Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 118 It’s so inexperienced

Wulao Peak, Wuwang Hall.

In the hall, on the panoramic map of Xiaolitian Secret Realm, countless black spots in the rain curtain plain area were gradually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the process of this decrease was very strange. In the middle of a large area of ​​dense black spots, a piece of space suddenly appeared.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but look at it in surprise.

"What's going on? How could the number of flying fish schools decrease so quickly?"

"Is this a killer developed by the Three Peaks Alliance? Can it kill the flying cloud group so effectively and quickly?"

"It must be the means of the Three Peaks Alliance. No wonder Xuan Mo Zhenren is not worried at all. It turns out that there is such a powerful means!"

"It seems that the Three Peaks Alliance is well prepared this time! This time in the Xiaolitian Secret Realm, I am afraid it will shine!"

"Well, the alliance really has its advantages..."


Everyone talked about it, and they all guessed that it was because of the Three Peaks Alliance that the original crisis was resolved invisibly.

Just when everyone was beaming with joy and vying to praise it,

What Yang Chudie remembered was the star-studded sword that Lu Yu had used in the training ground on Jade Butterfly Peak that night.

Among all the people present, she was the only one who knew that Lu Yu could use the weakened version of the Star Sword Art with only the second-level cultivation of the True Yuan Realm. And the strange frequency of the disappearance of those black dots on the panoramic map just now made her imagine that the only way was Lu Yu's weakened version of the Star Sword Art.

At this time, she was sure that the crimson-purple light spot on the rain curtain plain was Lu Yu and others, otherwise not only would the dense black dots on it not disappear, but the crimson-purple light spot should have been swallowed up long ago.

An indescribable feeling of pride surged in her heart, and a slight smile rose at the corner of her mouth.

"This should be the masterpiece of the disciples on Jade Butterfly Peak, right?"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded in Yang Chudie's ears.

"I didn't expect that after the special training by Deacon Yang, several disciples on Yudie Peak actually possessed such abilities. Rather than saying that his disciples are excellent, I think Deacon Yang is talented!" Yang Chudie turned her head in surprise and looked around before she realized that it was Xuan Mo Zhenren, the head of Moyu Peak, who spoke to her through the means of transmitting sound into secret. Li Xuan met her gaze, smiled at her, and admitted that it was he who spoke to her. Indeed, in the hall, apart from Yang Chudie, the only one who could see the mystery hidden in the situation on the rain curtain plain was Xuan Mo Zhenren. After all, he knew the strength of his disciples best. "Xuan Mo Zhenren is overpraising me. I am just a guide. The disciples' hard work and dedication are the key to their rapid improvement in strength." Yang Chudie also said through the means of transmitting sound into secret. "Deacon Yang, don't be so modest! In fact, what I want to tell you is that I have always admired your talent. Although you have made a bet with Cangsong Zhenren, I hope that no matter what the result is, you can seriously reconsider the alliance." "Deacon Yang is so talented, it is too much of a waste of talent to guard the Jade Butterfly Peak alone. If the alliance comes true, I don't care what others think. I will definitely ensure that Deacon Yang will be in charge of the peak alone, and all treatment will be the same as that of the first Zhenren. If others don't agree, I will exchange my position with Deacon Yang with Li Xuan!" Yang Chudie was stunned. Treating herself with the position of Zhenren was too much! I don't know why this Xuanmo Zhenren thinks so highly of me? Is it really because of my talent? She thought about it with her eyebrows, and soon she shook her head secretly in her heart. If the other party really thinks highly of me, he would not have told me in advance when he planned to establish the Seven Peaks Alliance. Instead, she knew about this matter after Zhang Ji told her at Yuan Jiansong's 300th birthday banquet. It can be seen that the other party's words are just a means of winning over.

She couldn't help but smile faintly: "Let's talk about the future later!"

Li Xuan also smiled faintly: "That's good, I believe this will not be too long in the future."

The two people's eyes strayed from each other.

After a moment, when no one noticed him anymore, his face instantly turned cold.

After seeing the situation on the rain curtain plain, he felt pressure because he had just tried to win over Yang Chudie.

But it was obvious that his words just now did not impress the other party.

In this case, some means must be taken.

