The ninth and fifty-third chapter

“One-third of the mantra is exchanged for these three celestial fires, and if you can, take me there.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while. He also knew that immortal fire was extremely rare, and it could be said to be unforgettable. If you encounter it, you can’t miss it.


Swallowing Golden Sable thought for a while, although the value of Immortal Fire is not as good as the nine-character mantra, the three can definitely be exchanged for one word, but there are also some benefits of Ye Xiu in it. Fairy fire.

And it had already gotten one-third of it before, and with these two-thirds, it was just enough to make up one word.

“make a deal.”

Ye Xiu thought for a moment, but finally agreed.

In his opinion, this swallowing golden sable is simply a lucky star. It didn’t take long for him to get to know it, he helped himself to get the dragon blood fruit, and also got the map of the mountain and river community. Now he found the amber blood stone and gave it to Surprise yourself.

He guessed that this guy has the ability to hunt for treasures. Although the two-thirds of the mantra is worth a little bit, it should still bring some surprises to himself in the future.

Think of it as an early investment.

“Then what are you waiting for? I haven’t given the mantra of soldiers to this king yet.”

Tuntian Jinshou was so excited that he finally got the second mantra, is it easy for this king.

“Take me over first, and after I get the Tiger Bloodstone and make sure that there are three celestial fires inside, I can give it to you, otherwise I will lose a lot of money.”

Ye Xiu is not stupid, how could he give him a bargaining chip based on his side words, this guy is not a lucky star, but it is also a fraud, in case this guy is lying and cheating him.

It’s not that this kind of thing has never been done before.

“You… OK, this king will take you there.”

Swallowing Golden Sable was so angry that he dared not believe this king, but it was not difficult to understand what had happened between them before.

“Wait a minute, I will restore Cultivation Base.”

After speaking, Ye Xiu sat in the Lotus Position, adjusted to the best condition, and then left Tianjuemen with Tuntian Jinshou.

It didn’t take long for them to come to the road of this group of people, and lie in ambush on the big trees on both sides of the road.

Not long after, a carriage drove slowly, and only a few people followed, looking very low-key.

“Why are there fewer people?”

The Swallowing Golden Sable is a bit strange. When it encountered them a day ago, it was still escorted by a dozen people. In a blink of an eye, the number was reduced by half, and only one of them was a master of Wonderland.

“Have they seen you before?”

Ye Xiu frowned and asked. He thought this was a bit weird. This amber bloodstone was definitely worthless. Since it couldn’t be put into the Interspatial Ring, it could only be escorted in this stupid way.

But normally, such a thing must be escorted by a lot of people to be safe, even if it is escorted by Celestial Immortals, it is not an exaggeration, but they only used a few people, Earth Immortals did not have it, just made a simple cover. , Just want to swagger through the market, isn’t Tiejianmen afraid of someone snatching it halfway?

He knows that the four major forces in Lincheng are not one piece of iron, and even if they cover up very well, the big sects will probably get news.

The so-called ban on wealth and silk is touching, he does not believe that other schools will be indifferent when they know about it.

But there were no accidents along the way, which is surprising.

“should not……

Suddenly, Swallowing Golden Sable seemed to have thought of something, and said: “You are suspicious, they did this on purpose, so as to draw us out?”

“It’s not impossible.”

Ye Xiu wouldn’t underestimate these sects, those who can ascend to the immortal realm, which one is not the best in the lower realm, it is not surprising that there are any peculiar abilities.

The Sky Swallowing Golden Sable once appeared in the field of vision of the various martial sects with him, and they are likely to equate the Sky Swallowing Golden Sable with themselves.

Arranging such traps is not difficult for them.


Tuntian Jinshou felt it was impossible. No one knew that he was arguing with Ye Xiu. No one knew about leaving and coming back. If he didn’t see these people, wouldn’t their strategies be in vain?

“If it’s really their strategy, even if you don’t find it, they will find a way to let me know.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, “So no matter whether this is a trap or not, we can’t take it rashly. Let’s look at the situation first.”


At this moment, his identity jade token trembled, and after taking it out, Divine Sense was released, and Bai Longfei’s voice immediately appeared in Shenhai: “Junior Brother, where have you been?”

“I have something to come out, brother, are you okay?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“It’s not a big deal, but the Iron Sword Sect just sent someone to send invitations and invite us to participate in the auction tomorrow. They said that they had obtained an amber bloodstone auction and are being escorted to Lincheng. It is said that the words Taikoo are written on it. Would you like to check it out? Maybe you can get the Primordial Swallowing Sky Artifact from it.”

Bai Longfei reminded that this was also the reason why he was anxious to find Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu’s mistaken cultivation of the Primordial Swallowing Sky Art was his main responsibility, and he could not let it go as long as there was hope.

“Okay, I’ll go back now.”

Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes. If he was not sure about his own guess before, then he is basically sure now, this should be the trap set by the Iron Sword Sect.

In particular, the word “Tai Koo” means a little bit of no silver in this place, in order to force oneself to take risks.

Fortunately, I didn’t rush to do it, otherwise I would fall into their trap.

“What’s wrong?”

After Swallowing Golden Sable Jian Ye Xiu communicated with the sect, his expression changed a little, so he asked curiously.

“Just now my brother said…”

Ye Xiu repeated what Bai Longfei had said, and said: “It seems that I guessed right, they are here for me.”

If he guessed right, they should have taken a fancy to the “babies” they got in the tomb of Celestial Immortals. They obviously didn’t believe that they got nothing.

But they knew that there was no point in sending a disciple to trouble him, so they used such a shameful trick. Once they did it themselves, the meaning was completely different.

After all, it was their own robbing of their things first, even if they killed their own Chu Ruqing, they couldn’t say anything.

“They? You mean, it’s not just the iron sword gate that is calculating you?”

Swallowing Golden Sable is not stupid, and immediately grasps the core problem.

“Yes, they should have known about my mistakenly fixing the Taigu Tiantian Swallowing Art, so they used this method to force me to take action, because they knew very well that I couldn’t take out so many immortal stones to participate in the auction. This is also why they acted so low-key, to put it bluntly to paralyze me.”

Ye Xiu wanted to understand everything at this moment, these people really came up with a poisonous trick, but fortunately they didn’t do it directly.

Otherwise, their situation would be dangerous.

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