The ninth sixty-fifth chapter is not too much at all

“How do you kid know they won’t check here?”

Tian Tian Jin Diao said in disbelief, he encountered this kind of thing for the first time, and his heart was full of doubts.

You know, advanced breathing techniques are very powerful, but in such a close range, even if the masters of the seventh or eighth ranks of Earth Immortals release Divine Sense, they can easily be spotted.

But these people took people away without even checking, which really made it feel incredible.

“Because they won’t think that we will stay here. As the saying goes, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. You should have heard this sentence.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, this method is not complicated, but it requires extremely high psychological quality to play. He used this trick often when marching and fighting, and every time it had unexpected results.

This kind of thing may be magical here in Swallowing Golden Sable, but it is completely basic operation here, and there is nothing to brag about.

“Well, shall we continue to stay here now?”

Swallowing the golden sable is considered to be completely taken. He has indeed heard this sentence, but has never used it.

I used to do everything straight and straight, but I was found to run away, and I didn’t even think about using other methods.

“Of course not, but elsewhere.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, The Tibetan Scripture Building is an important place for martial arts. Under normal circumstances, there will be a special Elder guardian, and will not leave easily, such as Tianjuemen.

The reason why the master guarding the Buddhist scriptures is absent is mainly because most of the major sects have sent out to find themselves, and the manpower is not enough. This will be taken away by Elder in the door. Ji Dongyang is the best example, but The other party’s responsibility is to guard the Buddhist scripture building.

Even if there is not enough manpower, he will come here every once in a while. Now the Cultivation Technique in the Buddhist scripture building is stolen. This is the responsibility of his guardian Elder, but they all think they have escaped, so short It will be safe here during the time.

But over time, they will still be at risk of exposure, so they must leave here before others find them, but he will not leave Iron Sword Gate for the time being.

Now Tiejianmen must be crowded with people, looking for oneself everywhere. At this time, going out is completely self-inflicted. Wouldn’t it be better to stay here and brake quietly.

As he said that, he jumped off the beam and hid in a relatively remote and uninhabited room without paying attention.

After that, Ye Xiu asked the Tuntian Golden Sable to lay a formation in the room, and then the two of them began to cultivate.

In order not to cause the flow of immortal energy, they can only use immortal stones. If people know that they will be scolded for their prodigal, this immortal stone can quickly Ascension Cultivation Base, but it is also the common currency of the immortal world.

Especially in a place like Lincheng where birds don’t shit, the number of fairy stones is very small and the purchasing power is very strong.

However, Ye Xiu and Tuntian Jinshou did not have this awareness. The immortal stones in their hands were already piled up like a mountain, and I dare not say that there were tens of millions.

Even if they use immortal stone cultivation all day, they can use it for several years, so they don’t feel distressed at all.

With the help of the huge fairy stone, the two people’s Ascension speed is very fast. In only three days, Ye Xiu can break through the human fairy second rank as he wished, and the swallowing golden sable breakthrough speed is faster, and now it has reached the human fairy first rank. .

Moreover, its cultivation method is simpler, do nothing, wherever you go, you will break through when you wake up, and Ye Xiu is envious of it.

When they were quietly cultivating, the people of the four major forces seemed to be crazy, turning almost the entire Lincheng upside down.

It’s been a while since Chu Ruthlessly left the Tianjue Sect, but Ye Xiu’s whereabouts have not been found yet, but judging from the performance of the four major sects, this kid has not been caught by the four major forces, which makes him a little surprised.

You should know that the news he got was that the four major forces had almost come out, and Lincheng was so big that Ye Xiu couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to hide.

But they searched for three days, and they didn’t even find a clue. This kid seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Later, he heard that the treasure house and the Buddhist scripture building of the four major forces had been stolen, and that his savings for many years had been swept away. The Buddhist scripture pavilion was also swept away, and all the swordsmanship had been taken away by the opponent.

Hearing this, Chu Ruqing can basically conclude that this is what Ye Xiu did, because he already knew about the cultivation of the Dayan Sword Technique, and this sword technique requires a lot of Sword Technique to be successful in cultivation.

Although Ye Xiu did a little too much this time, Chu Ruqing couldn’t help but compliment him for his beautiful work.

He had seen these guys uncomfortable a long time ago, but he is a Sect Master, he must consider all aspects, so he can only think about some things.

But Ye Xiu did what he didn’t dare to do, not to mention it.

But I am afraid that this matter will not be resolved so easily. He must also be fully prepared. It is best if this kid has not been discovered, so that he can speak easily.

“Sect Leader, Junior Brother did this, right?”

Bai Longfei also saw something and asked in a low voice.

“how could I know.”

Chu ruthlessly glanced at him, and secretly said in his heart, “You kid knows it, you can say it, why don’t you see through, don’t understand, you don’t understand.”

“You said so many good things, how much protection fee do we need?”

Bai Longfei knew Chu Ruqing too well. When he said this, he knew that he had actually seen it.

But he didn’t expect that his little junior brother, who was so courageous, would have emptied the savings of the Big Four Sects. He couldn’t even think of this kind of thing.

He slobbered when he thought of the four Sect collections for nearly a thousand years. Anyway, they have been frightened for Ye Xiu for so long. There is hard work without credit.

If you have made a fortune, you have to be interesting.

“The meeting is divided into half, not too much.”

Chu Ruqing couldn’t stand it anymore. Speaking of them, they were also very poor. Except for the various cultivation techniques, the headquarters did not distribute any resources to them. It is called self-sufficiency. To put it bluntly, they just let them grab them by themselves. .

But this kind of thing can’t be said so bluntly, besides, the thing between Sects is called competition, how can it be regarded as grabbing.

Ye Xiu had done such a big thing this time, and in the end he had to settle it by himself, and the protection fee would not be excessive.

Moreover, he only needs half of his benefits, but he has endured most of the pressure, which is quite interesting.

“It’s not too much, not too much, then do I also have two and a half benefits.”

Bai Longfei rubbed his hands.

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