Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 182 On the cusp of the storm

In fact, the real situation is far more exciting than what the deacon representatives said in a few words.

At the meeting of the Council of Elders, representatives of Baodingfeng initiated a motion to support Lu Yuye.

As soon as this motion came out, everyone immediately realized that the elixir market structure of the Dali Sword Sect was about to be turned upside down, and a shining new star was about to emerge.

Baodingfeng is a big business and is not afraid of impact at all, but other pill-making workshops that are not as strong as Baodingfeng cannot withstand such an impact, so other representatives at the meeting raised objections to this motion.

Only then did the elders of Baoding Peak realize the power of this motion. The rise of a new alchemy force would not pose a real threat to Baoding Peak. On the contrary, other alchemy workshops would suffer a heavy blow. Such a move In the future, it will make Baoding Peak's status more stable.

It can be said that this is a clever trick to drive away tigers and swallow wolves.

The elders of Baoding Peak couldn't help but admire Master Jin Xiang's foresight, so they supported this motion more actively.

At the meeting, the two sides were at loggerheads and were at loggerheads, but no final conclusion was ever reached.

Finally, Master Jin Xiang came to the scene, took out the dust-cleansing pill that had been exchanged for ten top-notch materials, and fed it to a spirit animal that had been raised on Wulao Peak for many years in front of all the participants. Beast foal.

Then a magical scene happened!

The precious colt immediately neighed and burst into colorful light, and then quickly grew a pair of snow-white wings from its back.

It actually evolved into a high-level Pegasus on the spot!

This sudden change left the opponents dumbfounded and unable to utter a word of opposition.

The meeting reached a consensus on this and passed the motion proposed by Baodingfeng without any suspense.

After the news came out, the entire Dali Sword Sect went crazy.

Especially those peaks whose own alchemy skills are insufficient and need to purchase elixirs to maintain daily operations immediately made Jade Butterfly Peak the focus of procurement.

On the premise of ensuring quality and price, whose elixir should I buy anyway? It's better to form a good relationship with Jade Butterfly Peak. If there is a need for high-end elixirs in the future, you can also ask this new alchemist to customize them for you, right?

Under such a psychological trend, representatives of various forces have flocked to Jade Butterfly Peak. Even if they cannot fully use the elixirs produced by Jade Butterfly Peak, they must leave a certain share to Jade Butterfly Peak.

After Lu Yu heard the details of the whole incident, he suddenly fell silent.

The dust-cleansing elixir he refined has the effect of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality. It can produce such a miraculous effect at the Wulao Peak meeting. The elixir is magical on the one hand, but also because of the subject of the experiment. Well chosen.

The Cleansing Pill needs to be taken by people or spiritual beasts with a certain foundation of strength in order to exert its best effect.

This shows that Jin Xiang, the real person from Baoding Peak, has clearly understood the effectiveness and properties of this dust-cleansing pill.

Baoding Peak is regarded as the Holy Land of Alchemy and has endured for thousands of years. It is indeed not unreasonable.

The strength of the real person should not be underestimated!

Master Jin Xiang, with his vision and attainments, may not be unable to master the method of collapse as long as he understands the specific principles.

And there is more than one powerful alchemist like Master Jin Xiang on Baoding Peak.

At this moment, Lu Yu truly felt the insurmountable gap between Jade Butterfly Peak and Baoding Peak.

I don’t know how many years it will take before Jade Butterfly Peak can cultivate an alchemy master with real-life strength like Baoding Peak...

Lu Yu's melancholy did not last long.

Soon, early the next morning, Qi Yunkai rushed over again.

"Elder brother, another large number of guests have arrived! This time, not only the various peaks of our Dali Sword Sect, but also the forces in the nearby area have sent people over! They are vying to establish orders with us." Qi Yun Kai said excitedly.

Lu Yu regained his energy and subconsciously put down what he was doing and went over to entertain these new visitors.

But he soon realized that he couldn't do this.

He cannot be tied down endlessly by these matters.

Now sales are no longer a problem, but the production capacity of Yudie Peak is the more critical issue.

When the words came to his lips, Lu Yu changed his tone and said, "Very good. According to past practice, you will be responsible for the reception."

Qi Yunkai couldn't help but be stunned: "I will be responsible for the reception?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and said with a smile: "You are the oldest core disciple on Jade Butterfly Peak. Is there anything wrong with you being responsible for the reception?"

"But, these people are all here for you, senior brother, and they are all at least deacon-level figures..."

"What happened to Deacon Level 1? My level is even lower. I'm just an inner disciple..."

Lu Yu curled his lips and said indifferently.

"Our Jade Butterfly Peak is now developing rapidly. You core disciples have to share more affairs, which is no less than the deacons of other peaks. So you must be aware and treat yourselves as deacons. Otherwise, what else can you do? When people come over, can’t they ask Master Yang to come out to receive them?”

Qi Yun said nonchalantly: "Okay, I'll give it a try. If I can't do it, I'll ask Senior Brother for help..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Just tell them that I am in seclusion studying new elixir recipes and have no time to come out to meet each other! As for business matters, don't say a word and leave them all to the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. !”

"In addition, you can make another announcement to the outside world, saying that all orders for elixirs will be postponed to the day of the Dan Conference, and the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce will sign them together. At the same time, as long as you are a partner of Yudie Peak, you can send a representative Come and observe the elixir discussion conference at Jade Butterfly Peak.”

Qi Yunkai was stunned and asked: "But we haven't signed a contract yet, where can we find a partner?"

Lu Yu smiled softly, his eyes flashing with countless brilliance.

"As for who our partners are, let the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce decide!"

Qi Yunkai was stunned.

He could imagine that all parties would be eager for such a quota, and he didn't know whether the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce could withstand the pressure from all parties.

But since this is senior brother's decision, Qi Yunkai has no reason to object, and it will save a lot of trouble for Jade Butterfly Peak.

So Qi Yunkai nodded and left, quickly spreading the news.

As soon as this news came out, the Jade Butterfly Peak area became much quieter for the time being.

But the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce on the other side was pushed to the forefront.

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