Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 121 Thousand Waters and Three Waves

It turned out that they were elite disciples from various mountain peaks. Finally, they could no longer hold back and took action against the demon king in Qingyou Lake.

After all, the large forces of the Three Peaks Alliance have already arrived at the scene and have an absolute advantage. If they don't take action in advance, they may never have a chance again.

The one who took action at this time was the Moyun Peak disciple.

Among the many peaks of the Dali Sword Sect, Moyun Peak is only at the upper-middle level and does not have top competitiveness. They also know that they may not be able to successfully kill the Demon King.

However, they were the first to discover the Demon King here. If they didn't fight for it, they would just watch the Demon King become someone else's possession. They were really unwilling to do so.

I saw several Moyun Peak disciples flying over the lake, constantly hitting the water. Each step contained the true power of the Five Elements, shaking the entire Qingyou Lake with turbulent waves and undulating waves.

Countless strange monsters couldn't stand it anymore and flew out of the water one after another, launching fierce attacks on the Moyun Peak disciples on the water.

The disciples of Moyun Peak were able to handle the attack with ease at first, completely ignoring the attacks of these monsters, and continued to stamp on the water surface, intent on forcing the monster king from the bottom of the water to the surface.

But as more and more monsters appeared, like a group of ants foraging for food, they kept coming out one after another. The disciples of Moyun Peak had less and less room to play, and finally had to withdraw from the lake, and hurriedly managed to catch up to the shore. The monster comes.

In this attempt, not only did they not even see the Demon King's face, they also made themselves extremely embarrassed.

Elite disciples from several more mountains tried, but all failed.

It was not until the end that the disciples from Tianxiang Peak took action, finally forcing the Demon King to reveal his true form and surface.

It turned out to be a monster with a fish head and human body. Its body was very huge. Its lower body was covered with fine black scales. Its upper body had more than one head, but was made up of countless fish heads put together. At a glance, it was densely packed with glaring eyes. The dead fish head with eyes looks extremely weird.

"What is this?"

In a corner at the edge of the lake, Lu Yu was accompanying the Wen sisters to search for the Netherworld Stone. They were startled by the sudden appearance of the Demon King.

This was the first time he saw the Demon King, and he felt that the species in this secret realm were really weirder than the last.

"This should be the multi-headed fish demon. Although it looks very ugly, it is full of valuable treasures!"

Qi Yunkai was filled with emotion.

"Thinking that the demon king appearing in Qingyou Lake is actually him, no wonder elite disciples from all over the mountain peaks have rushed here. Such a demon king is worth the usual three or four demon kings!"

"So valuable?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"So just grabbing this one end will be enough for us to enter the top ten in the points rankings?"

Qi Yunkai thought for a while: "I'm afraid one end is not very safe. If there are two ends, it will definitely be enough."

Lu Yu nodded clearly, said nothing more, and had no other reaction.

Wen Rulan glanced at Lu Yu: "Senior Brother Lu, why don't you go over there and keep an eye on the multi-headed fish demon over there? It doesn't matter if you look for the Netherworld Stone later. If this delays the big things of senior fellow apprentices, then we sisters will be embarrassed. ”

Lu Yu curled his lips: "Don't worry, they can't move the demon king. If they can kill the demon king like this, why would the Three Peaks Alliance bother to call the large army over?"

The Wen sisters suddenly felt sweet in their hearts. They thought that Lu Yu, in order to help them find the Netherworld Stone, even ignored the Demon King. Such a man is so charming...

How could they imagine that Lu Yu actually had another plan in mind...

On the surface of Qingyou Lake, the situation was exactly as Lu Yu expected. The disciples of Tianxiang Peak were unable to do anything to the Demon King. Under the attack of the Demon King and many monster beasts, they were defeated and ended miserably.

Seeing that even Tianxiang Peak was defeated, the remaining disciples from various peaks were no longer in a hurry to go on stage and started to watch.

At this moment, more and more disciples rushed to the scene, and more and more people gathered around Qingyou Lake.

"We can't wait any longer. If we delay it, a large number of people from other peaks will arrive!"

