Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2392 Don’t worry

Lu Yu's words made Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin startled at the same time.

They naturally knew that this matter was not simple, but after what Lu Yu said, it became more and more strange.

"Who are you?" Chen Miaoxin asked.

Lu Yu smiled softly and did not answer directly, but a milky white halo burst out from his body, which was full of holy and mysterious aura.

"This is"

As soon as they saw this halo of light, Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin had incredible expressions on their faces at the same time, which was even more incredible than when they just saw Lu Yu using the Lotus Exogenous Lotus to resist the Star Destroying Dao offensive.

"Qiu Tong Palace! You are from Qiu Tong Palace!"

The two of them were surprised at the same time. Obviously, as the main force under Yongle Xianting, they were very familiar with the power mark of the Great Bixiao Saint, and they recognized it with almost no effort.

Lu Yu couldn't help but reveal a smile. At first, even Zhenhong Shenjun of Shence Mansion couldn't tell whether his power was real or fake. Naturally, he wasn't worried that the two people in front of him would notice the clues.

"Why does Qiutong Palace want to interfere in the affairs of our Six Paths Alliance?"

"What exactly do you Akitonomiya want to do?"

The two asked again and again.

"Don't you think you have too many problems?" Lu Yu sneered proudly, "I have already said, either leave forever or stay forever. If you don't want to leave, then stay forever!"

After speaking, Lu Yu waved his hands again to form a hand seal, this time showing the totem mark of the Peacock Ming King.

In an instant, the darkness retreated, and the space that was already about to be broken and filled with chaos suddenly bloomed.

Give off a strong light.

Golden lines appeared one after another, outlining the shapes of peacock totems. It seemed that the entire secondary space was responding to Lu Yu's power.

At this moment, Lu Yu seemed to be the god in this space.

"You actually colluded with the Peacock King Ming!"

"Are you crazy, Qiutong Palace? Just wait, I must report this matter to the Immortal Court!"

Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin were shocked and angry, and roared at the same time.

"You want to sue me?" Lu Yu sneered, his voice was like thunder, and it seemed that the whole space was roaring: "Let's wait until you can leave here!"

Countless peacock shadows broke free from the totem, spread their wings, opened their tail screens, and surged towards the two people's location from all directions with an overwhelming force.

There were shining lights and shadows everywhere between the sky and the earth, and the scene was even more exaggerated than the previous Star Destroying Dao offensive.

Seeing such a scene, how could Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin still have the slightest intention to challenge? Turn around and run away!

The two of them also used all their special moves, no longer caring about any hidden clumsiness. The totems of the Zhu Yan Dao and the Totem of the Abyss Dao appeared from their bodies at the same time.

At the critical juncture of life and death, the two actually showed an excellent tacit understanding. The beautiful beauty and the shadow of the abyss were cleverly combined together, erupting with extremely amazing power, which not only directly broke through the barrier of this secondary space. Barrier, and the trend continues unabated, directly turning into a bright light and rushing towards outer space.

It seemed that a surging galaxy was formed in the starry sky of the universe, and the two of them were entangled in this galaxy, and the quick hope was at the end of the starry sky.

This scene only made Lu

Mother and daughter Yu and Fu Jing were amazed.

It really is a vast world, and it is no surprise that there is still such power hidden in all the heavens and worlds. This is no longer a power that ordinary people can control, but the power of gods.

"Zhu Yan said, no wonder the Abyss Dao dares to play with fire like this. It turns out that there is a god who is endorsing them. It really is hidden!"

Lu Yu looked at the light disappearing at the end of the starry sky and said with emotion.

Although he seemed to be in a hurry just now, he could clearly see that it was the power above the Divine Lord that could break through the space barrier so quickly and fly away. Neither Chen Miaoxin nor Mo Lin had reached the level of the Divine Lord yet. Cultivation level above the realm, this can only mean that the gods behind them have hidden their power in their bodies in advance.

From this point of view, the temptation just now is worth it. Otherwise, if there is a real head-on confrontation with the power of the gods, it is really difficult to predict what the result will be.

"Did you just let them leave like this?" Huo Yunru asked.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "What else can we do? You have also seen that they are running away so fast. I can't stop them even if I want to!"

"But" Huo Yunru originally wanted to say, didn't you just say "choose one of the two"? The cruel words were so domineering, but then I thought about it, the matter was over anyway, and it would be useless to talk about it now.

Fu Jing said thoughtfully: "You were just bluffing, right? In fact, you haven't really mastered the power of King Peacock at all?"

Lu Yu smiled with relief: "

Or are your eyes poisonous enough? In fact, I have only scratched the surface of the power of the Peacock King. How can I truly control this space? But fortunately, these two people didn't notice it just now, otherwise, if they really stayed and fought hard, it would be really troublesome."

Only then did the mother and daughter truly understand Lu Yu's intentions. No wonder the scene just now seemed to be full of flowers and flowers, but in the end it did not pose any threat to Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin. It seemed that there was a feeling of loud thunder and light raindrops. It turned out that the crux was here. .

"You are so brave. If they were not scared away by your bluff just now, what are you going to do now?" Huo Yunru couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

Lu Yu said: "What else can we do? We can only accept their tricks! With the Lotus Exogenous Lotus here, even if the two of them join forces, they probably can't do anything to us. Even we can't do anything to them either. Both sides can only Staring at Qian, I don’t know how long it will take. Fortunately, such trouble did not happen! "

There is no doubt that the defensive capabilities of the Lotus Outside the Lotus have been fully verified, but it can only defend passively. If you want to use the cutting area generated by the sudden activation of the Lotus Outside the Lotus to attack, this move can only deal with Cang. Disciples of Yundao would definitely not be able to work with masters like Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin. In the final analysis, Lu Yu still had too few offensive methods.

Therefore, being able to scare away enemies in this way is already a good choice.

"But, you should know that they will definitely not give up, right?" Huo

Yunru added, "Besides, this scene just now must have been seen by other people in the Six Paths Alliance."

Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin worked together to break the space barrier and ran away quickly. This scene illuminated several stars in the sky. Naturally, they couldn't hide it from Cangyun Dao, Mie Xing Dao, He'an Dao and others who had just left.

"Don't worry about the other groups. When they see this scene just now, they will only hate themselves for not walking fast enough, and will not think about turning around to see what is going on here." Lu Yu analyzed and said.

"As for them, after returning to the Six Paths Alliance, it is indeed possible to come back with strong reinforcements, but that will be a long time ago. As long as we can resolve the matter smoothly before then, what do we have to worry about?"

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