Chapter 990 Mysterious Map

“Chifeng Dage, why did you let this kid stay? If he knew our secrets, wouldn’t it break our big business?”

The shorter men were puzzled. What they did this time was a major event that related to their life and death. If it spreads out, not only will they die, but the people behind them will also die.

“Yeah, Dage, this matter is hard to see. If it is spread out, the entire wind field will have no place for us.”

The tall man also looked sad, and he didn’t think it was a good thing for Chifeng to keep Ye Xiu.

“Speaking of which, you have been following me for a while, but you still haven’t made any progress.”

Chifeng glanced at them, hating iron and not becoming a steel road: “They can enter here without a secret key. This shows that their identities are extraordinary. Can you do it instead?”

“This, shouldn’t be possible!”

The two looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

They can’t even understand ordinary Restrictions and formations, let alone the formations here.

“You two should delete the word before you talk.”

Chifeng didn’t have a good air: “This place is the Immortal Cave left by a Celestial Immortals. Even if the real Celestial Immortals come down, it will take a while to crack the Restrictions above. I hadn’t obtained this secret key by chance. Don’t say come in, you can’t even get close here.”

“But they can not only ignore the heavy water outside, but they can also easily enter here. Their strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Together, the three of us are probably not opponents of others.”

“As for driving them away? As long as I just show this, they will kill us and replace them, believe it or not?”

“Then are we dangerous now?”

As soon as the tall man heard this, his face immediately changed. There was still such a thing in feelings, and he quickly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

“Then let’s go, I don’t feel safe to stay here.”

The short man’s expression also changed. He originally thought Ye Xiu was just an ordinary person, but he didn’t expect to have such an ability. Then they stayed here.

“I just watched these two guys. That person should have no bad idea about us. He just came here to cultivate. What I’m worried about is the mouse.”

Just now Chifeng discovered that the yellow mouse on Ye Xiu’s shoulder had been staring at him, his eyes seemed to be able to see through his heart, making him very uneasy.


The short man corrected, “Dage, although that thing looks like a rat, it’s actually a mink.”

“Is this the point.”

Chifeng glanced at him and said: “The point is that we can’t go out yet. The group must be looking for us all over the world now. Once they find out, don’t say anything about the future, we can save a life and we will be regarded as good.”

“In that case, why didn’t you directly poison them at the time, instead just stun them?”

The short man asked again.

“You really dare to think that they are from Heaven Court. If you kill them, it won’t be long before you will be targeted by the masters of Heaven Court. If you want to die, just go out and commit suicide, don’t hurt us.”

Chifeng directly gave him a brain collapse, your kid dare to say anything, but he can’t even think about this kind of thing.

“Dage, can this map really make us stronger?”

The tall man couldn’t believe it. He had seen the map before. There was nothing special about it. He didn’t even know what was special about the place described by this map.

What he learned was what Chifeng told them, and that’s why he took such a big risk to do this.

If he himself would never do such a crazy thing, thinking about it now, he would still be scared.

“Nonsense, it’s definitely a good thing to be valued by Heaven Court, but with our current strength, we can’t make it. When we all break through to the Earth Immortals, then the people in Heaven Court may have already left, so we can. Go check it out.”

Chifeng squinted his eyes and said, at this time he even saw the scene where he got the treasure and slaughtered the Quartet. It was really too beautiful.

“How long do you have to wait!”

The two of them also hope to break through Earth Immortals, but with their talents, they probably won’t be able to achieve it in less than ten years.

“The concentration of immortal energy here is ten times that of the outside world. Cultivation here can also save nearly ten times the time. In other words, we only need to stay here for a year or two.”

Chifeng Road.

“That is not bad.”

When the two heard that they only needed to stay here for a year or two, they immediately felt relieved.

After all, cultivation is a very boring thing. If they are allowed to stay in one place and cultivate for more than ten years, then they will not be crazy.

“Dage, let me look at this map again. I also want to look forward to the future like you, so I have the motivation to cultivate.”

The tall man said.

“Look at you for what you are.”

Chifeng said so, but still took out the map, but the map disappeared before it was handed over to the tall man.

“Let me see what map this is.”

Just before Chifeng could react, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Turning his head to look, I saw Tuntian Jin Sable lying on the table behind, and under its paws was the map he had just taken out.

“give me back.”

Chifeng immediately rushed up when he saw this, but the three of them risked their lives to snatch them from the Heaven Court law enforcement team. How could they become someone else’s wedding dress because of the fate of the three of them.

However, before he rushed over, he felt a pain in his neck and chest, and then his whole person was shaken out.


The moment he landed, Chifeng immediately spewed a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale.

Obviously, this strike of Swallowing Golden Sable has severely injured him, and he feels that his internal organs have been interrupted and moved.

The two tall and short men stood aside, staring at all this dumbfounded.

The strongest among the three of them was Chifeng. As a result, Chifeng couldn’t even stop the swallowing golden mink. The two of them probably didn’t even have the qualifications to stuff their teeth.

“Do you know what place it is?”

Tuntian Jin Miao asked, pointing at the place marked on the map.

It can see that the map drawn should be the wind field, but it is not clear about the specific place. After all, it is Demonic Beasts, and it does not know much about the situation of Donglixianyu.

“Do not……”

As soon as Chifeng wanted to speak, he once again remembered Tuntian Jinshou’s voice: “You’d better think clearly before answering this king’s question. If this king is not satisfied, then you don’t want to go out alive.”

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