Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 241 Drinking from a big bowl and eating meat with a big mouthful

In order to leave sufficient preparation time for the city lord, Ding Huaixiu did not rush back. He first counted the team, re-lined up, and guarded the luxurious carriage in a solemn and solemn manner, and then walked in neatly. Heading towards the city.

Not long after, the cavalry lined up to guard the carriage and arrived in front of a magnificent mansion.

At this time, the front door of the mansion was decorated with lights and joy. The whole mansion, men, women, old and young, lined up neatly to welcome the grand arrival.

"Panshui Town Governor Jiang Yuanzhou and the whole government respectfully welcome the Immortal Master Dali! The Immortal Master's presence will make our mansion shine!"

An old man in rich clothes, about fifty years old, stood in front of the door of the mansion and said loudly and respectfully, so excited that his body could not help but tremble slightly.

Panshui City is just a small border town. No matter the size or the importance of the city, it is far from comparable to other giant cities around it. Although Jiang Yuanzhou has been the city lord for most of his life, he has never had any problems with Dali. Opportunities for direct contact with the top leaders of Jianzong.

Now, two core disciples of the Dali Sword Sect have arrived, and they are also core disciples with the mission of recruiting disciples. He can't help but feel that his opportunity has come. As long as he seizes this opportunity and manages it well, he might be able to Climb the high branches of Dali Sword Sect. In this way, if there is friction with other surrounding cities in the future, you no longer have to look up to others and act based on other people's faces!

As he finished speaking, fireworks were set off, ritual music was played, flowers were blooming all around, and the reception was unprecedentedly large.

Seeing that everything was being carried out meticulously according to the plan, Jiang Yuanzhou was filled with pride, secretly thinking that such a grand welcome ceremony would definitely leave a deep impression on the immortal masters of the Dali Sword Sect.

"Oh, it's so lively!"

Suddenly, a discordant voice disrupted the originally enthusiastic atmosphere.

I saw a burly man with a scarred face walking into the field. His carefree appearance seemed incompatible with the flowery atmosphere around him.

"Two venerables, look! I was right in calling you here! The people of Panshui City are indeed very enthusiastic!"

As the scar-faced man walked, he looked back at the carriage behind him and said, but that ugly face full of flesh gave people a malicious feeling no matter how you looked at it.

Jiang Yuanzhou couldn't help but be confused for a moment.

What's happening here?

Didn't Ding Huaixiu say that the people he invited back were two immortal masters who had just come down from the Dali Sword Sect? How could there be such a vulgar guy walking at the front of the line?

This situation was completely out of his plan, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

"Are you the city lord of Panshui City?"

Lu Yu walked up to Jiang Yuanzhou and patted him hard on the shoulder.

"The little tricks are quite lively, but I wonder how the food here is going? The two venerables have already said that they want a big bowl of wine and a big mouthful of meat today. Are you ready?"

Jiang Yuanzhou was stunned.

He quietly glanced at the Wen sisters who were stepping out of the carriage, and saw that the two of them were radiant, with unfathomable strength, and they were indeed the demeanor of a master.

But the strange thing is that these two people did not express any objection to the behavior of this vulgar man.

Jiang Yuanzhou didn't know what was going on. He just felt that the scene of drinking from a big bowl and eating meat was incompatible with the two delicate Dali Immortal Masters behind him. This should probably be the vulgar guy himself. The right thing to ask for...

"The banquet has been prepared. We have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come here..."

Jiang Yuanzhou said bravely, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel depressed. It was precisely because of the existence of this vulgar guy that he couldn't even talk to the two Dali Immortal Masters.

After finally getting the scar-faced man over, Jiang Yuanzhou immediately seized the opportunity, grabbed Ding Huaixiu, and asked in a low voice.

"Commander Ding! What are you doing? Why do you invite everyone to my city lord's mansion!"

Ding Huaixiu had a sad face, feeling unjust.

"Master Jiang, this is not what I want to do! Without this brother Wang Tieyi, the two Dali Immortal Masters would not have accepted our invitation!"

Jiang Yuanzhou was startled: "What on earth is going on? Who is this person?"

So Ding Huaixiu told Jiang Yuanzhou the whole story.

After listening to Ding Huaixiu's words, Jiang Yuanzhou's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What are you talking about? This guy has been spotted by two Dali Immortal Masters, and they are going to take him back to take the entrance examination?"

"Yes! Not only that, but the two immortal masters also chose him as their guide, and he will lead them to various places to select more disciples!"

Ding Huaixiu said angrily.

"I really can't figure it out. When did the conditions for Dali Sword Sect to recruit disciples become so low? Even such a guy can fall under the eyes of two immortal masters!"

Jiang Yuanzhou couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly said excitedly: "Immediately go to each room to inform and let all the disciples in the mansion get ready. I will let them perform performances to the two Immortal Masters of Great Li at the banquet later!"

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