power of the Heavenly Demon, but in terms of the degree of weirdness, the power of the Heavenly Demon is still better. Now Lu Yu can divide the power of the Heavenly Demon in multiple dimensions, and the power of the Red Blazing Sun is no longer a threat to him.

This does not mean that the power of the Heavenly Demon is more advanced than that of the Red Blazing Sun, but the mutual restraint between different power characteristics.

"You don't need to worry about this!" Lu Yu patted Tong Fang's shoulder with a bright smile on his face, "Since you, Master Tong, have told me the truth, I am more confident... Well, the time is almost up, let's catch some big fish first!"

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