Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 238 Beauty, where are you going?

A few days later, the envoys of Haixi Long Family came to Jade Butterfly Peak again.

However, this time they no longer had any airs, and looked completely sincere and enthusiastic. This surprised all the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples who had experienced the visit of Fourth Young Master Long before, and they did not know what the senior brother had done. This method can actually make the originally unruly Haixi Dragon people become so docile.

Moreover, they also brought 30,000 kilograms of Haixi molten crystal!

Senior brother is still strong!

All the disciples sighed in their hearts, even if he was doing hard labor in Wuwang Mountain, he could still get the in-demand Haixi Molten Crystal! And it’s still 30,000 gold in one go!

This equally large-scale visit and reception directly rekindled the fighting spirit of all Jade Butterfly Peak disciples.

So what if Senior Brother is not on Jade Butterfly Peak? Hasn’t he always protected the course of Jade Butterfly Peak!

Moreover, in the past few days, Lu Yu has been sending back a two-color communication talisman every day, starting with Qi Yunkai, followed by Qin Xiang, Chen Junsheng, Su Buyi and others, one every day, and every day has not failed.

In addition to greetings, the content of the summons will also explain specific matters to them and point them in the direction of doing things. This feeling is the same as in the past.

Anyway, Lu Yu was only responsible for grasping the general direction before. After giving instructions, he would either practice in seclusion or study the art of alchemy. Now he just changed the way of giving orders.

So, after this series of boosts, Jade Butterfly Peak gradually returned to its previous vibrant and prosperous atmosphere.

It seems that everything on Jade Butterfly Peak has returned to its original state.

Except for the Wen sisters...

The two sisters have become a little melancholy recently. The reason is that Lu Yu has been sending back messages one after another. Because all the core disciples have received Lu Yu's messages, only the two of them have never received them.

"Sister, do you think Senior Brother Yu has forgotten us?"

In the residence of the two of them, Wen Ruman sat in front of the mirror on the dressing table, speaking in a quiet tone and looking at herself in pity.

"Even Junior Brother Fang Gan received his two-color talisman, but we still have nothing. Senior Brother Yu is so heartless. Doesn't he know that we also care about him..."

"Maybe we will receive it tomorrow?" Wen Rulan said comfortingly, but her uncertain tone even made her feel sad.

"hope so……"

Wen Ruman looked at herself in the mirror, suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Sister, do you think there will be vixens like us on the other side of Wuwang Mountain who have lost Senior Brother Yu's soul?"

Wen Rulan's face turned slightly red and she couldn't help but spat: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you are willing to be a vixen, don't involve me!"

"Besides, with our looks, have you ever seen Senior Brother Yu be fascinated?"

Wen Ruman suddenly became depressed.

What my sister said was true. Although Senior Brother Yu was very good to them, he never broke the boundaries between men and women.

It seems that those like them are not good enough. Only those who are better than them will have a chance...

"It would be great if I could have an appearance like Deacon Yang..."

Wen Ruman suddenly sighed quietly.

Even with the confidence of the two sisters, they have to admit that Yang Chudie's appearance is indeed extremely beautiful, and Senior Brother Yu seems to particularly like to stay with her, running to the Mirror Garden in the back mountain from time to time...

"Sister, do you think Deacon Yang is the most beautiful woman in our Dali Sword Sect?" Wen Ruman asked again out of the blue.

Wen Rulan thought for a moment: "That's not necessarily true."

Wen Ruman was surprised: "Who else is more beautiful than Deacon Yang?"

Wen Rulan glanced at her: "Have you forgotten Master Yudie?"

Wen Ruman suddenly realized it and knocked on his head in frustration: "I actually forgot about her. She and Deacon Yang are twin sisters. They look exactly the same, so they are naturally equally beautiful..."

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Rulan, Ruman, have you fallen asleep?" A soft and pleasant female voice sounded.

The two sisters' expressions suddenly changed. Although they had only heard this voice a few times, their impression was extremely profound. Isn't this the voice of Deacon Yang?

