Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 110 You will be my biological father from now on

In the following days, Lu Yu began to shut up again.

First of all, the other four members of the elite team have not returned yet, and it is unknown what kind of individual trial they were sent by Yang Chudie.

Secondly, through the Dou Dan in Yuanjiangwei City and the gifts from the real elders at the Sutra Pagoda, Lu Yu now has accumulated a large amount of resources, and it is a good time to use them.

This retreat lasted for three consecutive days.

Lu Yu consumed all the eighth- and ninth-grade elixirs, and his cultivation finally improved again, reaching the second level of the True Essence Realm.

With so many elixirs, if an ordinary disciple used them, his cultivation would be directly raised to three or four levels. However, Lu Yu only barely managed to raise his level to one level. What if someone gave him the elixirs? The elders knew that their jaws would drop in shock.

This strengthened Lu Yu's determination to work hard to make money and accumulate resources in the future.

With so much windfall and help from real people, it was only enough for him to advance to the next level. It is conceivable that the subsequent improvement requirements are very difficult. If he practices step by step, he may never reach the level of return in this life. In the sea realm, I saw the complete version of the Star Sword Technique being used.

Compared with the first level of the True Yuan Realm, there is no qualitative change between the second level of the True Yuan Realm, but the amount of True Qi has increased a lot. His breath at this time is longer than before.

I just don’t know if it will change if it is used to purify Dan Qi.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Yu came out of the gate and prepared to open a batch of pills to see the effect.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Fang Gan guarding his door.

"Senior Brother Fang, why are you here?"

"Junior Brother Lu, are you finally out of seclusion?"

A look of surprise appeared on Fang Qian's face.

In fact, after learning that Lu Yu had returned to the mountain, he would come to the entrance of Lu Yu's yard every day, hoping that Lu Yu could get out of seclusion as soon as possible and then discuss the skills of alchemy with him.

Fang Gan has been immersed in the art of alchemy for many years. In addition to the huge benefits that alchemy can bring, he also loves this skill very much. After knowing Lu Yu's talent in alchemy, he wanted to communicate with Lu Yu from time to time. This is a kind of affection that comes from the heart.

During the previous trial, Fang Qian could still see Lu Yu's face every night. In the past few days, Lu Yu had gone to the Sutra Tibetan Pagoda, and when he came back, he couldn't go out in seclusion. Fang Qian couldn't even see his face, and he felt in his heart It already itched like a cat scratching.

"Junior Brother Lu, are you already at the second level of the True Yuan Realm?"

Fang Qian immediately discovered the difference between Lu Yu and the past, and was immediately surprised.

Less than a month has passed since the last time I was promoted to the True Essence Realm, and yet I have been promoted again. This speed is simply astonishing.

Ordinary disciples only need to practice for three to five years, and if they can improve their realm by one level, they are already considered to be extremely fast.

Lu Yu thought to himself, if he ate so many elixirs at once, how could he not improve? If they don't improve, I'm afraid those real elders in Wulao Peak will want to die.

"You're here at the right time. Come on, come with me to pick out some materials. I'm just planning to make an elixir!"

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Fang Qian was immediately overjoyed, and the two hit it off immediately.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go, it just so happens that the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has sent a new batch of materials in the past two days..."

The two walked to Fang Gan's residence. At this time, Fang Gan's yard had changed drastically. Temporary huts were built in the originally spacious yard, which were specially used to store various alchemy materials.

"The Wanhe Chamber of Commerce that Junior Brother Lu found is really good. The materials they provide are not only complete in variety, but also of very high quality. If I had such a comfortable collaborator earlier, I could have at least doubled the time for refining alchemy over the years. "

After walking into the yard, Fang Gan pointed to the materials all over the yard and introduced them to Lu Yu.

"But now there is a new difficulty. There is too much material and there is no place to put it. Leaving it in my yard exposed to the sun and rain is not a long-term solution after all. If some materials cannot be consumed as soon as possible, I’m afraid it will go bad soon.”

Lu Yu nodded and said: "This is indeed not an option. Considering the future development, I'm afraid there will be more and more materials in the future. I can't keep them piled here with you... I will tell Uncle Yang to let her A place has been set aside on the mountain to build a new material warehouse, but the specific location selection and construction will be left to you! "

Fang Gan slapped his chest loudly: "Junior Brother Lu, don't worry, this is my responsibility, I promise to do it properly!"

The two of them selected in the yard for a while, and soon found all the required materials and returned to Lu Yu's yard.

Since returning from Yuanjiangwei City last time, Lu Yu also had his own alchemy furnace, and also had a separate alchemy room. Naturally, there was no need to borrow Fang Gan's alchemy furnace.

Alchemy officially begins.

Turn on the furnace, add ingredients, and light the fire!

