Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 172 It’s Difficult to Be the Master

Lu Yu had no idea what happened at the Baoding Peak Round Table Meeting.

After he got ten top-notch natural treasures from the treasure house of Baoding Peak, he was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he could get ten top-notch natural treasures so easily. This was an unexpected windfall!

Although it was not easy for him to refine the Dust-Cleansing Pill, it was the peak of his current skills, but compared to the value of these natural treasures, it was all worth it.

After all, these natural treasures are treasures that are in short supply. If there is no way, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. Compared with the little effort he spent, this deal is still very cost-effective.

More importantly, Lu Yu has always been limited by the embarrassing situation of a good cook having no rice to cook. Now with these ten top-notch natural treasures as a foundation, there is no doubt that he can do more and can give full play to the skills in the Lotus Pill Sutra.

On the way back from Baoding Peak, Lu Yu had been thinking silently about how to deal with these ten top-notch treasures so that they could be used to the greatest extent.

A huge refining plan was quietly brewing in his mind.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he returned to Yudie Peak, his huge plan was immediately aborted...

Lu Yu had just walked into Mingjing Garden and was about to show Yang Chudie the ten top-notch treasures he had just obtained, when Chu Hongling immediately reported something to him.

"Miss Chudie received a transfer order from Master Hailing and has left Yudie Peak."

Lu Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that Master Hailing's transfer order would actually fall on Yudie Peak. So, it should be that the investigation of the mastermind behind the scenes has made significant progress.

"Where was Master transferred to? Will there be danger?" Lu Yu frowned and asked.

Although he knew that Yang Chudie was extremely powerful, he had personally experienced how powerful the supreme monster was. He knew that the mastermind behind the scenes must be very powerful, so he was still worried about her safety.

Chu Hongling looked at Lu Yu strangely and replied, "Miss Chudie didn't say where she was going. She only said that she found the trace of the rebellious deacon Xu Mingshen and was going to help Master Hailing capture him alive. In order to ensure that this operation was foolproof, Master Hailing summoned many deacons with profound cultivation. I think there should be no danger..."

Lu Yu nodded and felt relieved. If this was the case, then the possibility of encountering danger was indeed small.

But he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Since Xu Mingshen had disappeared for so long, how could he suddenly reveal his whereabouts at this time?

According to common sense, after such a long time, he should have been exiled overseas or simply killed. Why did he suddenly appear again?

What was the purpose of his sudden appearance?

Lu Yu was frowning and thinking, when Chu Hongling suddenly spoke again: "When Miss Chudie left, she specifically asked me to tell you that she was not on the mountain. You must be careful and cautious in your actions. Don't make trouble again. Even if you really can't help but want to make trouble, you must wait until she comes back, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Lu Yu was very depressed: "What are you talking about, Master? Do I look like the kind of person who likes to make trouble?"

Chu Hongling didn't reply, but gave Lu Yu a look that asked knowingly.

Lu Yu was even more depressed.

But he actually understood in his heart that Yang Chudie's exhortation did not mean to blame him, but just reminded him not to attract attention.

Although Yudie Peak now has an unprecedented reputation, there are also more people in Dali Sword Sect who dislike Yudie Peak. I hope he can keep a low profile and act carefully.

"Don't worry. I'm afraid we will be too busy to even take care of eating in the next few days. How can we have time to go out and cause trouble?" Lu Yu rubbed his eyebrows and sighed with a headache. Recently, there have been a lot of things on Yudie Peak. Originally, Yang Chudie was in charge, and these big and small things could be decided by her. Now that she is not on Yudie Peak, these thousands of things will naturally fall on his head. Therefore, he will probably be trapped on Yudie Peak for a long time in the future, and even the plan to refine the ten top-notch natural materials and treasures will probably have to be postponed indefinitely. Sure enough, Lu Yu was surrounded by various requests early the next morning. How to plan the buildings in the East District? How to place the newly purchased alchemy furnace? How to place the new disciples? The inventory of a certain material is in urgent need. How to dispatch it? Two of the new disciples who joined today and yesterday happened to be enemies of each other. Suddenly, they fought and both sides were bleeding. How to deal with it? Matters like these occupied Lu Yu's time completely.

