Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2376 Mysterious Man

Soon, the news of Jinghai Caravan's city-wide purchasing spree spread throughout Heiliang City.

"What did you say?" Venerable Shenhe said in surprise, "People from the Jinghai Caravan are going on a shopping spree?"

"Yes." Xue Xiang responded, "You also know that our Sihai Chamber of Commerce has always been the largest customer of their Jinghai Caravan, so most of their procurement projects this time are also concentrated with us... After learning this news, I Very surprised too.”

Lord Shenhe pondered for a moment and asked, "What kind of materials are they purchasing?"

Xue Xiang replied: "I have carefully checked this aspect. Most of them are daily consumables and raw materials for alchemy. They do not involve any controlled strategic substances..."

Lord Shenhe fell silent again. This time he remained silent for a longer time without saying a word. It was obvious that he could not guess the other party's intention for a while.

"He Longtou, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Xue Xiang asked, "Should our Sihai Chamber of Commerce do this deal with them?"

Lord Shenhe turned to look at him and said slowly: "This is the Sihai Chamber of Commerce's own business. Xue Longtou, you can just make your own decision. There is no need for the council to discuss it."

Xue Xiang suddenly became very anxious: "He Longtou, please don't say that. Our Sihai Chamber of Commerce has always put the overall situation first and the interests of the entire Heiliang City first..."

Venerable Shenhe said: "Brother Xue, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else... Since the other party seems to be doing things according to the rules, you don't need to be too stressed, just do everything business!"

Xue Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I will follow their invitation, but in this case, their Jinghai Caravan..."

Venerable Shenhe said: "Business is business, and everything else is other things... You can do business as usual, but you must not take it lightly where you should be more vigilant. Their surveillance cannot be relaxed in any way. What they are doing now is probably just a It’s just a cover, maybe the Black Dragon Demon King is already on his way here!”

Xue Xiangdao: "Then...where is the mysterious figure behind our scenes?"

Venerable Shenhe's eyes flashed: "Don't worry, that adult will definitely arrive before the Black Dragon Demon King arrives!"

At the same time, Lu Yu and Shenmu Wang Ding were on top of the Jinghai flagship.

"It's done!" Shenmu Wangding said excitedly.

At this time, the two of them were repairing the big hole in the flagship.

Originally, the repair process was not so troublesome, but Lu Yu felt that since it was already broken, it would be better to simply modify it and change the position of the big hole into a skylight that can be moved freely, so that the next time we meet In a similar situation, there is no need to break the top cover, and the cooperation of the Divine Wood King Cauldron will become more flexible, allowing it to respond anytime and anywhere.

And on this basis, some very practical formation devices can also be added. Although Lu Yu does not know much about this aspect, the Shenmu Wangding has learned a lot from Yudie and Su Qinghe during this period, and also In addition, the battleships of the Skyfire Legion's advance team have already been outplayed by it, so this is not a very difficult task for it.

But this time, it still took some time.

"Brother Ding is really good at his craftsmanship!" Lu Yu praised.

"Haha, it's just so so. It's mainly because of your help, brother Lu..." Shenmu Wangding was rarely humble, "Well, since it's all finished, let's try the effect?"

"Now?" Lu Yu looked around and saw that the surrounding environment was quiet, but Lu Yu knew in his heart that secretly there were countless pairs of eyes watching every move here.

"Forget it! You don't have to worry about attracting their attention now, but you are afraid of being overly interpreted by them... If it causes unnecessary trouble by then, it will be worth the loss!" Lu Yu said.

"Alas, what a pity!" Shenmu Wangding said with regret.

In fact, it didn't quite understand what Lu Yu meant, but in any case, it clearly rejected his proposal.

“Good craftsmanship!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Yu looked back and saw a thin, dark-looking man who suddenly appeared on the deck at some point and was slowly walking towards where he and the Divine Wood King Cauldron were.

"Hey, who are you? Why do I seem to have never seen you before?" Shenmu Wangding said.

The thin black man smiled softly: "Of course you have never seen me. After all, I am not one of your guards..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of wind-breaking sounds were heard. It was the group of Jinghai merchant caravan guards originally arranged on the flagship.

There was a big hole in the flagship. Naturally, they had to pay special attention. The patrol range covered the entire exterior of the warship, but they didn't expect that someone would sneak in... Seeing this person suddenly appear next to Lu Yu, they all immediately started to panic. As if facing a formidable enemy, they quickly surrounded him from all directions.

Lu Yu waved his hand calmly, signaling everyone not to come over, because even he couldn't tell the depth of this person's strength... With his current eyesight, this was already very clear.

"Then who are you? What are you doing here?" Shenmu Wangding also saw that something was unusual and shouted loudly. Suddenly countless magic weapons and magic weapons came out, dazzling everyone. They surrounded and beat the man.

However, the man did not dodge and allowed himself to be surrounded by densely packed magic weapons and magic weapons. However, the siege scene in his mind did not appear. The numerous magic weapons and magic weapons just surrounded that man. Next to it, it kept turning around, but never launched any offensive.

"Huh? Who are you? You seem to have some skills..."

As the Divine Wood King Cauldron spoke, he increased the strength of his attack. All kinds of divine weapons and magic weapons suddenly emitted bright light and spun at a faster speed, but they were still unable to get any closer to the man's body.

"Interesting..." The man raised his head and looked at Lu Yu and said, "What on earth is this magic weapon of yours? Why does it seem to be able to do everything... not only can it modify battleships, but it can also control so many magic weapons?"

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly towards the void.

Suddenly, the magic weapons that had been rotating rapidly around him fell to the ground in an instant like fallen leaves swept by the autumn wind.

"Ah!" Shenmu Wangding suddenly exclaimed loudly.

It has also seen many big scenes. It has happened before that these magical weapons and magic weapons have been unable to break through the opponent's defense, but this is the first time that it has been instantly disintegrated by the opponent like this.

"Brother Lu, this guy is a master! If I don't try it now, I'm afraid it won't work!"

As it spoke, its huge body began to squirm rapidly, as if it was about to take out the Star Gathering Pearl.

The man didn't seem to know the existence of the Star-Gathering Pearl. Perhaps even if he knew it, he didn't think it was a threat. Instead, he watched the scene with interest.

"Brother Ding, no need."

Lu Yu patted the huge body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron and signaled it to stop, "I don't think he came to fight with us..."

He paused, and his sharp eyes were directed at the man like a razor blade: "How should I call you? Masonic elder?"

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