Lu Yu completed all the steps in one go, and the next step was the real test of his skills, when he began to use the power of red lotus to purify the elixir of the materials in the furnace.

Fang Qian's eyes widened and he watched Lu Yu's every move carefully. He looked so focused that it looked like he was doing the operation himself, not Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's recent elixir refining has mainly focused on first-aid and healing elixirs, and this furnace of elixirs is no exception.

Firstly, because the Xiaolitian Secret Realm is about to open, Lu Yu and other members of the elite team may need a large amount of first aid healing elixirs.

Secondly, this is also limited by the materials. It is most cost-effective for him to only refine healing elixirs.

All kinds of materials provided by Wanhe Chamber of Commerce are collected from all over the world. Although the types are complete and the quality is very good, the number of real natural materials and earthly treasures is extremely limited, because the truly scarce natural materials and earthly treasures are They are all in the hands of the major sects and cannot be easily leaked.

For example, when he was at the Buddhist Scripture Pagoda, the blood jade ginseng given to him by Master Yong'an was a treasure of heaven and earth that would never be easily leaked. Even if he had money, he might not be able to buy it.

To refine advanced cultivation elixirs, such as Purple Gold Juyuan Pill, Huacai Yuan Judan, etc., the materials required must be heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are rich in spiritual energy. This does not rely on the power of red lotus to purify them. Dan Qi can solve it. Lu Yu can't get these materials yet, so he doesn't have the conditions to refine it at all.

In comparison, the requirements for healing elixirs are lower. What matters is the mutual stimulation and gain between pharmacological properties. Lu Yu can use technical means to make up for the flaws in the materials.

The reason for this is like a skillful woman making a meal without rice. A skillful woman can make a table of exquisite pastries with flour, but it is absolutely impossible for a skillful woman to make a bunch of delicacies with flour.

Lu Yu is now a clever woman, and all he has on hand is flour. As for the materials for making delicacies, he can't afford them.

However, Lu Yu believes that these are only temporary. As the future situation becomes clear, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce will one day be able to provide even scarce treasures of heaven, materials and earth.

Even if you can't buy it with money, what if you exchange it for a high-level elixir?

This batch of elixirs was refined for a whole day before it was finally completed.

"Junior Brother Lu, I'll do it, I'll do it! Just let me start the furnace!"

Fang Gan shouted to Lu Yu excitedly.

"Okay, then you can come!"

Lu Yu smiled and made way for Fang Qian.

Fang Gan rubbed his hands, calmed down, held his breath, and carefully opened the alchemy furnace.

Hot steam spurted out.

Fang Qian didn't care about burning his hands, and before the steam dissipated, he put his hand into the alchemy furnace and picked up a pill.

Suddenly, the room was filled with glowing light.

Fang Gan was immediately excited.


For an alchemist, this is the most fascinating color!

This shows that the quality of the elixir has reached the top level, and the elixir in this furnace has been refined to its best!

Fang Qian was about to praise Lu Yu, but suddenly he realized something was wrong...

At this moment, the steam has dissipated a lot, and in the thin smoke, it is faintly visible that the alchemy furnace is emitting a faint glow...

Fang Gan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

There is still one?

So he reached into the alchemy furnace and fished out another elixir of glowing light.

But inside the alchemy furnace, the glow still did not go out.

Fang Qian's heart suddenly tightened and his breathing became rapid.


Three pills actually came out! And all three are top-notch!

Fang Qian reached out and fished out the third pill, but soon he discovered that the third pill was still not the end...

His hands were trembling, and he fished out the fourth pill tremblingly, and now the pill furnace was finally empty.

Fang Gan's eyes were fixed on the four elixirs bursting with glow in his hand, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

How can this be!

This is incredible...

Generally speaking, a furnace of pills can only produce one top-level elixir, because all the medicinal power and elixir energy must be gathered in one place to keep the elixir energy from dissipating and reach the top level.

If you want to disperse the elixir energy to refine multiple elixirs, it is impossible to refine the Dingge elixir, because in addition to the elixir energy being dispersed in the first place, a large amount of elixir energy will also be refined by the fire during the refining process. Fall out, and the more it is dispersed, the greater the fire refining losses will be.

It is unique for Lu Yu to produce four Dingge elixirs in one furnace. This shows that during the refining process, he did not lose even a trace of the elixir energy.

This is simply unbelievable!

If Fang Gan hadn't been there to witness the whole process, he would have couldn't help but wonder if Lu Yu was cheating.

Looking at the four pills in his hand, Fang Qian was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Finally, he knelt down in front of Lu Yu.

"Junior Brother Lu, please teach me how to make alchemy. From now on, you will be my master!"

"You must never reject me. Once I am a teacher, I will always be a father. From now on, you will be my biological father!"


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