Although Lu Yu was unwilling, for the long-term development of Yudie Peak, he had to patiently deal with them one by one.

At this moment, Lu Yu deeply realized how difficult it was to be the head of the family.

He couldn't help but miss Lu Yuanshan and Dou Changhe who were far away in Ding'an City.

When he was in the third branch of the Lu family, he was also the head of the family, but he was not as tired as he is now. This is because he had capable and capable subordinates in the third branch of the Lu family, and he didn't need to do everything himself.

On the other hand, since the population of Yudie Peak has been small for a long time, there are no complicated affairs to manage. Therefore, except Yang Chudie, the entire Yudie Peak lacks talents who can take charge of the situation.

Now Yudie Peak is growing little by little, and this situation cannot continue. Otherwise, he and Yang Chudie will spend every day on these things, and they will never have a moment of their own time.

In view of this, Lu Yu has begun to train backbone members and cultivate their ability to take charge of the situation so as to share the worries of Yudie Peak.

The first person he wants to focus on is naturally Chu Hongling.

Chu Hongling is not only powerful and calm, but also has a natural advantage in her background. She is the personal maid of the sisters Yang Chudie and Yang Yudie. The disciples of the entire Yudie Peak will not refuse her orders.

The second batch to be trained and promoted are Qi Yunkai, Qin Xiang, Baozi, Su Buyi and the Wen sisters.

There is no deacon on Yudie Peak except Yang Chudie, so these core disciples with higher strength will naturally take on more responsibilities, and even treat them as deacons of other peaks.

Moreover, these people have had close interactions with Lu Yu, and have an almost blind admiration for Lu Yu. It is very convenient for Lu Yu to tell them if he has anything to do.

In addition, Lu Yu originally planned to promote Fang Qian as a key target, but this guy has been insane since he learned the formula of Wuhua Lianxin Pill. He locked himself in the pill room all day and muttered to himself. It is unknown when he will recover.

In addition to these internal affairs, Lu Yu also has to deal with visitors from all over.

Most of these visitors come to inspect the situation of Yudie Peak and want to discuss cooperation. To put it bluntly, they are probably the future God of Wealth of Yudie Peak. Lu Yu naturally dare not be arrogant and has to receive them in person.

At the end of the day, Lu Yu was so tired from seeing off guests that his jaw almost froze from laughing. He felt exhausted, even more tired than when he faced the monsters in the Xiaolitian Secret Realm.

After finally finishing a day's work, Lu Yu stretched himself on a chair in the Beeming Hall and said to Chu Hongling beside him:

"Sister Hongling, I remember there is a hot spring bath in Mingjing Garden, right? Do you know how to open the formation of that hot spring bath? You see, I have been working hard for Yudie Peak all day. Even if Master Aunt is here, she won't mind me borrowing her pool to take a bath, right?"

"That hot spring bath is not Miss Chudie's, but Miss Yudie's exclusive."

Chu Hongling answered expressionlessly.

"Besides, you can't rest yet. Miss Chudie has specifically instructed that an important guest will come to our Yudie Peak tonight, and you must receive this person well."

"And receive?"

Lu Yu's face froze, and then he showed a look of doubt.

"When did Master Nun tell you? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Chu Hongling shrugged and said innocently, "I just received a message from Miss Chudie. This guest changed his schedule temporarily and wanted to visit Yudie Peak. So Miss sent a message back and told us to receive him well."

Lu Yu's heart moved and he sat up straight from his chair.

What kind of guest could it be that Yang Chudie sent a message back to tell them to receive him well while she was on a mission outside?

"Since this guest is so important, do I have to take a bath and change clothes to show respect?"

"So, Sister Hongling, no matter whose pool it is, you open the magic circle first and let me go in for a bath, okay?"

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