Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2356 Black Liang City

“What a cunning old man”

Lu Yu muttered and walked back to the room.

"What old cunning guy?" Fu Jing looked over in confusion, "Who are you talking about?"

"Who else can it be? Of course it's that guy Lao Chen."

"What's up with him?"

So, Lu Yu briefly explained what happened just now.

Fu Jing said: "Isn't this good? You said it yourself before. Regardless of how much property the Jinghai Caravan has, the various intelligence information they have about the Cancer Star Territory is a huge sum. We have just arrived here and are not familiar with the wealth. If they can continue to be used by us, it will definitely be much more convenient and improve our work efficiency. "

Lu Yu said: "That's true, but what do you think of old Chen An's good intentions? Is he really willing to join our camp?"

Fu Jing thought for a moment: "It may not be true to be willing, but it's definitely not false. What he said is right. This is a world of the jungle and the strong. Without a strong background, it is impossible to preserve the existing Wealth, he doesn’t have much choice at this point.”

"That's why I said he was slippery!" Lu Yu said, "He also knew that he didn't have many choices, so he showed his loyalty to me randomly. Anyway, he had nothing to lose. If we are really the Black Dragon Demon King's people, , then he boarded our big ship without any effort, and even explored our bottom! "

Fu Jing said: "So, you want to put him aside first and then test him?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course there will be more tests, although we can't avoid them after all.

He must continue to be used, but his performance will be directly related to the Black Dragon Demon King's recognition of him in the future! "

Fu Jing couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "It seems that you agree with the nickname they gave you."

Lu Yu spread his hands: "This has nothing to do with me. This name is most likely given to the Ark of the Other Side. Even if it doesn't work, it is given to Gray Dragon and the others. There is no way it will fall on my head, but no matter what How can I say that having a name makes it easier to do things? Hey, Black Dragon Demon King and Dayan God King, don’t you think the status of the two is equal at once?”

Fu Jing said: "Then we have to wait until you find the trace of the other party first, let alone the God King Dayan. Now it has not been confirmed whether there is a Freemasonry here. Even if you want to show off your authority, no one will cooperate. "

A sharp gleam appeared in Lu Yu's eyes: "There must be a Freemasonry in this Heiliang City, otherwise where did the news of the Black Dragon Demon King destroying the entire Northern Spin Fleet come from? Apart from the Evergreen Bone Lord , Does anyone else know this news? You must know that even the previous news about the Jinghai Caravan was that a large number of warships were gathering in the Beixuan District."

Fu Jing said nothing, although she agreed with Lu Yu's inference.

"Let's go!" Lu Yu suddenly said again.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Of course, we should go to Heiliang City for a walk and find out the details of this Freemasonry. If we are lucky enough, we can see if we can directly find out the traces of the Evergreen Bone Lord. !" Lu Yu said.

"Now? Go directly?"

"Of course, anyway, the entry procedures

It has already been completed. If we don’t take action now, how long will it take? "

"But, didn't you say before that it would be more convenient to act in the name of Jinghai Caravan?"

"The Jinghai Caravan has the advantages of the Jinghai Caravan. It also has the advantages of acting alone," Lu Yu said. "The Jinghai Caravan has a total of twenty-seven large starships. With such a large scale, we have to wait for them all to enter the customs." We’re ready, but we don’t know how long it will take, so we might as well go in alone and find out.”

"What will happen here if we act alone like this? Can you guarantee that all these people will behave honestly?" Fu Jing asked worriedly.

"I can't guarantee it." Lu Yu shrugged, "But Brother Ding can guarantee that if anyone sees that we are gone and plans to act rashly, Brother Ding will definitely leave a deep impression on them!"

Seeing that Lu Yu was resolute, Fu Jing couldn't resist him, so she had no choice but to agree.

Before leaving, Fu Jing looked at Huo Yunru, who was still in trance in the room, and hesitated: "Should I call her in too?"

"Has she recovered? Will waking her up now affect her condition?" Lu Yu asked.

Fu Jing shook her head: "No, she is just repenting."


Lu Yu felt that her wording was a bit strange, but he did not delve into it and said, "Then let's call her up! Otherwise, what if the Dayan God King suddenly bumps into him halfway?"

In fact, not only is Dayan God King, but in a high-dimensional world like Black Liang City, there must be top powerhouses sitting there, maybe at the same level as the Evergreen Bone Lord. But as long as the three of them are together,

Activating the golden elixir effect of the lotus exogenous lotus can form the most powerful defense. This has been verified in previous battles.

Therefore, as long as the three of them act together, I believe that no matter what kind of scene they encounter in Heiliang City, they can handle it.

So, Fu Jing woke Huo Yunru up and said in a very polite tone: "Come with us!"

Huo Yunru glanced at Lu Yu next to her, and without asking any questions, she stood up silently and followed the two of them.

Looking at it like this, she looks like a little maid between the two of them.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel more and more confused. He didn't know what happened secretly. Why did the relationship between mother and daughter become like this?

Lu Yu only told Shenmu Wangding and walked straight out of the flagship of the Jinghai Caravan. Others did not dare to ask more questions and just watched the three people leave silently.

Suddenly, a brand new world suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

This place is like a huge pier, with countless starships gathered on the pier, densely packed, all kinds of strange things, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Seeing this scene, even Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the first scene he saw in this high-dimensional world would be like this.

Even the entire Beixuan District fleet led by Evergreen Bone Lord did not have such a scale.

"So many large star battleships!" Fu Jing couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This so-called remote place is nothing like what we remember!" Lu Yu also said with emotion, "But don't be nervous, these ships should not belong to Heiliang City, but to the passing business travelers.

, just like the Jinghai Caravan. "

At this time, in addition to the flagship of the Jinghai Caravan that Lu Yu was riding on, the remaining twenty-six large warships of the Jinghai Caravan were continuing to sail in. It can be predicted that they will also become part of this magnificent land in the near future. part of the scene.

Fu Jing said: "Even if these ships do not belong to Heiliang City, this has proved their strength from the side! In the high-dimensional worlds we have visited before, no one can achieve this level."

Not to mention being able to open up such a vast area as a dock for docking ships, the key is that these ships come from all directions, so that everyone can obey the management and park the ships together, which in itself is The strength of Heiliang City has been explained.

Lu Yu looked up at the sky and saw a majestic city looming in the clouds and mist. A series of ladders hung down from its surroundings, guiding people around it to enter its interior.

That is Heiliang City, the main body of this high-dimensional world. Although the location where they are now seems to be vast and grand, compared to the entire high-dimensional world, it is only a marginal area.

"Let's go see what the inside of this city is like!"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and stepped onto the nearest ladder.

In the blink of an eye, his figure was already ethereal among the sea of ​​clouds.

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