Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 116 The Little Fish Frying Expert

"Brother! This way, this way!"

"Brother! This way, this way!"

The two disciples shouted loudly to Lu Yu and others.

Lu Yu moved his formation and moved closer. After getting closer, he realized that the two people calling were two female disciples, and their cultivation was quite good.

Although they were covered with thick rain gear, they could still tell that they were two core disciples.

Lu Yu couldn't help but wonder. These two female disciples were not like the naked disciples behind him. They were actually capable of protecting themselves. Why did they still shout for help?

"Two senior sisters, are you sure you want to join? As long as you join our team, each of you will help us collect a hundred pairs of flying fish eyes in return!" Lu Yu said.

"One hundred pairs of flying fish eyes?" The two female disciples were surprised, "No problem! It's a joke! Deal!"

The two female disciples couldn't help but jump into Lu Yu's team.

Since they had no worries, the two of them could do their best. They waved their hands and caught several flying fish at once. They lowered their eyes without mercy and collected seven or eight pairs at once.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

With their efficiency, not to mention a hundred pairs of flying fish eyes, even two hundred wouldn't be a problem for them!

In this way, not only do they not have to face the dangerous flying fish schools, but they can also take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but wonder if his price was too low...

But the words had already been said, and Lu Yu was embarrassed to change his words again and raise the price.

Then, like the two female disciples, many disciples around them saw a business opportunity that was sure to make money without losing money, and they all asked to join Lu Yu's protection team. After a while, the protection team became huge.

Gradually, the scene became less meaty and there were not even enough dead flying fish to pick up...

Lu Yu looked at the disciples behind him who were waiting for food, suddenly his heart suddenly crossed, and he shouted loudly.

"Everyone is following!"

Suddenly, he flew out and took the initiative to face the densest place among the flying fish.

Everyone was shocked.

What is this doing?

There were swarms of flying fish in that place. Before anyone could hide, he actually rushed towards that place. Was he trying to feed the fish with his body?

While everyone was wondering, Qi Yunkai, Qin Xiang, Bao Zi, and Su Buyi did not hesitate and immediately rushed up behind Lu Yu.

The two female disciples looked at each other and, relying on the courage of their masters, followed them.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the group followed suit even though they were feeling uneasy.

After all, most of them have no ability to protect themselves. If they leave the protection of Lu Yu and others, it will be difficult to move forward.

Anyway, it's a dead end, so it's better to follow and win.

"Defend me!"

Facing the black swarm of flying fish, Lu Yu shouted and the Feihong Sword was unsheathed.

Qi Yunkai and the other four people quickly gathered around Lu Yu and protected him in the middle.

Lu Yu raised the Feihong Sword in his hand, and for a moment the brilliance of the ninth-grade sword was like a torch lit in the darkness, illuminating the dim plain where the rain was pouring.

Attracted by the brilliance, the surrounding flying fish flocked crazily towards Lu Yu.

At this moment, bright stars suddenly lit up in the sky.

One point, two points, three points...a total of twenty-eight points!



The stars fell and the earth trembled.

The flying fish were exploded from the center by the fierce energy, falling into pieces, and their bellies turned up one after another.

Behind him, two powerful female disciples looked at each other with a look of horror on their faces.

The other disciples who were a little stronger all had earth-colored faces.

Even in the formation of the Three Peaks Alliance, countless disciples were attracted by the loud noise, and turned their heads to look here, all of them dumbfounded.

For a moment, there was even a hint of chaos in their formation.

"What are you doing standing still? Come quickly and collect flying fish eyes!"

Lu Yu turned around and shouted loudly to the dazed people behind him.

Everyone just woke up from a dream, and rushed forward in a hurry, picked up the dead fish on the ground, and pried off their eyes...

There were dead fish everywhere, and they could pick them up without any effort. Such a scene was something they had never dreamed of.

Since flying fish always come out in groups, these disciples used to be very cautious when collecting flying fish eyes, for fear that they would lose a piece of meat on their hands accidentally, so they could collect without any worries like this. Flying fish eyes, this is so happy!

Some disciples even cried on the spot...

I felt aggrieved because I had to get a few flying fish eyeballs in exchange for all my injuries in the past. Now I realize that collecting flying fish eyeballs can be so easy and enjoyable. I wish I had come to hang out with this boss earlier...

"Who is this boss? He is so strong!"

"They seem to be Jade Butterfly Peak disciples..."

"Jade Butterfly Peak? When did such a powerful person appear in Jade Butterfly Peak? Have you never heard of him before?"

"Have you been living in a cave recently? What happened at the Sutra Pagoda a few days ago was so sensational, haven't you heard about it?"

"It is said that the person who comprehended the Star Sword Technique that has been lost to thousands of people in the Sutra Pagoda a few days ago was a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak. Could it be the person in front of me?"

"Could it be that what he just used was the legendary Star Sword Technique that has been lost for thousands of years?"

"It's so awesome! I will definitely learn this sword technique in the future!"

"Just you? Are you qualified to learn? Let's wait until you reach the Guihai realm!"

"But, I see that this big guy is not at the Guihai realm. It seems that his cultivation level is only at the second level of the True Yuan realm? Why can he learn it but I can't learn it?"

"He's a big shot! Do you have the understanding of a big shot?"

"Hmph, everything depends on human effort. Don't bully young people into poverty..."

"What should I do? After seeing this sword technique from the boss, I now have the urge to join Jade Butterfly Peak..."

Everyone was still talking about it, but Lu Yu and others in front had opened up another battlefield.

Countless stars fell, and instantly a large area of ​​flying fish showed white bellies.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! The boss is frying fish over there again. Hurry up, clean up here and rush over!"

Everyone was very excited, and every one of them was as energetic as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

The situation has entered a virtuous circle, and people keep coming over and asking to join Lu Yu's fish frying team.

Later, there was no need for Lu Yu to entertain him personally. These disciples who followed Lu Yu to pick up dead fish took the initiative to quote the price.

"A hundred pairs of flying fish eyes, are you coming? If you are willing, come over quickly. The boss is very busy and has no time to talk to you!"

Although a hundred pairs of flying fish eyes are quite a lot, this is obviously an opportunity to pick it up without risk, and no one refuses such a request.

After a while, hundreds of people had gathered behind Lu Yu and others.

Almost all the disciples around him have joined the army of workers picking up dead fish.

Not only were these people willing, but when they collected Fei Yu's eyes, they were extremely grateful to Lu Yu and others, without the slightest thought of being exploited.

Lu Yu was very happy frying fish in the front, and they were also in high spirits picking up fish in the back. Both parties got what they needed and had a great time.

The only one who did not gain any benefit was the large force of the Three Peaks Alliance. They drove away the flying fish swarm for a long time, but failed to clear the area. Instead, they all took advantage of Lu Yu and others.

Seeing this scene, Han Pojun, who was in the Sanfeng Alliance formation, finally couldn't sit still...

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