Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 216 Take any one and perform surgery

I am afraid that since the history of Yuanjiangwei City, there has never been such a precedent. A mourning hall for more than a hundred people was set up in a bustling city.

This news alarmed everyone in the market, and everyone knew that Wanhe Chamber of Commerce had been robbed and Jade Butterfly Peak suffered heavy losses.

Everyone gathered around again and pointed at the mourning hall. Some people were shocked, others were confused, and naturally some people were gloating about the misfortune.

Especially those who originally competed with Jade Butterfly Peak felt extremely comfortable.

"This Jade Butterfly Peak is really shameless. The goods were robbed and they didn't want to find a way to get them back as soon as possible, but they are still here to hold a funeral for a group of guards!"

"These guards are just a group of ordinary people who sacrificed their lives for money and deserved to die. It's too confusing for Lu Yu to do so much for them!"

"As the saying goes, family scandals should not be made public. They have exposed this matter to everyone. Who else will dare to come to them for cooperation in the future?"

"Haha, who keeps them arrogant? Are they getting retribution this time? This means that those who do evil will be punished!"

In a corner of the market, Deacon Liu Yugui watched all this closely. His eyes were deep and silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, another group of disciples on duty who were responsible for maintaining order gathered around him and asked him for instructions: "Uncle Liu, are we watching them running amok here? Are we not going to stop them?"

Liu Yugui rolled his eyes and gave a big white eye: "Then tell me, which rule of the Presbytery says that funerals are not allowed in the market?"

"This..." The disciple on duty was suddenly speechless. He thought about it carefully in his mind and found that there really was no such rule in the Presbyterian Academy.

However, rules are dead and people are alive. Although Lu Yu and others did not violate the rules by setting up a mourning hall in the market, it actually affected the order of the market. Logically speaking, they should at least be discouraged.

The disciple on duty wanted to argue, but Liu Yugui gave him a sharp look.

"Just mind your own business. As long as they don't violate the rules of the Presbytery, you don't need to pay attention to them!"


The disciple on duty retreated angrily, never daring to come and mention this topic again.

Lu Yu had no idea what was going on around him, but even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart at all.

With hundreds of people working together, the funeral hall was soon decorated.

Lu Yu summoned more than 700 disciples again, lined up in front of the mourning hall, and collectively paid silent tribute to the 136 martyred warriors.

His purpose in doing this is not only to respect these guards who protect the goods with their lives, but also to convey a message to people.

Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is not just Jade Butterfly Peak's followers, the two are actually as close as one family, both prosper and lose!

Sure enough, seeing the behavior of the more than 700 disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak, Yu Wanli and other members of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce were so excited that their bodies could not stop trembling slightly.

They had never thought that a chamber of commerce organization like theirs in the secular world could be so respected by an immortal sect like Yudie Peak. The so-called scholar dies for a confidant. To serve such a heroic lord is to dedicate oneself. What does it matter about his life?

The crowd of spectators could not help but be affected by the solemn atmosphere at the scene, and their comments gradually became quieter.

After a full quarter of an hour, the silence ended.

Lu Yu walked back to Yu Wanli and others and asked calmly: "Is there anyone suspicious about this matter?"

Yu Wanli shook his head: "The other party acted decisively and cleanly, leaving no clues for tracing."

Lu Yu nodded clearly: "It doesn't matter, if there isn't one, then just designate one!"

Yu Wanli was stunned and felt confused, but Lu Yu did not explain and continued to talk to himself.

"Last time when President Yu was in trouble at Cuizhu Peak, he said that it was because of a conflict with a chamber of commerce in Jingchu. They were behind it and forced President Yu into prison..."

"This chamber of commerce dared to imprison its president last time. It is not unusual for it to do such a thing now. Moreover, last time, president Yu was imprisoned for more than a month for nothing and no interest was recovered..."

"Today's incident happened to be blamed on them first. After all, it is not too unfair to them!"

Yu Wanli was stunned. How could such a thing be so casually designated?

"Is there a branch of this chamber of commerce in this market?" Lu Yu asked again.


Yu Wanli was a little hesitant in answering. He still couldn't keep up with Lu Yu's thinking.

"Very good, please give me guidance, President Yu! Senior Brother Qi, immediately ask our people to follow President Yu and surround the branch of this chamber of commerce first!"

Lu Yu's eyes became unruly, and his face became murderous again.

"Since we don't know who did it, let's do it to them first!"

Qi Yunkai was startled and said hesitantly: "But... now is the opening period of the market, and no force can be used within the market. Besides, we don't have any evidence, so Shichu Wuming..."

"I just asked you to surround this branch, and I didn't ask you to use force to fight in!"

Lu Yu said with an indifferent expression.

"As for the evidence, isn't this difficult to handle?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly raised his voice and began to direct and act on his own.

"Is this happening? It turns out that when President Yu arrived, Chen Huwei was still alive and had left his last words?"

"Who is it? Who is so bold? How dare you rob our Jade Butterfly Peak's goods within the sphere of influence of the Dali Sword Sect?"

"Come here! Surround me immediately with this lawless Jingnan Chamber of Commerce!"

The clear and loud voice echoed throughout every corner of Yuanjiangwei City.

Before people could digest the surprise, Lu Yu waved his hand suddenly and led more than 700 Jade Butterfly Peak disciples directly towards the branch of Jingnan Chamber of Commerce.

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