Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2413 The Power of the Devil

In the outer world, the laws are broken.

This statement is actually not accurate. The outer world also has laws. Otherwise, how could there be meteorites, dust, and even interstellar clouds, and a large number of outer monsters? If the laws are completely broken, then this place should have been a collapsed black hole.

All of this undoubtedly fully demonstrates that this is actually a stable world, but the laws that prevail in this world are completely different from those inherent laws in the heavens and the worlds, which creates a false impression of "laws collapsing".

In fact, through Lu Yu's perception and observation over this period of time, he found that it was not the laws that collapsed, but the energy here.

In the myriad worlds, the reason why the mysteries of various laws can take effect is that there are various forms of energy that respond to the mysteries of the laws... For example, the third-level spiritual energy of heaven and earth responds to the mysteries of the stars, which forms the Dao Fa Great Star Sword Art; for example, the second-level Tian Gang Di Sha power responds to the golden elixir law, which forms the unique golden elixir field...

But in this land outside the domain today, it is a completely different situation. The starlight here is isolated, the whole world is dark, and no star power reaches here. Due to the lack of the first-level star power, there is no subsequent second, third, and even fourth-level energy derivatives. In this way, the mysteries of the laws that have been comprehended in the myriad worlds will have no place to use.

In such an environment, people can only rely on their own strength, that is, the true essence stored in the body.

However, when using their own true essence, they must be very cautious, because once the true essence of the body is consumed, it cannot be replenished, at least there is no conventional means to replenish it. It is necessary to wait until Fuyou leaves the world outside the domain and returns to the myriad worlds before it can begin to recover.

From this point of view, Lu Yu's power has also been greatly affected, but at the same time he also has a huge advantage that others cannot match, that is, his Nine-Nine Lotus Golden Core Construction... Nine-Nine Lotus is the result of twisting across multiple dimensions, which means that it has the ability to connect multiple dimensions.

In this case, even if he only relies on his own strength, he can break through the limitations of dimensions, thereby transferring the offensive power of the monster's tail to other dimensions. Although the effect of this is not as good as the lotus outside the lotus, it can also greatly weaken the opponent's offensive ability, thereby achieving the effect of a head-on confrontation with it.

However, in order to achieve this goal, there are two conditions that must be met at the same time... First, the offensive launched by the monster's tail must be transferable. The so-called invasion of the power of the demon is a power attack, not a mental attack.

Second, there are also multiple dimensions in the extraterritorial world, and they are the same as the multi-dimensional worlds.

Only when these two conditions are met at the same time, Lu Yu's plan to head-on against the monster's tail can work.

And once this plan works, it also proves his point of view at the same time-it is not the law that is broken, but the energy form here that is broken.

At this moment, Lu Yu was not absolutely sure that his guess was correct, but he felt that it was worth taking a risk... More importantly, he had no other better choice. He either had to grit his teeth and face the challenge, or wait for everyone to die together.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind in a flash, and he did not drag his feet at the moment, and went straight to the brand-new monster's tail.

The red lotus shone on his body. Due to the lack of the response of the star power, this red lotus was extremely weak and the color was very light. If you don't pay close attention, you can hardly detect its existence, which is completely different from the previous golden elixir scene.

The monster's tail has extremely keen perception, and immediately noticed Lu Yu's approach, and the sharp barbs on the tail swung towards Lu Yu.

At the same time, the rolling black air around was rolling wildly, like the bloody mouth of a ferocious beast, wanting to swallow him whole.

Everyone couldn't help but sweat.

Even if he successfully formed the golden elixir, Lu Yu's current cultivation has just left the realm of virtual saint and barely entered the realm of manifest saint... In comparison, he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of a ferocious beast, with no room for resistance at all.

The previous Donglin City strongmen, whose apparent strength far exceeded his, were helpless under the monster's attack... Can he really turn the situation around now just relying on him?

In any case, everyone is full of expectations for his performance, because he is everyone's last hope...

Even Tong Fang can't help but be full of curiosity about Lu Yu's performance... He doesn't know the behind-the-scenes deal between Lu Yu and the Big Eyed God King, nor does he know Lu Yu's true strength, but the Great Yan God King personally ordered him to be escorted to the Western Star Region, and also instructed not to test Lu Yu's bottom, all of which is an indisputable fact... It is precisely because of these reasons that he also wants to know what is so unusual about this person that deserves such special treatment from His Majesty the God King?

But Lu Yu, who was facing the monster's long tail and at the center of the offensive, didn't have so many thoughts. For him, whether the multi-dimensional transfer guidance can be effective is an objective certainty and will not depend on his will... What he needs to consider The only thing is how to withstand the opponent's fierce offensive in the first place, so as to win and transfer it.

To put it more bluntly, that is how he can withstand the invasion of the first wave of demon power... Judging from many previous examples, this is not an easy task. Many people have only scratched the surface. The demonization begins immediately...

The monster's tail with barbs was directed towards Lu Yu's face. The distance was still more than ten feet away. Lu Yu already felt cold all over his body. A tingling sensation came over his brain, and then his vision went dark... It was just pure physics. His vision turned black, but he did not lose consciousness.

At this moment, Lu Yu realized that he had made a mistake after all... The so-called demonic power was neither a pure power attack nor a spiritual attack, but a mixed attack between the two.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned. This was indeed far beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that such an attack method existed...

In fact, he has a lot of experience in both strength confrontation and mental confrontation, but now it is a hybrid offensive between the two, which really touches his blind spot of knowledge.

But no matter what, the matter has come to this, no matter how difficult it is, he can only grit his teeth and persevere...

So, in the sight of everyone, Lu Yu used a red lotus to resist the attack of the monster's tail. The red lotus quickly turned into black, as if it was soaked in ink... However, Just when it was about to turn completely black, the last touch of red suddenly burst out, turning the entire lotus into red again...

One red and one black compete with each other in the lotus flower, switching back and forth.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Anyway, this is the first time that someone has dealt with the invasion of the devil's power in this way... On the surface, it seems that he has really successfully resisted the monster's tail. Although he is not as cool and calm as Tong Fang, at least he can resist it. He didn't become demonized on the spot.

The scene seemed to be at a stalemate...

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