Chapter 973: Liu Ruoxian’s Request

“Where is the enlightenment tea?”

Chu Ruqing had been setting up the field outside Ye Xiu’s hospital for this period of time, and even the competition he arranged did not go, and it was completely left to other people under the sect.

The competition book was used to compensate the four major forces, so as to give them a step down, so he did not let the disciples of the heavenly sect to participate, so as not to have troubles.

As soon as he finished the formation, he discovered that the leaves of Wudao tea were gone.

Looking at the empty enlightened tea tree, Ye Xiu’s eyes were straight, as if he didn’t take it out to honor me.

“Well, the harvest this time is altogether seven taels of enlightenment tea. Three of us are two and two, and the remaining one or two will be given to Senior Brother Bai. Are you okay?”

Ye Xiu deliberately didn’t say two or two, and the old greedy heart of the province was unbalanced.

“Okay, give it to me together, I’ll pass it to that kid.”

Chu ruthlessly said casually, he would definitely not give Bai Longfei to such a good thing. It was a waste to give him this thing. At most, it would be fine for him to take two sips.

I’m not out of greed, but to keep it secret, um, yes, just to keep it secret.

Chu Ruqing comforted himself in his heart.

“I’ll give it to him myself.”

Ye Xiu also reacted at this time. He didn’t think too much before. Now when he thinks about it, he feels that he has been pitted by Chu Ruqing. If this thing is in his hands, can he still have Bai Longfei’s share?

“What’s the matter, your kid doesn’t believe me?”

Chu Ruqing glared.

“Believe, I dare not believe it.”

Ye Xiu helplessly said in his heart: “Senior Brother Bai, it’s not that I didn’t give it to you, but Sect Leader didn’t give it to you. If you want to blame, blame him.”

As he said, he took out the Enlightenment Tea in twos and gave it to Chu Ruqing.

“By the way, I just forgot to tell you. The female disciple of the Tianshamen who had a good relationship with you before came and said that she was looking for you for something. At that time, I saw that you were cultivating enlightenment tea, so I let her live in the housekeeping department. Come down and wait for you. If you have time, go and check it out.”

Chu ruthlessly accepted the enlightenment tea and was satisfied with the Tao.

“The female disciple of Tianshamen? Okay, I’ll go take a look.”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised. If he guessed correctly, Liu Ruoxian should have come, but he didn’t understand what this girl was asking for himself.

But in any case, she and herself are friends of life and death. Since people have come all the way, she has no reason to ignore it.

Ye Xiu simply tidied up and went to the room department of Tianjuemen.

After inquiring about the seniors there, he knew that Liu Ruoxian had already left, leaving only one letter.

Ye Xiu took the letter and opened it. The content of the letter was very simple. He only wrote the words “I am waiting for you in Ten Thousand Demon Valley” and Liu Ruoxian’s signature. Nothing else was mentioned.

“I don’t know why this girl is looking for me.”

Ye Xiu was a little inexplicable. He also wanted to take advantage of the maturity of the enlightenment tea, use the enlightenment tea to comprehend a few more patterns, and then take the opportunity to perfect the picture of the mountains and rivers, the arrival of Liu Ruoxian somewhat disrupted his plan.

“Go and see, she helped you anyway.”

Tuntian Jin Miao reminded that it knows the things between the two, and Liu Ruoxian is so anxious this time, there should be something important to him, and he should also take a look if he feels reasonable.

“Okay, then take a trip.”

Ye Xiu left directly, anyway, the affairs of the four main sects had been pressed by Chu ruthlessly, and this time they also suffered heavy losses, and they should not dare to trouble Own in a short time.

Soon he came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts again. Before entering, a black-clothed girl appeared in front of him, and he knew that it was Liu Ruoxian without looking.

“Liu fellow daoist, what do you want me to do?”

Ye Xiu said straight to the point.

“You still call me Ruoxian.”

Liu Ruoxian continued: “I am calling you this time because I have something to ask you for help. I heard that someone found an Innate Thunder Spirit in Jilei Mountain. This even a masculine thing can suppress my physique. So I want you to accompany me on a trip. Of course, I won’t let you work in vain. I can give you this Innate Wood Spirit as a reward.”

When she said that, she took out a group of green balls, which was constantly tossing in Liu Ruoxian’s hands, as if to escape from her Five Finger Mountain, obviously alive.

“Innate Wood Spirit, why do you have this thing?”

Ye Xiu asked, in the common sense that Swallowing Golden Sable gave him, there is an introduction about Innate wood spirit. This is a kind of thing generated from heaven and earth. It has a certain spirituality. Its essence is wood origin and can be used to enhance it. own Otsuki Dragon Qi.

But he remembered that this thing was very rare, and it was definitely a treasure that could be encountered but not sought.

“You also know my condition, so I have been paying attention to the Thing of the Sun. I discovered it not long after I ascended. It is a pity that it cannot be used to suppress my physique, but its value is not low, so I just Stayed.”

Liu Ruoxian said.

“Why did you come to me, my Cultivation Base is lower than yours, I am afraid I can’t help you much, right?”

Although Ye Xiu’s heart moved, but he didn’t directly agree. He still knew that Liu Ruoxian was now a master of Earth Immortals Realm. She was not sure that she got the Innate Thunder Spirit from the Thunder Mountain, so she could find herself? Obviously impossible.

“I can indeed find someone higher than my Cultivation Base to help, but I can’t trust them.”

Liu Ruoxian pondered for a moment and said, ever since she was harmed by her own good sister, she would never trust other people anymore.

She has always been alone, but this time Innate Lei Ling was very useful to her. She didn’t want to miss it, but she also knew that she would not be able to get Innate Lei Ling on her own. She had to find someone to help. She couldn’t believe in other people at all, and in the entire Wind Domain, she believed in Ye Xiu the most.

Because Ye Xiu gave her a completely different feeling from others, even if he saw the true appearance of own, he did not try to get close to him like other people.

So she can be sure that Ye Xiu is a decent gentleman, and at least will not design to harm her.

“Okay, I promise you.”

Ye Xiu didn’t refuse. This Innate Wood Spirit is an invaluable treasure for people with a comb-like physique. It can also be used to Ascension his Yimu Dragon Qi, which is definitely a good thing for him.

Moreover, Ji Lei Shan knows where it should be a place where the power of thunder is abundant, and his sky thunder change has brought him the powerful force of the purple sky divine thunder, which can completely absorb the power of thunder for his own use. .

So going here is beneficial to him without any harm.

“Great, then we will start now.”

Liu Ruoxian had been waiting here for several days, and if Ye Xiu came one day later, she would probably leave.

Because the Yin Sha within her body was already showing signs of riots, she might not be able to suppress it after a period of delay.

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