Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2418: Deep into the Darkness

The Fuyou gradually entered the deeper outer world area.

According to Tong Fang, due to the existence of special turbulence, the deeper you go into the area, the faster the driving speed will be, similar to entering a high-speed passage... But in Lu Yu's senses, he did not feel the turbulence. The number speed becomes faster.

He didn't think that Tong Fang had made a mistake. With the other party's experience of traveling back and forth to the outside world thousands of times, it was impossible for him to make a mistake on this kind of thing. He could only say that the existence of this special turbulence was beyond his control. Cognition seems slow but is actually fast and cannot be judged by common sense.

Human senses are not necessarily accurate. There are many similar examples, not only in the outside world, but also in all the heavens and worlds. There are also many things that are difficult to explain with common sense. One of the most obvious examples is the Great World of Huangtian. The time flow rate...

Who would have thought that in a world below at low latitudes, the flow of time there would be ten times that of the outside world. Lu Yu has traveled to so many places so far, and apart from the great world of Huangtian, he has never encountered it elsewhere. There was no way of knowing what caused a similar situation... Regarding this issue, he also specifically asked Su Qinghe, but the other party also could not give an explanation.

There are still so many incredible things within the scope of all heavens and all realms, let alone outside the scope of all heavens and all realms? Based on everything he has seen so far, Lu Yu himself feels that this is a place more mysterious and unpredictable than the world.

"Why don't you go deeper?" After a while, Lu Yu suddenly asked.

Tong Fang turned around and looked at him in surprise: "How do you know we stopped going deep..."

Looking at his appearance, he obviously thought that Lu Yu had understood the various operating signals on the Fuyou, so that he could accurately judge the specific movements of the Fuyou from some tiny details... This means Now he can even directly control the Fuyou.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, the truth was naturally not the case.

The Fuyou adopts a completely different operating method from ordinary warships. Not to mention that the various flags are extremely complicated. In the absence of external reference, it is impossible for him to figure out what the various flags correspond to in such a short period of time. instructions, it is impossible to know the corresponding effects of various instructions... not to mention that he has no time to pay attention to these.

The truth is that he has been paying close attention to the changes in the perception of the demon's power. During the previous journey, he continued to sense that the demon's power was gradually becoming stronger, but this change suddenly stopped just now. From this, he judged that the Fuyou had stopped going deep.

Judging from Tong Fang's reaction at this time, there is no doubt that his judgment is accurate, which also verifies that his perception of the power of the demon is also accurate.

Lu Yu did not explain too much to him, but instead said: "Didn't you say that the deeper you go into the area, the faster the turbulence will be? In this case, why don't we continue to go deeper... Is it to stop here for hunting?"

Tong Fang said: "We do plan to hunt here next, but this is not the main reason... This is the deepest area we have ever reached. If we go deeper, I don't know what will be waiting for us. What is..."

Lu Yu said: "Since you don't know, why don't you go in and take a look? Originally, I thought Master Tong that you were going to challenge yourself and break through your limits, but unexpectedly you're still standing still!"

Tong Fang smiled bitterly: "We have now exceeded the limit... This is indeed the greatest depth we have ever reached, but the last time we reached this depth, we only lasted for a moment and then immediately moved out... So , we have now made history.”

Lu Yu stared at the darkness ahead and said with deep eyes: "I think you can continue to challenge again. Since you have already created history, why not create a bigger history? What's more..."

As he spoke, he paused, looked back in the direction of the tire pressure circle, and continued: "Now that the long-tailed scorpion has been digested, your tire pressure circle has been emptied. If you don't take the opportunity, hurry up now." Wouldn’t it be a pity to catch a ‘big fish’?”

"Master Lu, are you sure?" Tong Fang stared at him and said, "Anyway, I have already prepared to return to the Holy Fire... But if something unexpected happens after we continue to go deeper, then Master, you Maybe we’ll never reach the Western Star Territory!”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I believe we won't have any accidents... What's more, you also know that I have a three-year contract with your God King. Compared with accidents, I am more worried about the longer delay on the road. time……"

Tong Fang looked at him in shock, not knowing what to say.

He always felt that there seemed to be something behind Lu Yu's words...

Obviously they had just experienced an accident not long ago. The long-tailed scorpion suddenly turned into a double-tailed scorpion, which almost caused them to be wiped out... But now Lu Yu swore that there would be no accident. He really didn't know where this guy's confidence came from...

Originally he thought that what he was doing now was bold and radical enough, but he didn't expect that Lu Yu was even more bold and radical than him.

"Okay! Since Mr. Lu, you have such a request, then I will naturally try my best to satisfy it... After all, this is also the instruction of His Majesty the God King!" Tong Fang finally made up his mind and said.

He said that this was "the instructions of His Majesty the God King", but in fact it was because he had great confidence in Lu Yu. After all, Lu Yu's previous series of performances had fully proved how magical and powerful the lotus he possessed was. In some aspects, he even thought that Lu Yu's performance was even better than that of the Great Yan God King.

Although he was unwilling, he had to admit a fact... that is, the legendary lotus seed actually has the potential to rival the God King.

Perhaps it was for this reason that His Majesty the God King chose this person and gave him unprecedented support... Before this, Tong Fangke had never seen His Majesty the God King show such an attitude to people outside the Freemasonry.

Soon, Tong Fang gave a new order, and the Fuyou began to leap into deep space again.

Lu Yu finally felt that the power of the demon was gradually increasing again.

His eyes were like candlelight in the dark, shining brightly, revealing an expectant look.

Just like Tong Fang wanted to take the opportunity to hunt, the reason of saving time was only secondary. His real purpose was to explore deeper areas and find out what the source of the ubiquitous demon power was...

Because in the previous confrontation between Red and Black, he found that the power of the red lotus and the power of the demon actually had extremely similar properties.

This is not to say that there is any close connection between the power of the red lotus and the power of the demon, but the operation mode of the demon power, which is a highly combined spiritual attack and power attack, has great reference significance for him.

Yes, although the power of the demon is extremely evil and terrifying, it has great reference value for him.

You must know that he himself also has extremely powerful spiritual power and extremely mysterious red lotus power. If he can combine these two, he will definitely be able to raise his own power to a new level...This will be of great help to him in completing the task next.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Even if it delays some time, as long as the strength is improved, everything is worth it.

Moreover, this may not delay time, but save time.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he can find the source of the power of the demon and solve the mystery.

Lu Yu slowly closed his eyes and closely sensed the changes in the surrounding force field.

Suddenly, a chill came over him, and he instantly felt a warning.

He suddenly opened his eyes again and smiled happily: "I said that it would be good luck to go this way... Mr. Tong, a big fish has come!"

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