Chapter 958: Burning Earth Immortals

“Will this be his strategy again?”

An Earth Immortals was full of vigilance. Ye Xiu had pitted them before. A large group of people were taken by him in a big circle, but they didn’t catch anything.

A few of them just arrived, so every time they walked, there was no time to rush over. The others ran hundreds of miles away, and until now they have had no gains. After receiving the news, they want to come back and they can’t make it.

Now that there is such a trick again, they are really a little worried, if he ran away by himself, then they would be busy again.

“If you break the formation, you will understand. This matter is of great importance. Even if you can’t catch him, you have to get the amber bloodstone back, so you can’t let go of a possibility.”

Another humanity, the value of the amber bloodstone is too high, even if the four major forces can afford it, they will have to hurt their muscles and bones. They don’t want to suffer this loss.

“Are there any traps in this?”

The person asked before that this formation can isolate Divine Sense’s detection. Who knows what’s in it, if it’s something terrible, then they might be planted here.

“This has to be guarded, so that we can work together and investigate one by one. Even if there are traps, we can’t do anything to us.”

Several people felt that Ye Xiu was very likely to set a trap inside. Since he could guess their purpose, he must know that this thing could not be good, and judging from his previous performance, this is a master who cannot suffer. .

So they must be cautious, lest they die in this ghost place.

“It can only be this way.”

Everyone nodded, and a large group of people gathered together and began to investigate these formations one by one.

This way the speed is slow, half an hour has passed, they only checked two-thirds, and the remaining one-third of the formation has not been checked.

“Continue? I think this is the suspicion he laid out.”

One person depressed and said, these formations are all empty, not to mention the silhouettes of people inside, they don’t even have root hairs.

He feels that these formations are the same as the methods Ye Xiu used before, they are all misunderstanding formations, wanting them to waste their time here.

“If this is the case, then he has already ran away, and we can’t catch up if we want to catch up. What if this kid’s accident has made us think that way? We can only open them one by one, maybe he is hiding in one of the formations. inside.”

Others are also a little depressed, but they have already achieved this point. If they give up halfway, wouldn’t the time wasted before.

“Operate separately and deal with these formations as soon as possible to avoid omissions.”

The first person arrived. In fact, many people have guessed that there is no dry goods in these formations. They decided to purge the rest only because of caution, but what he didn’t know was that the proposal of own would harm them all.

When talking, a group of people divided into four groups, and soon these formations were cleaned up, leaving only one.

A crowd of people gathered outside this formation and used the same method to forcefully break the formation.

The moment the formation broke open, they felt a hot breath. Everyone’s eyes lit up and they immediately rushed in. After seeing the situation inside, their faces finally showed joy.

“Ye Xiu, I see where you are going this time.”

One person said excitedly, because Ye Xiu was sitting in the cave, and seemed to have accepted his fate and did not run away.

“Actually you shouldn’t have come in.”

Ye Xiu slowly opened his eyes, and there was no sign of fright on his face.

“Huh, don’t bluff. We have four Earth Immortals here. Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you don’t want to escape. Now I will give you a chance to take the amber bloodstone and you in the tomb of Celestial Immortals. Hand over the things you want to avoid suffering from that flesh and blood.”

They planned this, not for Ye Xiu’s life, but for what he had obtained before.

That large tomb is always owned by Celestial Immortals, but the various Restrictions and formations in it are very strong. Several Celestial Immortals can only be broken through together, which is enough to prove the strength of the tomb owner before his life.

Therefore, they believe that there should be a lot of good things in it. If they get these things, their overall strength can definitely be ascension several times.

But in any case, Ye Xiu is a disciple of the Wugou Sword Sect. Even if they planned all this and charged Ye Xiu with a crime of stealing, if he were killed directly, it would still cause Tian Juemen’s backlash.

So the best thing is to get what Ye Xiu has in his hands, and teach him a lesson without hurting his life.

If this kid doesn’t know how to promote, then they don’t mind giving him some hardship.

“Then I will also give you a chance to leave immediately. I can assume that nothing has happened, otherwise, you don’t leave.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, not taking their threat to heart at all.

“Haha, it’s so funny, do you think you can escape now?”

Several people laughed and said, this is probably the funniest joke they have ever heard.

“You asked for this.”

Ye Xiu knew that these people would not see the coffin and would not cry. If that was the case, he had nothing to say. With a move in his heart, Da Ri Jin Yan appeared from under him and spread quickly throughout his body.

This situation shocked everyone, but it didn’t make them too nervous, but his next move made them lift their hearts into their throats.

He shook his right hand, and a black fairy sword appeared in his hand, directly splitting the remaining amber bloodstone.


Then, everyone saw a cyan flame bursting out of the bloodstone and turned into a fire dragon to rush towards them.

“Get out.”

When everyone saw this fire dragon, they were all scared to death. They were all experienced people, and they recognized that it was a very powerful fairy fire at a glance.

This thing is very scary, it can be said that everything is burned, even the masters of Celestial Immortals Realm can’t resist its calcination.

But unfortunately, it was too late, and the fire dragon swallowed them completely in an instant.

The screams, wailing, and begging for mercy continued to echo in the cave, how could it be a tragic word.

Ye Xiu, who had witnessed all this, didn’t move his expression, watching them coldly, watching them burn to death.

When they design to deal with themselves, they should have paid the price they deserve. Besides, they have given them the opportunity, but they don’t know how to cherish it, so it’s no wonder they themselves.

Fortunately, the power of this fairy fire was very powerful, and they did not endure much pain before they died, but it was a pity that this group of fairy fire.

I believe it will not be long before the people of the four major sects will discover that they have no time to conquer it.

After that, Ye Xiu left here and went to meet Tuntian Jin Sable.

However, not long after he left, the people who had been led to him by Ye Xiu rushed over, and they just saw the tragic situation of the brothers, and they were furious.

“Damn, how dare he do this, isn’t he afraid of death?”

“This matter can’t just leave it alone, immediately notify Sect to send a master to come, this child must die.”

“Yes, this kid is too Damn it, so he dare to kill me Master Earth Immortals, this time even if Chu Ruqing came forward, he won’t be able to protect him.”

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation and asked Sect for instructions, and a new round of siege began.

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