The two sisters' hearts suddenly started to beat wildly, wondering whether Deacon Yang's spiritual sense was so powerful. They had just mentioned her, and she came to the door so quickly?

"Uncle Yang, why are you here suddenly...please come in..."

The two sisters opened the door bravely and greeted Yang Chudie.

Yang Chudie was not polite, walked directly into the room, looked at the furnishings in the room, and said:

"It's been a while since you guys came to Jade Butterfly Peak. I've never come over to take a good look at you. I came here this time just to see if you are used to living here? Is there anything you need to buy?"

"Master Yang, thank you for your trouble! We live very well here. Senior Sister Hongling often comes to take care of us. All the fellow apprentices are also very kind to us. We are very satisfied here!" Wen Rulan replied.

"That's good!"

Yang Chudie nodded slightly, and after asking a few specific details about life with concern, her tone suddenly changed.

"I heard that the two of you were disciples of the Zunyang Sect before joining our Dali Sword Sect, and your positions in it were not low?"

The two sisters were startled, wondering why Yang Chudie suddenly mentioned this issue.

However, Wen Rulan still answered truthfully: "Yes, we were once seventh-level fire masters of the Zunyang Sect. We left the Zunyang Sect because of conflicts with the middle and senior leaders of the sect. Later, after several twists and turns, we finally joined the Zixia Peak of the Dali Sword Sect. "

Yang Chudie nodded lightly: "Zunyang Sect is also a sect that is proficient in alchemy. No wonder you have such superb alchemy skills. It turns out that the foundation was laid back then... In this case, I have a mission here. , which is quite suitable for you to complete.”

The two sisters' hearts moved, and they immediately understood that this was the real purpose of Yang Chudie's sudden visit, so they cheered up and waited for her to say the next thing.

"You also know that our Jade Butterfly Peak has always had a small number of people. Now that the peak is vigorously developing the alchemy industry, it is a time when we are short of manpower. It just so happened that the Elders Council gave us Jade Butterfly Peak the quota to recruit an additional hundred new disciples. Although it is not much, if used properly, it can be a great help. Therefore, I want you to go down the mountain and recruit these one hundred disciples who are good at alchemy for Jade Butterfly Peak."

The two sisters were stunned at the same time. This was a major event related to the future rise and fall of Jade Butterfly Peak. They did not expect that Yang Chudie would entrust such an important task to them.

"Thank you, Master Uncle Yang, for your trust. However, we sisters are not very talented and have no experience in selecting disciples. I'm afraid it will delay the important events in the peak!" Wen Rulan declined politely.

"That's right, it would be okay if Uncle Yang asked us to be responsible for picking some materials, but how can we be asked to pick people?" Wen Ruman stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice.

But Yang Chudie insisted: "You two have high cultivation, have experience in walking in the secular world, and are proficient in alchemy. You are the most suitable candidates! Otherwise, you can talk about it. At this time Who else is more suitable than you on Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"I might as well tell you straight. Originally, this matter was supposed to be done by Lu Yu, but now that he is busy, this task can only be handed over to you. This is what Lu Yu meant."

After hearing Yang Chudie say that this was Lu Yu's decision, the two sisters finally stopped refusing.

Yang Chudie discussed with the two sisters the specific process of personnel handover after recruiting disciples, and finally said: "This matter is settled like this! You decide how to select people, I only have one request, and that is After you come down the mountain this time, your first stop must be Panshui City!”

The two sisters were stunned, wondering why Yang Chudie made such a request.

Why must we go to Panshui City first? Could it be that there are some unique geniuses out there?

Yang Chudie didn't explain too much, but just smiled meaningfully.

The next day, the Wen sisters packed their bags and went down the mountain.

Full of questions, they finally got off the boat at the dock in Panshui City after many twists and turns.

But as soon as they got off the boat, they were suddenly blocked by a big man with a scarred face.

I saw the scar-faced man with a sinister smile on his face, and said in a deliberately rough voice: "Two beauties, where are you planning to go? King Scar, may I go with these two beauties?"

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