Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 198 Oblivion of everyone

The identity badge is the disciple waist badge, which is the identity certificate of every Dali Sword Sect disciple.

Long Xuangang naturally did not have a forged identity badge, firstly because he had already shown his face at Yudie Peak, and secondly because his whole body cultivation was now imprisoned, which was equivalent to a useless person. Even if he wanted to pretend to be a disciple of Dali Sword Sect, he could not do it.

Therefore, Long Xuangang was left in Yuanjiang Market to wait, while Long Qingxuan and Long Xuanting disguised themselves as Dali Sword Sect disciples and sneaked into Yudie Peak.

Because of the identity badge, the two of them had no danger along the way, and they passed the heavy interrogation smoothly and entered the interior of Yudie Peak.

Long Xuanting took the identity badge in his hand, weighed it for a few times, and said with a smile: "I don't know where this friend of my second sister came from. He was able to forge the identity badge of a disciple of Dali Sword Sect to the point of being indistinguishable from the real thing. Even the disciples of Yudie Peak couldn't see the flaw at all."

Long Qingxuan smiled faintly: "To be honest, he is not my friend, but my brother's friend. In fact, you have seen that person. He is the true disciple of Dali Sword Sect who is negotiating cooperation with my brother."

Long Xuanting was stunned: "It turned out to be him... No wonder he has such a huge Energy..."

Long Qingxuan looked at the identity nameplate in his hand and said, "This person is from a wealthy family. He has been operating in the Dali Sword Sect for many years. Now he is trying every means to cooperate with our Long family. His ambition is really big..."

"This identity nameplate is originally a real thing, but it has not been registered with the Elders' Council. As long as Yudie Peak does not go to the Elders' Council to verify, it is impossible to see through our identity. Therefore, we have at least a few days to hide and observe on Yudie Peak."

After a while, a disciple of Yudie Peak came over to the two of them.

"I am Qin Xiang, a core disciple of Yudie Peak. Are you two disciples who left Tianlan Peak and plan to join our Yudie Peak?

Long Qingxuan and Long Xuanting looked at each other, saluted at the same time, and responded according to the information provided on the identity nameplate.

"Hello, Senior Brother Qin, disciple Liu Qingke, originally from Tianlan Peak."

"Hello, Senior Brother Qin, disciple Cheng Wenzhang, originally from Tianlan Peak. "

Qin Xiang returned a salute to the two and said, "According to the records on the nameplates on your bodies, you have been sent to Qichuan Danfang to refine pills for many years. As far as I know, the benefits of Qichuan Workshop are quite good. Why do you two suddenly want to leave?"

"Of course, we came here to admire Senior Brother Lu Yu. Although Qichuan Danfang can give us good benefits, we hope to pursue more advanced alchemy skills."

Long Xuanting said the words he had prepared.

Qin Xiang nodded. This answer was quite standard. Basically, all the disciples who changed their sects to Yudie Peak did so for this reason.

Qin Xiang asked a few more questions and found nothing unusual. Then he wrote his opinions on the two people's naturalization approval documents.

"Welcome to join us. From now on, we are all fellow disciples of Yudie Peak! You two should take the documents to Fengming Hall to handle the naturalization procedures. Someone will arrange accommodation for you there!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qin! "

The two took the documents.

Long Xuanting asked: "Before we officially join Yudie Peak, I wonder if we can have the honor to meet Senior Brother Lu Yu? We have some questions that we hope to ask him in person!"

Qin Xiang was no longer surprised by such requests.

"Originally, there would be no problem, but unfortunately, Senior Brother has been in seclusion recently, and no one can see him except our Uncle Yang."

"If you two have any questions, why not work hard in the coming days, get more points, and strive to discuss with Senior Brother in person at the Alchemy Conference, wouldn't it be better?"

Long Qingxuan's eyes lit up: "I heard that the Alchemy Conference will be held tomorrow night, can we go in and listen?"

Qin Xiang laughed: "I'm afraid it won't work this time, you guys work hard, next time, strive for next time!"

Long Qingxuan was not discouraged, thought about it, and said: "In this case, can you let us walk around the mountain and look around?"

"This is no problem, you will be disciples of Yudie Peak soon! "

Qin Xiang waved his hand and called a disciple on duty.

"Junior Brother Xiaohui, take the two senior brothers and sisters around the peak and introduce them to the layout of our Jade Butterfly Peak."

So Junior Brother Xiaohui quickly led the two away.

This Junior Brother Xiaohui was actually just an outer disciple. Seeing that the two were inner disciples and were the most popular alchemy disciples in Jade Butterfly Peak, he couldn't help but envy them. So he chattered and enthusiastically introduced the various scenery on Jade Butterfly Peak to the two along the way.

Long Xuanting was indignant: "This Lu Yu is really arrogant! We are all inner disciples, but if we want to see him and ask questions, we have to behave well and wait for him to summon us at the Alchemy Conference! "

The conversation between the two used a forbidden barrier, so there was no worry that Junior Brother Xiaohui in front would hear it.

Long Qingxuan looked calm: "A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow. The one named Qin Xiang just now is clearly a core disciple, but he still calls Lu Yu the eldest brother. It can be seen that Lu Yu's prestige and status cannot be measured by the inner disciples. "

Long Xuanting snorted heavily: "If I meet him face to face, I must try to see how much he is worth. I'm afraid that he is not worthy of his reputation!"

Long Qingxuan smiled faintly, but said nothing.

Her seventh brother has always been arrogant, which is not only one of his shortcomings, but also his strengths. It is this arrogant character that inspires him to practice hard.

When all the clan members were using the Dragon Transformation Pill to enhance their strength, he went the other way and focused on the tempering of his own bloodline power, which actually allowed him to refine the Vajra Indestructible Body. Even the fourth brother who took the Dragon Transformation Pill was not his opponent.

Under Xiaohui's guidance, the two of them wandered around Yudie Peak for almost an hour.

Long Xuanting naturally maintained a disdainful attitude, but Long Qingxuan was quite touched.

When she learned that all the changes on Jade Butterfly Peak were caused by Lu Yu's existence, her eyes became sharp and she said with deep emotion: "It seems that Lu Yu's ambition is equally great, no less than that of the true disciple who is dealing with my brother! Maybe in the near future, the Dali Sword Sect will be a situation where these two tigers fight each other" Long Xuanting didn't care at all: "Just relying on him? Is he qualified to fight with that true disciple? That true disciple is on the Golden Sunflower Ranking, and what is his cultivation level? The difference between the two in cultivation alone is a world of difference!" It is undeniable that this Lu Yu is indeed talented, but unfortunately he has gone astray... Between the way of alchemy and cultivation, cultivation is the foundation, and the way of alchemy is just an auxiliary! But he spent all his time on alchemy, not only refining it himself, but also mobilizing his fellow disciples to refine it together, but neglecting cultivation. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse? "

"Second sister thinks this person has a bright future, but I think he is just so-so! Maybe he can indeed achieve a good alchemy achievement, but his cultivation will be lost in the crowd from now on!"

Long Xuanting has always advocated strength and likes to pursue the origin of strength, so it is not surprising to have such remarks.

Long Qingxuan also thinks that his words make sense, but for some reason, she always feels that this Lu Yu, whom she has never met, will not be a simple person and cannot be lost in the crowd.

But she can't say why she has such a feeling.

Is it just because the fourth brother was imprisoned by the other party?

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Just as she was silently tracing the origin of this feeling in her heart, suddenly, from the direction of the mountain behind Yudie Peak, a ray of light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

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