Chapter 975: Information on the Dark Night Tower

“Ye Xiu, why are you all right?”

Liu Ruoxian was shocked. She had heard of how terrifying the poison in the Dark Night Tower was. It is said that Elder from the Celestial Immortals Realm in the Sword Sect was poisoned by the Dark Night Tower.

But Ye Xiu now seemed to be okay, which was really unbelievable.

“Why, do you wish me something?”

Ye Xiu didn’t have a good airway.

“No, I just…”

Just as Liu Ruoxian wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Ye Xiu: “Okay, I understand what you mean. I just joked with you. My physique is special. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s not invaded by a hundred poisons. I can’t. In contrast, I want to know what kind of power this Dark Night Tower is? Why haven’t I heard of it before.”

There is no record of the Dark Night Tower in the common sense before the Swallowing Golden Sable.

“I only know that the Dark Night Tower is a killer organization active in the fairy world. Their whereabouts are very hidden. Nobody knows where its headquarters is, but as long as the people targeted by Dark Night Tower are all dead, Without exception.”

Liu Ruoxian explained.

The dark night tower’s whereabouts are very secretive, and even many people don’t know how to contact them, but as long as it is their next task, no matter how difficult it is, they will complete it, which is very scary.

“Killer organization?”

Ye Xiu squinted his eyes. If he guessed right, this might be a gift from the Four Great Sects.

“This king of the Dark Night Tower knows a little bit. They will distribute some special media in advance. If the person who gets the media wants to publish the task, he only needs to write the name of the person to be killed, and then someone will come to contact him. , And quote the price, and the entrusting party only needs to pay a certain deposit, and the Dark Night Tower will sell.”

Swallowing Golden Sable continued: “But you don’t have to worry too much. The killers in this Dark Night Tower are divided into gold, silver, bronze, and iron. The mission is the same. Now the killer is only the iron killer. The strength is not very high.”

“But what they are good at is assassination. As long as you can spot them, it is more than enough to deal with them with your combat power.”

“Do you mean that the iron killers are all Cultivation Bases below the human immortal?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“The level of the Assassin in the Night Tower is not directly linked to the Cultivation Base, but is linked to strength. To become an iron killer, you must have the strength to assassinate humans and immortals alone, and the bronze medal requires the ability to assassinate Earth Immortals alone. By analogy. To become a gold medal killer, you need to successfully assassinate a true fairy.”

Swallowing Golden Sable explained: “But this is only the first stage day, and this requirement will also increase on the second stage day, but that is not something you can touch now, understand what this king means.”

“If this is the case, am I not always thinking of the killers in the Dark Night Tower? Is there any way to make them give up?”

Ye Xiu asked, he didn’t want to be missed by such a group of guys.

“Of course there is. The first is to kill the client directly. The Night Tower knows that they can’t receive the balance, so they will naturally not continue to chase you down. The second is to kill all the invaders and let the Night Tower take the initiative. Ascension task level, but then, the commission cost will be increased accordingly. If the principal cannot afford to pay, then they will not continue to chase you down.”

Swallowing Jin Miao said: “Don’t look at the iron and copper tasks, but the value will be directly increased by ten times, and most people can’t afford it.”

“You can only choose the second way.”

Ye Xiu frowned and said, entrusting Dark Night Tower to kill his own person without thinking about him, because he had risen to the immortal realm, and currently only the four sects were offended.

Now that they have been pitted by themselves, they have been ruthlessly suppressed by Chu, so they dare not take action by themselves, so they pin their hopes on the dark night tower.

With own strength, it is definitely unrealistic to kill the client. After all, I don’t know who the client is.

Then you can only kill by killing.

“This is also an experience for you. You can rest assured that this king will fully support you.”

Swallowing Jin Miao said, in fact, there is another way to solve this problem, and there is no need to bear too much risk, but it did not tell Ye Xiu.

It believes that Ye Xiu’s talent is extremely high, but even so, it needs to be tempered to continue Ascension, and it needs Ye Xiu to avenge it.

Of course, it did this for Ye Xiu’s good. The competition in the fairy world is very high. If he doesn’t grow up as soon as possible, it will only harm himself in the end.

It doesn’t want to see such a piece of uncut jade buried like this.

“Understood, let’s go to Innate Lei Ling first.”

Ye Xiu said, he himself is not afraid of these assassins. With his own strength, the average assassin can’t help himself. If it weren’t for protecting Liu Ruoxian before, he wouldn’t be caught.

So he decided to help Liu Ruoxian get Innate Lei Ling as soon as possible, so that he could deal with those killers wholeheartedly.

“Innate Lei Ling should be near Lei Po on the top of the mountain, but I think we may not be able to make it through.”

Liu Ruoxian looked at the power of thunder that flashed around her, her face was a bit ugly, she underestimated the power of thunder here, it was only at the foot of the mountain, she couldn’t bear it, if she went up, she would be under even more pressure.

Innate Thunder Spirit is an elf in the thunder, which can use the power of thunder to strengthen herself. Although she has a way to catch it, it takes some time to do it.

But the problem is that when she gets to the top, she can’t even protect herself, so there is no room left to catch Lei Ling.

“Take this one.”

Ye Xiu took out the Yulei jade charm and gave it to Liu Ruoxian, “This thing is useless to me, don’t believe me.”

As he said, he raised his left hand, and a bolt of thunder power fell on his hand, and disappeared immediately, without causing any harm to him.

“Fuck, don’t tell this king, you still have the power of thunder attribute!”

Swallowing Golden Sable widened his eyes and said, before that, it had discovered that Ye Xiu had three powers: fire, wood, and darkness. If there was another one, there would be four.

Anyway, it had never heard of four powers in a person’s body at the same time.

“Ha ha.”

Ye Xiu smiled without denying it.

“Your kid is really a pervert, this king has taken it.”

The Sky Swallowing Golden Sable is a real service and possesses four attributes at the same time. This is a good thing, especially after arriving at Realm, this benefit will be highlighted.

“With the Yulei Yufu, you should be fine, right?”

Ye Xiu looked at Liu Ruoxian and asked.


Liu Ruoxian nodded. With the Yu Lei Yu Talisman, the impact of these thunder powers on her is minimal. She now has a full treasure to catch the Innate Thunder Spirit, provided that it really exists.

After all, this Innate Lei Ling’s news was heard from the ears, she was not sure whether it really existed, but as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she had to try it.

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