Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 151 The picture shows the poor dagger

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Although Yang Muyun's elixir meter is just a portable and simple device, such an ordinary elixir can make it explode directly. Isn't this too exaggerated?

Yang Muyun also had a look of astonishment on his face, obviously he did not expect such a result.

He picked up the broken watch body, took out the elixir, and handed it to Lu Yu tremblingly.

"What kind of pill is this?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "What other kind of elixir could it be? Didn't I tell you before? This elixir is called Wuhua Lianxin Dan. It is a first-aid elixir for healing injuries. It mainly targets internal injuries, similar to the Snow Soul Great Return Dan." , but the effect is many times stronger... You have seen the entire refining process, and I didn't do anything in the process!"


Yang Muyun had the intention to question it again, but as soon as he said two words, he found that he couldn't say any more.

Indeed, Lu Yu's entire refining process, every detail step, was exposed in full view of the public. No matter how incredible it seemed, it was already a conclusive fact.

Everyone around him was also stunned.

Although this elixir does not look good in terms of sales, it can make the calculation device explode, which undoubtedly fully proves that it is a genuine high-end elixir.

Such an elixir can be said to be no less powerful than the one that defeated Zhang Biao in the Dan Battle, and it is even more powerful than that one!

At this time, no one questioned the authenticity of the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill.

But what followed was a bigger doubt in everyone's mind. How could such a high-level elixir be refined with only fifty-five ordinary materials?

Although they have seen the entire refining process, they don't understand it at all!

Lu Yu took the elixir from the dumbfounded Yang Muyun's hand, turned around and handed it to Fatty Dong beside him.

"Since you provided the material, then this pill is naturally yours. Senior brother, please keep it."

Fatty Dong took the elixir blankly. If he had gotten such an elixir for free in the past, he would have been ecstatic, but at this moment, how could he have the intention to spend the entire refined elixir to be happy about this elixir? Learning the entire process is the most important thing!

"Senior Brother Lu Yu, we didn't see very clearly your refining process just now. Can you please demonstrate it to us again? I still have a lot of materials here, all of which are provided to you for free!"

Fatty Dong looked at Lu Yu eagerly and said.

He was quite good at calculating and wanted to come up with some materials, so he learned Lu Yu's refining techniques.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Today's meeting has been going on for a long time, and it has taken up a lot of everyone's time. If anyone else has something unclear and wants to watch me demonstrate the refining process, it is better to wait until the discussion. Let’s see it again at the Dan Conference!”

"Alchemy conference?" Fatty Dong asked with a confused look on his face. He had been refining alchemy for a long time, but there had never been such a gathering.

Lu Yu nodded: "I have already said that today's move is for the long-term development of Dali Sword Sect in the alchemy path... From now on, our Jade Butterfly Peak will hold an elixir discussion conference every month. At that time, I will be like today In this way, I will personally demonstrate the refining process to everyone at the meeting, and share with everyone my experience in refining the elixir, including the technical difficulties and precautions for refining this Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill. I will explain it in more detail than today, and we will learn and make progress together with everyone. !”

It sounds like this is almost like teaching the entire refining process to everyone, and Fatty Dong can't help but feel excited.

He swallowed hard and asked: "When will this elixir discussion conference be held? Can everyone participate?"

"The first Dan Conference will be held within this month. As for the candidates to participate..."

Halfway through, Lu Yu paused deliberately and laughed meaningfully: "Since it is a gathering held by our Jade Butterfly Peak, naturally only Jade Butterfly Peak's disciples can participate!"

Fatty Dong was suddenly stunned.

Everyone around him also calmed down.

Lu Yu finally had a clear picture and clearly displayed his intentions.

But this time, everyone could no longer scold Yudie Peak for being wishful thinking and overestimating one's capabilities as before, because everyone present could not say a firm word: I am not interested in your Po Lun Dan Conference at all!

Even Yang Muyun, who is the little golden cauldron of Baoding Peak, is curious about the secret behind Lu Yu's refining technique.

Fatty Dong was hesitant in his heart. He thought for a long time and finally asked hesitantly: "I heard that Jade Butterfly Peak is planning to recruit more disciples?"

"That's right!"

Lu Yu nodded again.

"I believe everyone already knows that our Jade Butterfly Peak has set the alchemy industry as the main development strategy in the future. This is not only for the development of our own Jade Butterfly Peak, but also for the long-term development of Dali Sword Sect on the path of alchemy."

"Although I may be ahead of you in the art of alchemy, to accomplish these things, my strength alone is not enough! There must be a large amount of elixirs produced to form a large-scale industry. At the same time, there must be enough learning and exchange to promote each other's technical progress! Therefore, we at Jade Butterfly Peak are eager for talents!"

"As long as you are willing to leave your original household registration and join our Jade Butterfly Peak, all benefits will be the highest. Not to mention, I also promise you one more thing..."

"As long as everyone joins, does not violate the regulations of Jade Butterfly Peak, and meets the assessment standards, then I promise to give you all the refining techniques and secrets of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill within one year!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone was still hesitant at first. After all, there was great uncertainty in the whole matter. Who could guarantee that after joining, they would be able to learn the refining method of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill? Who can guarantee that Yudie Peak will not take advantage of him and work for them in vain?

Now that Lu Yu has made such a promise, it can be said that the biggest doubts have been eliminated. At least their expected gains can be determined.

It only takes one year to learn the refining method of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill. Such a price is not worth mentioning to most disciples.

In the process of learning alchemy and practicing Taoism, how many of them have never spent several years lighting fires, watching stoves, and serving tea and water for their teachers in order to get a piece of advice from their teachers?

The square suddenly became agitated, and people rushed to ask more specific details.

"How to join Jade Butterfly Peak? Do I need to register?"

"What conditions do you have for newly recruited disciples?"

"You said it doesn't violate the rules of Jade Butterfly Peak. What are the rules of Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"What exactly does the so-called assessment standard refer to? What does the assessment include?"

"After joining your Jade Butterfly Peak, if you feel dissatisfied, can you quit again?"

Lu You smiled and listened to the various questions raised by the crowd. He waved his hand gently and pointed to a building not far from the square.

"For these specific questions, you can go to the Buzzing Hall over there to ask. Several core disciples from our Jade Butterfly Peak are already sitting there to answer these specific questions for you! Including the specific procedures, all It’s done over there.”

Before he finished speaking, the crowd in the square was already swarming towards the Buzzer Hall.

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