Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2361 Confidence

Laiye's expression suddenly changed.

Before the Galaxy Sword was unsheathed, he never imagined that the sword would have such momentum.

It looks like... this seems to be a divine weapon?

In a hurry, he didn't have time to think too much, the golden elixir in his body responded subconsciously, and the laws reshaped around his body, forming a special force field to resist the force caused by the Galaxy Sword. momentum.

However, the laws shattered in the next second, and the force field he was so proud of was wiped out in an instant like a torrent in front of the Galaxy Sword, without any hindrance at all.


A loud bang!

The Xinghe Sword penetrated his chest.

Not only did it penetrate Lai Ye's body directly, but he was also nailed to the ground. The ground was cracked, and the cracks instantly filled the entire paved room.

Laiye was like a snake that stared at him seven inches away from his back, and instantly lost all ability to resist.

This scene made everyone stunned.

They never expected that this young man, whose cultivation base was not worth mentioning, would be so ruthless when he attacked. Lai Ye had no room for struggle and resistance in front of him.

Even Wang An was caught off guard by this scene. For a Ma Zai who was responsible for soliciting business, he had naturally noticed that Lu Yu was unusual, so he took the initiative to strike up a conversation and lure him here... ...But he never expected that this person would be so earth-shattering as soon as he made a move.

This time, it seems like another kick has really hit the iron plate...

"How's it going? This is enough proof, right? Am I qualified to see your divine elixirs now?" Lu Yu sneered solemnly.

When everyone heard this, they were already frightened.

Although Lai Ye was the only one who lost his fighting ability at this time, the other party only moved his fingers. If the other party moved a few more times, who could guarantee that it wouldn't be them lying on the ground?

By then, maybe it won’t just be about lying down…

"Lu, Mr. Lu... please, don't be impulsive... we have something to discuss... I, our master actually doesn't mean any harm..."

Wang An's face turned pale, his tone was stumbling, and even his address to Lu Yu was subconsciously upgraded from "Master Lu" to "Master Lu".

"Oh? Really?" Lu Yu glanced at Wang An lightly, "So, you brought us here to see the goods out of good intentions?"


With just this glance, Wang An instantly felt cold all over his body, and his soul seemed to be about to solidify. He didn't even seem to hear clearly what Lu Yu said.

"Okay, I won't argue with you so much..." Lu Yu waved his hand again and said calmly, "Since you promised to let me see the divine elixir, please fulfill this promise, otherwise, you This old man is going to be in bad luck today..."

"Of course, if you have other backstage people, you can invite them over now. I'll be here to accompany you at any time!"

When everyone heard this, they didn't know what to say.

They dare to do such a business in Heiliang City, naturally they have a strong background, Laiye is not them. The biggest backer behind the scenes.

But judging from the other party's tone, it seemed that no matter how they moved reinforcements, the other party would be able to fight them to the end. Such confidence really sent shivers down their spines.

But the matter has come to this, no matter how hard the iron plate is, they can only choose to continue to kick...

"Master Lu, please wait for a moment..."

Wang An responded in a low voice, and then retreated silently.

As for the other people around them, after looking at each other for a while, they also retreated without saying a word... Just kidding, even Lai Ye can't resist the other party's casual tricks, and they will not be able to play any role if they continue to stay here.

At this point, this matter is no longer something they can solve. Something big will happen next... If they want to avoid being held accountable later, the best thing to do now is to clear the area and maintain order in the area so that When the storm officially arrives, minimize the impact of the event.

Soon, the entire store was deserted.

Even the big men who were on lookout outside all evacuated, and the surrounding area became as quiet as a ghost land, with only the sound of Lai Ye's rapid breathing echoing in the shop.

Lu Yu turned a deaf ear to all this.

After saying the last sentence, he turned around and walked back to the mother and daughter, smiling and saying: "How is it? Have you all chosen? Although these people have bad intentions, there are still some here. It’s a good thing, there are several small pieces of jewelry, I think they all look pretty good..."

Huo Yunru glanced at him and said nothing.

Fu Jing glanced in the direction of Lai Ye, a little helpless: "So, is this how you plan to pay the bill?"

"How could it be?" Lu Yu shrugged and said, "I didn't expect them to play this trick before. Originally, I wanted to say that their goods came from irregular sources. It just so happened that the money I had to pay also came from irregular sources. Look. Do they have the guts to accept it? But I didn’t expect that they would come out like this before it even got to this stage.”

Fu Jing looked at the empty shop door again and asked softly: "Is there really no problem with this?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, our original purpose was to deal with God King Dayan, so where are we?"

Fu Jing said thoughtfully: "So, we have now begun to 'find out the bottom'... But why do you have to see their magical elixir? Even if they really come up with the magical elixir, for you Words shouldn’t be of much use, right?”

Lu Yu said: "Just to verify one of my guesses... Judging from the market visit just now, the production of various mineral resources in the Cancer Star Territory is very rich, but relatively speaking, the production of alchemy materials is relatively low. We are in short supply, but what we urgently need most now are all kinds of alchemy materials. Otherwise, if there is no sufficient supply of Golden Flame Controlling Dragon Pills, the operation of the Ark on the other side will be greatly reduced. Not only will the crazy killing array be unable to be activated, but other other materials here will also be unable to be activated. Our abilities in all aspects will also be greatly affected... Therefore, we must find a batch of alchemy materials as soon as possible! Although Yudie and others will find a solution in this regard, we can't completely count on them."

Fu Jing finally understood and suddenly said: "So, what you need is not just the divine elixir itself, but the supply channels behind it!"

Lu Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, as long as the other party can come up with genuine divine elixirs, and as long as they don't rob them directly from others, then there will definitely be channels for supplying materials, which can solve the problem for us. The problem of the supply of alchemy materials can at least solve part of the problem!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but turn her head to look out the empty door again and said, "I don't know who is behind all this. I hope he won't let us down!"

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