Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 229 Six Gods Without a Master

The next day, news of the shocking changes in Yuanjiangwei City came out, causing a complete sensation in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

The Jingnan Chamber of Commerce was destroyed...

The Pegasus cavalry was taken away...

True disciple Chu Yunhe was killed...

Yuanjiangwei City was reduced to ruins due to the fierce battle between the Great Kunlun Sword Art and the Star Sword Art...

No matter which one of these pieces of information is taken out individually, it is already major news that can shock the whole sect. Now that all the things are put together, the sensational effect caused is almost as big as the changes in Xiao Litian's secret realm.

For a time, the entire Dali Sword Sect, regardless of their cultivation level or rank, were discussing this explosive news.

People traced the origin and investigated the matter, and in the end they were all surprised to find that the original cause of this series of events was just because a batch of goods was robbed by a chamber of commerce under Jade Butterfly Peak.

A batch of goods worth thousands of spirit stones was robbed, but it eventually led to the death of the true disciples and the destruction of Yuanjiangwei City. If such a causal relationship was told beforehand, no one would believe it.

But all this really happened.

In the end, people can only blame all of this on Lu Yu. They can only say that this talented disciple with all kinds of auras is too fierce.

"I didn't expect it. Just by looking at his face, Lu Yu seems to be a very easy-going person. How come he has such a bad temper!"

"Now Jade Butterfly Peak has become famous in one battle. Anyone who wants to take advantage of Jade Butterfly Peak in the future must think carefully about Chu Yunhe's fate..."

"It's a pity that Chu Yunhe understood the Great Kunlun Sword Technique not long after he became a true disciple. He was supposed to have a bright future, but unexpectedly he encountered the evil star Lu Yu!"

"Lu Shen is Lu Shen! He is willing to grudge and kill decisively. Even the supreme Taoism such as the Great Kunlun Sword Technique cannot stop his edge! He is indeed someone I admire! From now on, you He is the only true God in my heart!”

"Return to Lu God? Still admire him? I'm afraid you will change your mind in a few days, because he will soon become a Lu ghost!"

"Tell me, what will happen to Lu Yu this time?"

"What else could happen? Murdering a true disciple for no reason is tantamount to treason, and he deserves to be punished! This time he will definitely die!"

"That's not the case. After all, Lu Yu was a hero of our Dali Sword Sect before. He diverted the monsters away from Xiaoli Tian and saved the lives of so many disciples. Although he made a mistake this time, his merits and demerits are balanced. It should not lead to death.”

"Gong is merit, fault is fault. In this world, there are still princes who break the law and commit the same crimes as the common people. How can it be that just because he has merit, he can do whatever he wants and kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"That's what you say, but have you seen how many secular princes were caught and beheaded? Although this Lu Yu killed a true disciple, his potential can be seen from this. His achievements in the future will definitely be more than ordinary. As a true disciple, the old man must also consider whether he can bear the loss of two true disciples with unlimited potential..."

"In short, these are things that the Presbytery should worry about. Let's wait patiently to see the final results!"

Most of the disciples have no direct stake in this matter, so they can maintain a detached mentality and give guidance and talk.

But for those who are related to this matter, such detachment is simply not possible.

For example, Xu Yichen was filled with anxiety at this time.

The escort team of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce was robbed and the guards were killed. In fact, it was he who led a group of men provided by Wei Zhihan who did it.

After he was done, he went away to avoid the limelight and monitored the development of the situation from a distance.

Xu Yichen was feeling secretly happy when he saw Lu Yu jumping over the wall and making the mistake of asking for trouble with the Jingnan Chamber of Commerce. Unexpectedly, things suddenly took a turn for the worse and developed in a direction he had never expected.

The final result was completely out of his control, a result that he had never even thought about.

Hearing the news that Lu Yu had killed Chu Yunhe with a sword in front of three real elders, Xu Yichen's face was bloodless, his hands and feet were cold, and he was in a daze for a while, and then he gradually recovered, but His back was completely soaked.

Chu Yunhe's fate at this time should have been what happened to him.

He had no idea that his attack on the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce would lead to such serious consequences.

As a true disciple of Chu Yunhe, he can't save his life. If he is really caught by the other party, the end will undoubtedly be even more miserable...

As a result, Xu Yichen became anxious and uneasy. He even ignored the emergency summons from Cuizhu Peak and hurried to Wei Zhihan's base camp in the mountains at the northwest corner of Dali Jianzong.

"Yichen?" Wei Zhihan looked a little surprised when he saw Xu Yichen suddenly appeared, "Why are you here?"

Xu Yichen had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know why he came here. There was a voice in his heart that drove him to see Wei Zhihan before, but after he actually saw him, he didn't know what to say.

"What happened...Senior Brother Wei, have you heard about it?" Xu Yichen said bravely.

Wei Zhihan nodded with a smile and comforted: "I already know everything. You have done a good job. Don't put too much pressure on me."

"But..." Xu Yichen hesitated, not knowing how to express his inner uneasiness.

"Are you worried that things will involve you?"

Wei Zhihan's eyes seemed to understand everything.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that the people who are working with you will never appear in the Dali Sword Sect again. As long as you are not stupid enough to go out and make noises by yourself, no one will ever know that this matter is related to you."

Xu Yichen calmed down a little, but he still didn't put down the big stone. He said slowly: "What should Lu Yu do?"

In fact, the biggest worry in his heart was Lu Yu. Without evidence, they could only stop the Supervision Department of the Presbytery, but they could not stop Lu Yu at all.

It can be seen from his actions of killing Chu Yunhe that this person acted without any scruples. Evidence was not something he considered at all. If he was sure that he posed a threat to him, then no matter whether there was any If there is evidence, he will take action without hesitation.

Therefore, as long as Lu Yu is still there, he will never feel at ease.

"Lu Yu's reaction really exceeded my expectations."

Wei Zhihan's eyes narrowed slightly and he openly admitted his mistake.

"This is indeed a good move. In this way, Jade Butterfly Peak has won an unprecedented reputation. I am afraid that no one will dare to argue with them easily from now on. This can be regarded as settling once and for all many possible future problems. question……"

"It's just that Jade Butterfly Peak has gained a firm foothold because of this, but he has put himself in a very dangerous situation. If he fails to survive this time, everything will be over!"

"What's the point of fearing a Jade Butterfly Peak without Lu Yu?"

When he said the last sentence, a cold light flashed in Wei Zhihan's eyes.

Xu Yichen's heart skipped a beat: "Senior Brother Wei, do you mean that the Presbytery will not let Lu Yu go this time?"

Wei Zhihan smiled meaningfully: "It depends on people. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future..."

"Speaking of which, Yichen, you should leave now!"

Xu Yichen was stunned. He didn't know why Wei Zhihan suddenly issued an eviction order. Could it be that he accidentally offended him somewhere?

Just listen to Wei Zhihan continue to say: "You should return to Cuizhu Peak as soon as possible! After all, Chu Yunhe is one of the only two true disciples of your Cuizhu Peak. He died tragically at the hands of Lu Yu. As Cuizhu Peak, you As a member of Zhufeng, we have the same friendship and deep brotherhood, how can we not seek justice for him? "

Xu Yichen was stunned. He somewhat understood what Wei Zhihan meant, but he was not sure.

"What does Senior Brother Wei mean?"

Wei Zhihan smiled and said two words slowly.

"Incite and force the palace!"

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