Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 167 Sea Viewing Instrument

Lu Yu had never heard of the name "Taisu Dan Jing".

Although there had been discussions among the crowd just now, he had been focusing on his own alchemy furnace and did not pay much attention to the discussions from the outside world. Therefore, he did not know the origin of Taisu Shiluo Dan.

But even if you don't know its origin, just by looking at the appearance of this elixir, you already know that it is extraordinary.

No wonder Elder Li is so confident, he has such a trump card!

Lu Yu did not lose confidence just yet.

At this time, facing Elder Li's provocative gaze, he just smiled slightly, and then walked towards his alchemy furnace without saying a word.

If his cultivation level had not improved this time, and Lu Yu was still at the second level of the True Yuan Realm, he might really have lost the battle this time.

But now he is already at the third level of True Yuan Realm!

More importantly, he also gained insight into the secret of the mysterious black beads in his body.

The mysterious black beads turned into water mist and attached to the red lotus cyclone. Although it temporarily affected his cultivation, it was mainly in terms of martial arts and fighting. Not only did it have no impact on alchemy, but it actually improved it.

This is because the mysterious black bead's yin and soft properties enrich the five-element properties of the red lotus cyclone to a certain extent, and the five-element properties are the key to purifying the alchemy.

This was also the last time Lu Yu demonstrated alchemy in front of Fang Qian and other disciples. After discovering that he had greatly improved, he verified the result several times in private before finally confirming it.

Therefore, Lu Yu has full confidence in the elixir he refined.

This Taisu Stone Luo Dan is the result of Elder Li's extraordinary performance, but the pill in his alchemy furnace is not the pinnacle of his skills?

Lu Yu didn't waste any time and turned around and walked towards his alchemy furnace.

The alchemy furnace is opened and steam fills the air.

It's just ordinary white steam, nothing special, and there is no roaring sound like the roar of dragons and tigers when the Taisu Shiluo Dan was opened.

Everything looks like an ordinary furnace.

However, experienced elders and deacons like Feng Jianyao and others still noticed something unusual in it.

According to common sense, Lu Yu's alchemy furnace was about to explode, and all the materials inside should naturally be destroyed. There should be a burning smell at this time. How come there is no pungent smell?

Could it be that those materials were not destroyed even when they were close to the explosion?

It was not until Lu Yu took out the elixir from the furnace and displayed it in front of everyone that the doubts in the hearts of these elders and deacons were finally completely eliminated.

The elixir in Lu Yu's hand was covered with a layer of black tingling, and it looked completely burnt. It was impossible to even tell what type of elixir it was.

Everyone's faces showed an expression that was indeed the case.

Isn't that right? The furnace was about to explode, but it would have been pretty good if the charcoal ashes of the furnace were not dug out. It is absolutely normal for the elixir to become like this.

Elder Li immediately sneered: "You want to compete with me just based on this pill?"

Lu Yu smiled without saying a word, lifted the elixir in his palm, brought it to his mouth, and blew gently.

A magical scene happened!

I saw that the dark layer on the surface of the elixir suddenly cracked, like a cocoon breaking out, and a brand new elixir was revealed from the middle.

This brand-new elixir shines with bursts of red light, and there is a red mark on the elixir body. It looks like a lotus flower in shape. If you look carefully, you can find that the lotus flower is lifelike, and the petals are opening one after another.

Between the opening and closing of the petals, it is the source of these bursts of red light.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that this elixir had another origin. The black thing on the surface was just the outer shell. After it was broken open, a brand new elixir would appear inside.

Lu Yu held the brand new elixir in his hand, faced Elder Li, and responded without any sign of weakness: "This is the dust-cleansing elixir. I will compete with you with this elixir. How about it?"

Elder Li's face looked uncertain.

The Taisu Shiluo Dan he refined has dragon patterns that look like living creatures wrapped around its body, while the Dust Cleansing Pill refined by Lu Yu also has lifelike red lotus marks on its body. In terms of appearance, both , it was difficult to tell who was higher and who was lower for a while.

He never thought that that black and numb pill could produce such a change.

The elders and deacons nearby also looked at each other in shock.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the alchemy furnace that is almost about to explode to refine an elixir of such quality, but Lu Yu is so incredible that he refined such an elixir and presented it generously. In front of everyone.

All the elders and deacons couldn't figure out how he did it even if they tried their best.

"Elders, do you have any equipment for fighting elixirs? Can you borrow them for use?"

Lu Yu turned around and asked Elder Zhu and others.

All the elders were suddenly embarrassed. Although Dou Dan was popular in the Great Li Sword Sect, it was only a way of playing that was only liked by some unskilled disciples. The elders were all self-righteous people, so how could they bring Dou Dan's gambling equipment with them.

In the end, Elder Feng came up with a dry cough and said: "Ordinary pill-fighting equipment cannot withstand the power of these two pills. It just so happens that I ordered a sea-viewing device from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. The instrument had just been delivered, and before I had time to place it in the cave, I happened to be taking it with me."

As he spoke, Elder Feng took out a box from his arms. This box was very exquisite and had the words "Specially Made by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect" engraved on it.

The Jade Sea Immortal Sect, like the Dali Sword Sect, is one of the Eight Immortal Sects. The difference is that the Dali Sword Sect is famous for its magnificent swordsmanship, while the Yuhai Immortal Sect is known throughout the world for its exquisite forging skills.

This box is similar to the Qiankun Bag, but it is more stable than the space in the Qiankun Bag. It can prevent precision instruments from being damaged during long-distance bumps. It is specially used to transport valuable treasures.

Precision instruments such as sea-viewing instruments are also a type of valuable treasure. It is specially used to measure the grade of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It is similar to the alchemy meter. However, its measurement accuracy and range are far from comparable to the portable alchemy meter, and the objects it measures are not limited to elixirs. Even various materials can be measured on it.

In fact, Elder Feng's main purpose of ordering this sea-viewing instrument was to select materials for refining top-notch elixirs.

Now it is perfectly appropriate to temporarily use it to evaluate the pros and cons of two pills.

Elder Feng opened the box, took out the components one by one, and quickly assembled a huge precision instrument on site.

The shape of this instrument is like an eyeball, about the same size as a buffalo. Countless profound and mysterious inscription characters surround the eyeball, shining with azure light, as if everything in the world is covered by its insight.

Many of the disciples present saw this sea-viewing instrument for the first time, and they couldn't help but marvel.

In the entire Dali Sword Sect, they have never seen such a well-made instrument. They secretly thought that there is a reason why the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is still famous despite being isolated overseas.

Seeing that the sea-viewing instrument was finally assembled, Lu Yu looked at Elder Li opposite with a smile.

"Elder Li, do you come first or me?"

Elder Li snorted coldly: "My Taisu Shiluo Pill was created by Taisu Ancestor. Everyone knows about its reputation. But your Dust Cleansing Pill has not even been heard of." However, I don’t know where you made it up. Although it looks good, who knows if it’s not practical or not?”

"Since you don't give up, then I'll compete with you and let you see what the Immortal's legacy is!"

After saying that, Elder Li strode forward and put the pill wrapped with dragon patterns in his hand into Guan Haiyi's eyeball.

Suddenly, various complex inscriptions in the eyeballs rotated rapidly, and at the same time, a curtain of light was emitted straight into the sky.

What is shown in the light curtain is the most primitive state of breath inside the elixir, with countless air currents rolling and surging, looking like a vast ocean with treacherous waves.

This is why the name of the sea-watching instrument comes from.

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