Chapter 941: The first show of the landscape painting of the mountain and river society

“Since you know the method, can you get rid of the earth veins here and let me collect it, how about I give you another third of the mantra after it’s done?”

Ye Xiu came to the spirit, and the temptation of the high-grade immortal artifacts to him was still quite big, and the entire first stage of the immortal world probably didn’t have a few such treasures.

“Ahem, not interested.”

The old face of Swallowing Jin Diao was stiff. It did know the method of rushing the veins, but the problem was that the earth veins were not easy to provoke.

You must know that the strength of a ground vein is the lowest equivalent to a real master of Realm. It is not strong enough to force the veins. Once it encounters the backlash of the ground vein, then it may not even have enough dregs in the end.

Therefore, chasing the pulse is also a very dangerous thing. Those masters have studied for a lifetime, but every time they chase the pulse, they always tie their heads to the waist.

Although it also knows how to catch the pulse, it won’t end up personally if it is not a last resort.

One-third of the mantra is attractive, but it also has to be useful.

“This king…”

Tuntian Jinsiao’s old face turned black, and just about to refute, an angry shout came from behind: “Who are you? You won’t take the picture of Shanhe Sheji, and hand it over to Daddy.”

The three of them were startled at first, and turned their heads to look. They saw a man wearing a black robe and covering his face with a black scarf appearing behind them. He was similar to Liu Ruoxian in terms of dress, but he knew he was a man at first glance.

The black scarf he used to cover his face is the same as Liu Ruoxian’s veil. It is a treasure that can block the detection of Divine Sense.

However, the aura in him is very strong, obviously Earth Immortals high rank.

At this moment, he was looking at himself and others furiously.

“Who are you? Why do you say that the pictures of mountains and rivers are yours.”

Of course Ye Xiu wouldn’t hand it over. He believed that this Shanhe Jiji map did not belong to him.

He should have discovered this place unintentionally just like himself, but he did not directly take away the mountain and river shrine map, but continued to keep it here for nourishment.

After all, this big screen is not something that Earth Immortals can build, since everyone is not the real master of the mountain and river Sheji Tu.

The so-called strange treasures who are predestined to get it, since it has been in my hands, then it shows that I have a predestined relationship with it, and why should I give it to you.

Besides, for this he also paid one-third of the mantra and a dragon blood fruit.

At this time, if he handed it over, wouldn’t he be in a big loss.

“court death.”

The man in black roared and rushed towards Ye Xiu and the others.

At this moment, he was quite depressed. Just as Ye Xiu guessed, this place was discovered by him accidentally a few years ago. At that time, he saw the picture of the mountain and river and sheji. He wanted to take it away but felt the breath of the earth veins.

It was immediately understood that the tomb owner should use the ground veins here to cultivate the mountain and river Sheji map. When he thought that it could continue the Ascension, coupled with the fact that it was very secretive and safe, he did not take the mountain and river Sheji map away.

But just today, he heard that various forces had discovered the tomb of Celestial Immortals. Upon hearing the specific location, it was not exactly this place, so he hurried over.

But when he arrived, the outside was already blocked by various big sects, and the master of Celestial Immortals Realm was sitting there. He didn’t dare to appear at all.

I can only wait for others to come in, before I come in again, and unconsciously take away the pictures of the mountains and rivers.

But as soon as he came in, he found that the picture of Shanhe Sheji had disappeared. At that time, he had even the heart to die.

Fortunately, I met these “thieves” here. The highest Cultivation Base is only the Earth Immortals first rank, not my own opponent at all.

“You go first, I’ll stop him.”

Liu Ruoxian almost instinctively rushed to the front of Ye Xiu, taking out the soldiers to block him.

However, before they could fight, Liu Ruoxian felt his own shoulder being grabbed by someone. He turned to look and just happened to see Ye Xiu’s handsome face.

“Just watch it from the sidelines and leave everything to me.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he sent her behind him, kicked her feet, and fisted to greet her.


The two fists collided, making a deafening noise.

After a brief contact between the two, they backed away at the same time, but Ye Xiu’s face was not good-looking, and there was blood on the corners of his mouth.

“What can you kid do? Although the foundation of this guy is unstable, it’s not something you can handle.”

Swallowing the golden mink has no good air.

“If you can’t beat it, you have to beat it. If you want to grab my things, you have to pay a price.”

Ye Xiu showed a firm look on his face, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and rushed up again.

“you wanna die.”

The black clothed man was also a little surprised. Ye Xiu was not a pseudo-immortal 7th-Rank, and he was Earth Immortals 7th-Rank. He could actually make a full blow with his own right now, which was a little scary.

Although his Cultivation Base relied on Huaxianchi Ascension to get up, but the gap between the two big Realm, just the crush on the Cultivation Base can also make him easily win.

But in the end, his full blow only made him bleed a little, which is incredible.

But no matter who this person is, if you take own things, you have to pay a price.

He rushed over while speaking.

“What is he doing?”

At this moment, Liu Ruoxian asked strangely, he found that the man in black had actually fought with the air, but he did not see the three of them, which was so strange.

“You guys are learning now and selling now.”

Swallowing the sky golden mink glanced at Ye Xiu, who was full of complacency. This was obviously the function of the mountain and river sheji map. Once the enemy was immersed in the illusion formed by the mountain and river sheji map, he would never be able to get out again.

“There is an easy way to end the battle, why not use it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t care about it. In fact, after pulling Liu Ruoxian back, he secretly urged the painting of Shanhe Sheji.

After refining the Shanhe Shejitu, he already understood the full role of the Shanhe Shejitu, and he could create an illusion in front of him and let the enemy fall into it.

The deeper the sinking, the greater the effect of the mountain and river community map on him. After being completely caught, it can be easily included in the mountain and river community map.

According to Swallowing Golden Sable’s statement, even Celestial Immortals will be attacked by this thing, and it is not easy to deal with a seven-rank immortal of Earth Immortals.

“You mean, this is the function of Shanhe Sheji Tu?”

Liu Ruoxian also understood at this time, but she didn’t expect that the Mountain and River Sheji Tu could be so powerful, a master of the seventh rank of Earth Immortals, was unexpectedly taken by Ye Xiu.

“Exactly, but this thing is not as powerful as imagined. It is necessary to let the enemy fall into the illusion. If you encounter someone with a firm heart, it is useless.”

Ye Xiu didn’t conceal Liu Ruoxian, for some reason, he felt that Liu Ruoxian was worthy of trust.

“That’s great too.”

Liu Ruoxian said, Ye Xiu is only a pseudo-immortal at the seventh stage. With the help of the map of the mountains and rivers, he can easily solve the master of the seventh stage of Earth Immortals Realm, which is not something ordinary can do.

This can all be regarded as the treasure of the town.

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