Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 107 A True Person’s Gift

In the midst of everyone's attention, a tall and tall figure slowly walked out of the Buddhist Scripture Tower.

This person is Lu Yu.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

This is obviously just an ordinary disciple at the first level of the True Yuan Realm. Could he be someone who has comprehended the Star Sword Art?

How can this be!

Xu Yichen, who was standing next to him, had a look of disbelief on his face. His eyes were bulging and his mouth was wide enough to fit an egg into it.

Is this guy the one who understood the Star Sword Technique?

How is this possible?

Is there any misunderstanding here? Senior Sister Jiang Feiyan must have made a mistake, right?

However, Jiang Feiyan answered everyone's doubts with her actual actions.

She walked up to Lu Yu and smiled slightly: "You still don't know what this junior brother's name is?"

Lu Yu calmly raised his hand and said, "Jade Butterfly Peak, Lu Yu."

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu Yu..."

Jiang Feiyan nodded slightly.

"Okay, I remember your name."

"I didn't expect you to actually understand the Star Sword Technique from those few fragments. Junior Brother Lu Yu's innate understanding is really impressive."

"It was because of the influence of the Star Sword Technique that you evolved that I was inspired to understand the Great Light Sword Technique... From this point of view, I, Jiang Feiyan, owe you a favor today!"

As she said that, she suddenly bowed to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu quickly stopped him, but Jiang Feiyan remained unmoved and insisted on completing the ceremony.

Seeing her behavior like this, everyone was surprised.

This is actually true!

It was really this ginseng that understood the Star Sword Technique!

Moreover, not only did he comprehend the Star Sword Art, but Jiang Feiyan's Great Light Sword Art was also inspired by him!

How could this little disciple with only the first level of True Yuan Realm have such great abilities?

Everyone looked at Lu Yu with eyes full of disbelief.

Xu Yichen was completely stunned.

Seeing that his beloved elder sister saluted and thanked Lu Yu, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning and could not move at all.

Originally, he thought that the other party was just a small character worth mentioning, and had been left behind by him a long time ago. But now, the other party not only understood the Star Sword Art that no one had learned for thousands of years, but also attracted all the immortals to come. Even the senior sister, who was a true disciple, received his favor.

This result was far beyond his expectation.

In the field, Jiang Feiyan continued: "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, feel free to come to me. As long as I can help, I will do my best for you!"

Anyone who is familiar with Jiang Feiyan knows that she always keeps her word, and the promise she makes is extremely weighty.

After saying this, Jiang Feiyan faced Master Hailing and others, bowed and circled around the sky full of real masters.

"Master uncles and elders, I have helped you find the person who has comprehended the Star Sword Technique. This disciple has stayed in this sutra-depositing tower for a full year and three months, and finally comprehended the Great Light Sword Technique. It’s time to do other things now!”

"Please forgive me, elders, and I will take my leave."

After saying that, Jiang Feiyan flashed and floated away towards the foot of the mountain.

She walked with ease and grace, and even the real elders in the sky couldn't make her stop and stay for a moment longer.

Only a stunned crowd was left at the scene.

Master Hailing looked at Lu Yu, stroked his beard and smiled.

It is certainly gratifying that Jiang Feiyan has understood the thirty-six true secrets of magic, but when it comes to his contribution to the Dali Sword Sect, the reappearance of the Star Sword Secret in the world is more significant.

"You are worthy of being the descendant of Zhenren Yudie. You are indeed extraordinary! I originally thought that one day in the future, I would thank you on behalf of the Dali Sword Sect. I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Today I will say to you Thank you……"

Lu Yu scratched his head: "Master Hailing is ridiculous. I'm just lucky. I figured it out by accident..."

Master Hailing smiled softly: "This is not just a matter of good luck!"

At this time, all the real elders in the sky came down one after another, gathered around Lu Yu, and looked at him carefully for a while, with their mouths full of praise and praise.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yichen couldn't help but feel bitter.

