Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2372 Go a little further

At this time, Manager Chen could not help but turn to Shenmu Wangding nervously and asked: "Master Shending, Master Lu and the others...they..."

He hesitated for a long time and never dared to say the word of death.

Shenmu Wangding smiled: "Guess..."

How could Manager Chen have the mind to guess?

It can be seen that Shenmu Wangding's tone undoubtedly showed that he had great confidence in Lu Yu, but Manager Chen could not be as confident as it was. After all, this "Master Shending" was not a real person. What if it made a mistake?

"Are Master Lu and the others...really okay?" Manager Chen said in disbelief.

Shenmu Wangding stretched out his "arm" again and patted his shoulder: "See for yourself!"

As its voice fell, the flames in the field were like a receding tide, and the situation finally became clearer...

A fiery red lotus suddenly appeared, like an unshakable rock under the tide.

Under the red lotus, the figures of a man and two women appeared clearly in everyone's sight.

It looked like they hadn't been hurt at all... not to mention the arrogant Lu Afeng, even the two women behind him didn't even have a messy hair on their foreheads.

"Ah! This..."

"How is this possible!"

"They are still alive?"

"Not only alive, but also not hurt at all!"

"How did they do it?"

"Could it be... really gods?"

"Even gods can't do this! Crane Dragon's attack, to be fair, even gods can't be so relaxed!"

"What the hell is going on!"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! This must be an illusion!"


People exclaimed, no one dared to believe what they saw.

However, just as everyone questioned this, the Divine Crane Venerable took the initiative to put away the domain, with a dejected look on his face, and bowed deeply to Lu Yu in the field, saying: "It is true that there is a mountain higher than another mountain, your majesty is hidden, and I, He, am willing to admit defeat..."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar.

This means that the other party did survive intact, and even the Venerable Shenhe was impressed by the other party's means.

"Who is the god you are? Can you take the initiative to state your intentions? If we are disrespectful to Heiliang City, please forgive us..."

Hearing this sentence from the Venerable Shenhe, the scene exploded.


This means that the Venerable Shenhe also thinks that the other party is a god!

Sure enough! No wonder!

Only in this way can it explain why the other party can remain safe and sound in two consecutive waves of divine bird attacks.

The three people covered by the red lotus have not responded yet.

But now everyone dared not guess anymore. After all, the Venerable Shenhe himself has admitted that this is definitely not a mistake. It can only be said that the other party is too unpredictable...

"Hey, shouldn't you say something?" Finally, even Fu Jing couldn't stand it anymore and pushed Lu Yu and said.

Lu Yu smacked his lips: "Did we go too far? I didn't expect this lotus to be so effective?"

Fu Jing said: "Didn't you figure this out yourself? Moreover, according to your previous assumption, it can share the offensive at a ratio of one in a few hundred million. Isn't this within the scope of your calculations?"

Lu Yu said: "That's what you said, but this is the first time we have such cooperation in actual combat. It's still surprising to achieve such an effect..."

Fu Jing said: "Don't think about this for now, you should say something quickly, otherwise I think they are good It seems that you are losing your patience..."

Lu Yu said: "I am just thinking about what to say. This does not prevent me from thinking about two things at the same time... Got it, since we have already gone too far this time, let's go a little further!"

After speaking, Lu Yu waved his hand to remove the red lotus covering his body, revealing the original state of the three people, and said proudly:

"Forgive me? What? You want me to forgive you now? You don't have such an attitude between you..."

He smiled faintly again: "I still like your unruly appearance before!"

The scene was quiet instantly.

After a moment of silence, the Divine Crane Venerable said: "We are shallow-minded, how can we recognize the true power of the gods? It was indeed our fault before that we overestimated our own abilities and tried to challenge the power of the gods with our shallow bodies. This is indeed our fault... We are willing to make compensation for this. If you have any requests, please feel free to raise them, and we will try our best to meet them..."

After all, the world still respects the strong. Since you can't beat them, you can only admit defeat. This is a very natural thing.

However, Lu Yu was still unyielding, and said with a cold smile: "Now that you have seen my divine power, you should know that you are not qualified to talk to me... Go and call the people who can really make the decision here!"

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