The ninth and ninetieth chapters are above the true immortal

“Do you think so too?”

Chen Changsheng glanced at everyone, and everyone lowered their heads as far as they could. No one dared to look at him at all.

Just kidding, this is the realm’s powerhouse, or the branch hall master set up by Heaven Court in the First Stage. Whether it is Cultivation Base or status, they are beyond their reach.

Isn’t it looking for death at this time?

“It seems that I haven’t taken a shot at Heaven Court for a long time, so you have forgotten our identity. Today, I will let you re-understand why we are.”

Chen Changsheng’s heart moved, and a terrifying force burst out from him, and then the master of Earth Immortals was squeezed into meat sauce by this force in front of everyone. The scene was terrible and bloody.

But from the beginning to the end, he didn’t even move. An Earth Immortals was just killed by him, and the impact was so strong.

“Does anyone have an opinion now?”

Chen Changsheng asked, but no one answered after waiting for a while, so he took a breath and said: “For your first offense, and the culprit has already been punishable, I will no longer hold you accountable for this matter, but I don’t want to see you here. Within three breaths, I don’t want to see any of you here or die.”

If there were not many people here, he would never talk nonsense and would kill them all directly, because the majesty of Heaven Court could not be violated.

But there are nearly a thousand people gathered here, if all of them are killed, the impact will be too great, so he can only open one eye and close one eye.

“Yes, yes, let’s go now.”

A group of people disappeared in the blink of an eye, no way, they were under the eaves and had to bow their heads.

However, as Ye Xiu guessed, they did not go far, but stopped dozens of miles away.

There must be a lot of good things in the place where the Heavenly King hides the treasures, but the eyes of Heaven Court are above the top, and ordinary things are simply not appreciated. They stay, maybe they can still drink some soup.

“That person just now was controlled by you? What method did you use?”

At the top of the mountain, Ye Xiu asked with curiosity. He had seen the whole process, and he hadn’t noticed how Swallowing Golden Sable did it.

Not only did he not find it, but it seemed that the real fairy did not find it either. This method was perfect.

“Shadow control, you must have never heard of it, but it’s a pity that this king’s Cultivation Base is not enough, otherwise it would be more interesting to directly control a Celestial Immortals.”

Speaking of this, Tian Tian Jin Miao glanced at Ye Xiu and said, “If you want to learn, you can exchange one-third of the mantra. If you want to be a prostitute, I will persuade you to take a break.”

“Change your head.”

Ye Xiu wouldn’t be fooled. This method was powerful, but he certainly had very few opportunities to use it. Of course, he wouldn’t exchange mantra for this thing.

Good steel needs to be used on the blade, even if it needs to be changed, it has to be changed to something that can greatly Ascension his strength.

“Forget about it.”

Tuntian Jin Miao said such a thing with his lips, and then stopped paying attention to him.

Anyway, it did not expect Ye Xiu to agree to it at all, and now it is more interested in the following things.

“You said this palace owner can open the formation below?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“He? Even if it is ten, he can’t open it up. Don’t worry, he will invite someone over soon. At that time, the show has just begun.”

Swallowing Golden Sable retracted his gaze and reminded: “Okay, there is nothing worth paying attention to next, let’s just wait, but you don’t want to cultivate, so as not to startle the snake.”

“All right.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and understood the meaning of swallowing the golden mink.

After that, Ye Xiu closed his eyes to rest his mind, and at the same time continued to study the formation pattern in his mind.

Now his main research object is the eighty-one pattern patterns on the mountain and river sheji map. He has never spared time, so he has only mastered two or three so far.

Just take advantage of this time to study and study.

Time flies, half a month is fleeting, and on that day, while Ye Xiu was drinking this enlightenment tea, he was suddenly awakened by the swallowing golden sable when he was reading the pattern.

“Stop it, the show is on.”

Swallowing Golden Sable looked at the dozen or so people who came from below with excitement. Although one of them had only a real fairyland, it knew that this was definitely the top of Heaven Court, and Cultivation Base didn’t want to see it as simple.

“There’s just another real fairy, what’s the fuss about.”

Ye Xiu also glanced down. Although the Cultivation Base of these people was not low, he could roughly tell the difference.

The aura radiating from these people is only a bit stronger than that of the palace master, and that palace master can’t break the formation, so can he?

With this time, it’s better to continue the Insight pattern.

With the help of Enlightenment Tea, his insight formation speed is very fast. In just half a month, he has already mastered fifty-six, and only more than twenty can replace the formation in the Shanhe Sheji map.

“What do you know, did the middle-aged man in the white robe see it? His Cultivation Base is more than a real wonderland.”

Tian Tian Jin Siao curled his lips and said.

“It’s not just the real fairyland? But how do I feel that the aura on his body is not much different from which palace owner?”

Ye Xiu was puzzled.

“Fairyland Third Stage days, every First Stage day has an upper limit of Cultivation Base, and the upper limit of Cultivation Base for First Stage days is true fairyland. That is to say, no matter how much your Cultivation Base is higher than true fairyland, after you come to First Stage, you All Cultivation Base will be suppressed to the real wonderland.”

Swallowing Golden Sable explained: “Of course, his Cultivation Base has been lowered, but Realm has not been lowered. Ordinary True Immortals are not their opponents at all, so many people who have offended Heaven Court will mostly go to the First Stage to take refuge. ”

“Here, as long as your strength is strong enough, even if the Heaven Court wants to kill you, you will have to pay a great price. This is also the reason why the heavenly king is hiding treasures here. Now understand.”

“I’ve heard of this.”

Ye Xiu asked again: “Then what kind of Cultivation Base is this person, or how is the Cultivation Base above Zhenxian divided?”

“The Realm above the real fairy is Xuanxian, Jinxian, and the fairy king, the ninth stage of the fairy king is the upper limit of the Cultivation Base of the Second Stage, and the person in front of him is an existence above the fairy king.”

Swallowing Jin Miao Road.

“What is Realm above the fairy king, can you finish talking?”

Ye Xiu didn’t have a good air, and he was half talking, so it’s better not to say it.

“Why do you ask so many questions, wait until you break through to the immortal king and ask again, now it’s a good show.”

Swallowing Golden Sable said this lazily, of course it said so for Ye Xiu’s good, lest this kid is too far-sighted.

“Really boring.”

Ye Xiu curled his lips. Although he didn’t understand the Realm division above the fairy king, but knowing the Realm division above the real fairy is not nothing.

After that, he also raised his spirits and began to watch the play engrossedly.

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