In short, Yudiefeng wants to win the bet and jump out of the framework of the alliance, which is absolutely not allowed to happen!

He raised his hand carelessly, and suddenly a ray of light shot out of the Wuwang Hall silently. When it reached the outside of the hall, the ray of light gradually unfolded, turned into a communication talisman, and flew into the sky.


Rain Curtain Plain.

The flying fish around were already few, only a few sporadic ones were left.

As the last starlight descended, the few scattered groups were all killed. Within the range of vision, only a few fish that were caught in the net fled in panic, and they no longer posed any threat.

Han Pojun looked at Lu Yu standing proudly in the white school of fish and couldn't believe his eyes.

Tens of thousands of flying fish, this man almost killed them all by himself, this is really incredible!

Even if his swordsmanship is powerful, his manpower will eventually be exhausted, but this guy has used powerful swordsmanship so many times without showing signs of fatigue. Is he really still human?

"Senior Brother Han, thank you for your help!"

Lu Yu withdrew his sword back to its sheath and raised his hand in the direction of Han Pojun. He sincerely thanked these disciples of the Three Peaks Alliance. Although Han Pojun had bad intentions, he would not have been able to do this without their actions. Kill all the flying fish efficiently.

The stragglers from various peaks behind them still have to share the ordinary flying fish eyes, but these disciples of the Three Peaks Alliance work completely voluntarily and do not need to pay any remuneration. This is simply noble and honorable.

Han Pojun snorted heavily and turned away, unable to bear to look any further.

"Senior Brother Han, we are counting the harvest here. Today's harvest is very rich. Why don't you come over and take a look together?" Lu Yu asked again.

Han Pojun gritted his teeth, pretending that he didn't hear, and ordered to his disciples: "Line up immediately and keep moving forward! This exploration of Xiao Litian's secret realm has just begun! There are more battles to come. Wait for us! Cheer up, everyone!"

The disciples of the Three Peaks Alliance began to line up and regroup.

Zheng Shilin leaned close to Han Pojun again and comforted him with warm words: "Senior Brother Han is right, this trip to the secret realm is still long. Where are we now? There are rarer and more precious materials waiting ahead. Follow us! Our Three Peaks Alliance should have the bearing of a strong man, and there is really no need to worry about temporary gains and losses with these little guys."

Han Pojun felt that these words touched his heart and felt very comfortable, so he couldn't help but nod his head.

At this moment, Lu Yu's voice came over again.

"Senior Brother Han, we have made a clear count! A total of 18,000 pairs of flying fish eyes were collected, and the ones assigned to us are 54,000 pairs! Naturally, the Three Peaks Alliance will not look down on such small things, but I still want to say thank you! Especially to Senior Brother Han!”

Han Pojun's mood, which had just calmed down, immediately became angry again, and veins popped up on his forehead.

"Senior Brother Han, I wonder where you plan to go next? Let's continue walking together!"

Han Pojun finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned around angrily, wanting to yell at Lu Yu.

However, he was so angry that his movements were too violent, and the moment he turned around.

He suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and the world around him suddenly started to spin...

"Senior Brother Han! Senior Brother Han!"

"What's wrong with you! What's wrong with you!"

The disciples around him started shouting and surrounding him one after another.

Lu Yu watched this scene, and while no one was paying attention, he retreated angrily.

But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it was so unbeatable...

I don't know how much time passed before Han Pojun faintly woke up amidst the various rescue methods used by everyone.

"Where's that guy?" He gritted his teeth.

"Senior Brother Han, don't worry about that guy or this guy anymore!"

Zheng Shilin persuaded with a look of helplessness.

"Senior Brother Qin just sent a message, informing us to rush there immediately. They have discovered the Demon King!"

Han Pojun immediately calmed down, and his eyes regained their sparkle.

"In which direction?"

"Qingyou Lake."

"Then what are you waiting for? Get ready to go immediately!" Han Pojun stood up and regained his energy.

"You're not busy, Senior Brother Han!" Zheng Shilin suddenly lowered his voice, "Senior Brother Qin also confessed another incident during the summons..."

Han Pojun was stunned and looked at him in surprise.

Zheng Shilin smiled lowly: "Senior Brother Qin specifically asked us to quietly reveal this news to Jade Butterfly Peak and lure them there as well..."

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