Qin Haohai said decisively.

"Junior Brother Han, you are responsible for commanding the large forces and clearing the area for us! Members of the elite team, follow me and focus on dealing with the Demon King!"

Everyone agreed with a roar.

Amid everyone's attention, the Three Peaks Alliance finally showed its sword!


"Snake Formation!"


Under the command of Han Pojun, all the large forces of the Three Peaks Alliance pressed onto the lake and formed a circle, not only guarding Qin Haohai and others in the middle, but also shielding all the disciples from other surrounding peaks.

"Pay attention to the disciples from other mountains and don't let them come and cause trouble!"

Qin Haohai finally gave Han Pojun instructions.

Han Pojun nodded slowly.

Qin Haohai patted his shoulder and without saying anything else, he flashed and rowed to the center of the lake in an instant.


Qin Haohai lightly stamped his foot, and suddenly he felt the entire Qingyou Lake shake.

Waves of waves rolled up, and countless grotesque monsters rushed out of the water, all of them baring their teeth and claws, and they were extremely ferocious.

But the strength of Qin Haohai and others is obviously not comparable to those of the previous disciples on the mountain, and they are not fighting alone. They are surrounded by their helpers, who are more numerous than the monsters.

Soon the monsters were cleaned up and turned into materials that were collected by the disciples of the Three Peaks Alliance.


Qin Haohai stamped his foot again.

In an instant, the water is romantic and the sky is romantic, and the waves are crashing on the shore!

More monsters were violently shaken out. They were furious and rushed to attack everyone. However, in the end, they were no longer able to outnumber the Three Peaks Alliance disciples, and were mercilessly strangled again.

These monsters are all helpers of the multi-headed fish demon. Cutting them off now is equivalent to cutting off the multi-headed fish demon's arms.


Qin Haohai stamped his foot for the third time.

Silks of white gas began to rise on the lake.

The lake water started to become hot and gradually boiled!

Suddenly, all the remaining monsters in the lake jumped out.

Even the multi-headed fish demon was no exception, revealing his true form on the lake again...

In the distance, Chu Yunhe, a disciple of Cuizhu Peak, jumped onto a stone cliff and looked at the scene on Qingyou Lake from a distance.

On top of the stone cliff, another person was already standing.

This man is holding a simple sword in his arms, with a majestic green dragon carved on the handle, and the dragon's body is coiled upright in the scabbard.

His aura is very powerful, and his cultivation level is not inferior to that of Chu Yunhe.

This person is Liang Chuanyu, the Baiyun Peak disciple who ranks first on the Qingyun Ranking.

"Senior Brother Liang, why are you standing here watching the show?"

Liang Chuanyu glanced at him lightly.

"Aren't you the same?"

Chu Yunhe chuckled.

"That's right. If we didn't stand farther away, how could Qin Haohai have the guts to go on stage and perform such a performance?"

Liang Chuanyu looked at the situation in the lake with deep eyes, and said: "It turns out that he is very proficient in the Thousand Waters Triple Wave technique!"

Chu Yunhe nodded and agreed: "This guy's ambition is not small. He spent so much time on the Qianshui Triple Layer. He probably planned to directly comprehend the thirty-six paths after being promoted to a true disciple. One of the most wonderful techniques is the Great Canghai Sword Technique!"

Liang Chuanyu snorted: "You can't bite off more than you can chew. If this kid doesn't understand this truth, it's not certain whether he can break through the Guihai Realm. He still wants to have a dream of understanding the Great Canghai Sword Technique? After all, it's just too high a goal! "

At this time, Qin Haohai had already stamped his third foot on Qingyou Lake in the distance.

The multi-headed fish demon emerged from the water and fought with Qin Haohai and others.

Chu Yunhe smiled evilly: "Then let us go over and teach him a lesson!"

Liang Chuanyu sneered: "I'll see Zhenzhang later, and let me see what progress you have made!"

After saying that, the two of them jumped at the same time, jumped off the stone cliff, and ran towards the direction of Qingyou Lake.

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