At this time, Lu Yu was already a star among the stars. No one in the audience cared about his understanding of the Thunder Sword Technique. No one in the audience paid attention to him anymore.

Even Zhao Yanwu next to him had a look of fanaticism in his eyes, wishing he could run over and pick up the other person's shoes.

For a moment, his heart was filled with depression and sadness.

"Little friend Lu Yu, can you please perform the Star Sword Technique for us again?"

One of the elders made a request to Lu Yu.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another elder.

"He is at the True Yuan realm at this time, and the true energy in his body has not yet been integrated into the five elements. If he does not use the Jianzhen Pavilion, how can he perform the Star Sword Technique?"

"If he can't display it, then he won't be able to reveal the true meaning of this sword technique and record it in the scriptures of the Scripture Pagoda..."

"It turned out to be just empty joy..."

"Hey, why is his cultivation level so low? He is only at the first level of the True Yuan Realm. If he is at the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm, I will try my best to ask Baoding Peak to refine a few sets of Wolf and Tiger Medicine. , forcibly raising his cultivation level to the Return to Sea realm!

"Nonsense! The medicine of Wolf and Tiger can quickly improve his cultivation, but it will make his foundation unstable, which will harm him in the long run!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel frightened while listening to the discussion of the real elders.

Even the wolf-tiger medicine has been released. These old guys are trying to use the Star Sword Technique to use extreme methods against themselves...

In the end, it was Master Hailing who stood up and made the final decision despite all the opinions.

"Well, thousands of years have passed since the Star Sword Technique was lost. Is there still only a moment and a half left?"

"Besides, I believe that this little friend Lu Yu won't really keep us waiting for too long!"

As he said this, Master Hailing looked at Lu Yu with piercing eyes, his eyes filled with profound meaning.

Lu Yu suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from his body, he lowered his head and said: "This disciple will do his best to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and strive to manifest the true meaning of the Star Sword Technique as soon as possible and add it to the Sutra Storage Tower."

Master Hailing nodded with satisfaction.

"It's not just about your hard work alone. If we, the elders of the sect, don't look after you, we can't be justified..."

He turned over his hand, took out a shining elixir from the Qiankun Bag, and handed it to Lu Yu.

"This Huacai Juyuan Pill is of the ninth grade. It has a great effect on boosting your cultivation and can help you."

After saying that, he turned to look at the real people on the side and smiled slightly.

"In order to see the Star Sword Art as soon as possible, the elders should also express their feelings."

Upon hearing this, all the real elders looked at each other, lowered their heads and turned over their own Qiankun bags.

"I am Master Jinhua, and I would like to give you a ninth-grade Huacai Juyuan Pill."

"I am Master Changle, and I will give you ten eighth-grade purple gold Yuan Judan."

"I am Master Yong'an, and I would like to give you a piece of blood jade ginseng."

"I am Master Tianqi, and I would like to give you an incense-burning and calming furnace, which can increase your cultivation speed."

"I am Master Heshan. I have neither pills nor treasures on me, so I will give you 10,000 spiritual stones!"

Everyone around was so shocked that their eyes almost dropped.

So many real elders actually rushed to give gifts to an ordinary inner disciple. When had they ever seen this scene before!

Moreover, the gifts given by these real people were extremely valuable and generous gifts, which simply subverted everyone's imagination.

For a moment, everyone cast envious glances at Lu Yu, and they were all jealous.

"Elders, this is too valuable, and this disciple deserves it!" Lu Yu declined.

"It doesn't matter, just accept it!"

"Work hard, we are looking forward to your performance!"

"If you can't advance to Return to the Sea Realm as soon as possible and display the Star Sword Technique as soon as possible, then you will be truly ashamed!"

After all the real people handed the gifts to Lu Yu, they all laughed and left.

After a while, Lu Yu was the only one left in the field, holding a bunch of shining treasures in his hands.

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