Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 126 The Shocking Arrival of the Supreme Demon King

Wulaofeng, Wuwang Palace.

Seeing the light spots representing the multi-headed fish demon disappear from the panoramic view, everyone in the hall couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

For the time being, they were unable to know whose family the demon king belonged to. The demon king was successfully dealt with without causing any trouble, which was ultimately a good thing from the overall perspective of the Dali Sword Sect.

Yang Chudie keenly noticed that at the last moment before the multi-headed fish demon was killed, the purple light spot on the panorama moved strangely a few times, and even coincided with the multi-headed fish demon at one time. This shows that Lu Yu and others were also at the last moment. He took action, but I don’t know whether he succeeded or not...

It stands to reason that under the circumstances at that time, it would be extremely difficult to kill the Demon King. Even if she was at the scene, she would not be absolutely sure that she could do it without using her strength above the Guihai realm.

But, if it were Lu Yu, could he do it?

Yang Chudie didn't have a definite answer in her heart. After all, Lu Yu had given her too many accidents before, and there was no guarantee that this time it wouldn't be another accident.

She was thinking silently when suddenly someone in the palace screamed.

"This is something!"

"Such a huge magic reaction has never appeared before!"

"Abnormal situation! An abnormal situation has occurred in the Qingyou Lake area!"

Everyone turned their attention back to Qingyou Lake on the panoramic map, and saw that where the multi-headed fish demon light spot disappeared, a huge black light and shadow suddenly appeared, almost covering the entire Qingyou Lake.

Everyone in the palace has never encountered such a situation before.

"What's happening here?"

"Hasn't the multi-headed fish demon been killed? Why is there still such a strong magic reaction?"

"The magic reaction of this mass is much more powerful than the previous multi-headed fish demon!"

"Could it be...that this is the Supreme Demon King? But why did the Supreme Demon King suddenly appear here?"

"Even the Supreme Demon King has never been so powerful?"

"Could it be a newly grown supreme demon king?"

The entire hall was noisy, and people's hearts suddenly fluctuated.

There was only one person in the room, and he was not unfamiliar with the sudden appearance of black light and shadow.

This person is Zhang Ji.

His eyes were fixed on the black light and shadow, and the mysterious black shadow appeared in his mind over and over again.

Although he never figured out what the black light and shadow that the mysterious shadow gave him was, at this moment, he thought of a very scary possibility.

At this time, the place where the black light and shadow appeared was the area where all the elite disciples of the sect gathered.

The purpose of that mysterious black shadow is clearly to bury all the most elite disciples of the entire Dali Sword Sect in the secret realm of Xiaoli Tian!

For a moment, Zhang Ji felt as if his heart was squeezed tightly by something, and his face turned pale.

However, the palace was in chaos at this time, and no one noticed his abnormal reaction.

As if to confirm his guess, the panoramic map suddenly changed again.

"There are abnormal fluctuations in magic power in the Rain Curtain Plain, and a demon king appears!"

"There are abnormal fluctuations in magic power in the eastern section of the Mo River, and a demon king appears!"

"There are abnormal fluctuations in magic power in the western section of the Mo River, and a demon king appears!"

"Hechuan Mountain..."

"Mangya Mountain..."


"Wild Boar Forest..."

The Demon King appeared in more than ten places at the same time!

Everyone in the palace was shocked!

what is happening!

The Xiaolitian Secret Realm has been opened so many times, but there has never been such a situation in thousands of years!

"All the demon kings are moving towards Qingyou Lake!"

"Is this the supreme demon king of Qingyou Lake summoning them?"

"This is obviously an attempt to strangle all the elite disciples of our sect!"

This time, not only Zhang Ji, but everyone in the palace understood the conspiracy in the secret realm!

Although I don’t know why this is happening or why it happened, it all really happened!

Everyone looked horrified.

If the situation is allowed to develop like this, it will be a fatal blow to the Dali Sword Sect!

The Dali Sword Sect will withdraw from the list of the eight supreme immortal sects, and may gradually become a second-rate sect from now on!

Suddenly, everyone turned their attention to the elder who was sitting in the high position.

"Mr. Shangge, please initiate off-site intervention!"

The Xiaolitian Secret Realm is a very special secret realm that cannot be entered by powerful people above Guihai Realm. If you enter rashly, you will be torn into pieces by the power of the law of time and space cracks.

Therefore, in order to deal with sudden situations that may occur in the secret realm, Wulaofeng has specially established a response mechanism, which is called off-site intervention.

Specifically, it is to combine the power of several real people to break through the rules and barriers of the secret realm and unleash divine power and natural punishment.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but feel extremely lucky that they had not easily resorted to off-site intervention when a large number of flying fish swarms appeared before and the multi-headed fish demon appeared.

Otherwise, there will be no spare power to deal with such a situation at this time.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Mr. Shang Ge stood up slowly, his eyes revealing incomparable majesty.

"King Wu is so powerful! Arrange in formation!"

After saying this, he suddenly stood up, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky.

The other pavilion elders in the hall also stood up and flew into the sky.

The next moment, the figures of six real elders were already floating in the sky above Wulao Peak.

Waves of rays of light shone, connecting into a huge hexagon.

In the secret realm of Xiao Li Tian, ​​on Qingyou Lake.

After the multi-headed fish demon was killed by Lu Yu, the scene fell into chaos again.

Under the leadership of the three top masters on the Qingyun Ranking, a group of disciples joined in the pursuit of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu relied on his agility and ran to crowded places, causing chaos at the scene. However, he was as slippery as a loach, and the people chasing behind him could not do anything to him.

"Brothers, the demon king has been killed, and the victory has been decided! You are still chasing me like this, isn't it too shameless?"

Lu Yu shouted to the people behind him while running away.

But a few people pretended not to hear and continued to pursue Lu Yu.

Lu Yu suddenly understood that these people clearly didn't want to let him go.

After careful consideration, these three parties all have a grudge against him...

Qin Haohai is a disciple of Tianquan Peak. In order to fulfill the bet between Yuan Jiansong and Yang Chudie, he will definitely not let him go easily.

Chu Yunhe and the two had already formed a feud because of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce.

As for Liang Chuanyu, not to mention, Bai Yunfeng had already said that he wanted to take his own life. As the top core disciple of Bai Yunfeng, Liang Chuanyu was the most suitable person to be ordered to complete this matter...

Lu Yu even suspected that the sword surrounded by the blue dragon in his hand was specially given to him by Baiyun Peak to complete the task of killing him, because Yang Chudie had not mentioned him before when he explained the Qingyun Ranking to them. There is such a powerful magical weapon.

If Lu Yu's Feihong Sword hadn't been repaired, he would have been unable to resolve the Green Dragon Sword's attacks several times.

Therefore, since these three people finally found an excuse to attack themselves, they will never give up easily.

In this way, it would be very difficult to deal with. The other party has more people and more power, so continuing the stalemate is not an option after all.

Lu Yu used his brain and tried hard to think about how to change this situation.

At this moment, a fierce scream came.

Everyone followed the sound and found that the screams came from the disciple formation of the Three Peaks Alliance.

Zhengjue was at a loss when he suddenly slowly lifted up a black strip-shaped object from the disciple formation of the Three Peaks Alliance.

The strip-shaped object was like a long spike, and it had already pierced the bodies of more than a dozen disciples.

Drenched with blood and extremely terrifying!

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