Chapter 926 Interception

“Let’s talk about it later.”

Ye Xiu certainly wouldn’t agree. It was a coincidence that he came to Yuecheng. As for Jianzong, he was afraid to avoid it, how could he take the initiative to send someone to the door.

Although there is the title of the unbelievable disciple, they dare not do anything to themselves, but there is definitely no good face. Isn’t he asking for trouble after he passed, he doesn’t have the habit of hot face and cold ass.

“I don’t think you dare.”

Mu Qinglan once again expressed her sense of existence, she just couldn’t understand the appearance of this kid’s eyes higher than the top, why are you.

You are just a rising person, and you are lucky enough to join the Heavenly Jue Clan. In addition to this status, you have nothing else you can do.

Damn it to the extreme to dare to ignore oneself.

“You are right, I just don’t dare.”

Ye Xiu didn’t take it seriously, how could such a clumsy radical method be useful to him.

And he can see that this kind of woman is a dogskin plaster. The more you go against her, the more she will be entangled with you. In that case, I can always follow you.

He is really annoyed by this woman. I’m still considering whether to help Liu Ruoxian deal with you. Didn’t you force me to act on you by doing this?


Mu Qinglan was speechless for a while, this kid didn’t play cards according to his routine at all.

According to her knowledge of men, at this time, shouldn’t he antagonize herself, after all, many men love Face.

But this kid directly acknowledged the counseling, which actually caught her by surprise, and directly blocked her preparations later.

“I have something to do, so I’ll go ahead.”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with her, and after speaking, he nodded at Zuo Liuyun and Feng Yun Wuji, and left first.

“Little Junior Sister, when you come out, you’d better control your mouth so as not to cause trouble to Jianzong.”

Zuo Liuyun was very upset with some of Mu Qinglan’s actions. Since the Promise Sword Record had been obtained by Ye Xiu, there was no need to make the relationship too stiff.

Gou Anxious will jump the wall, let alone a human being, if he is really forced to spread the Promise Sword Record without hesitating to violate his oath, then their Sword Sect will be over.

If the skin does not save the hair, how will it be attached?


Mu Qinglan nodded, but her eyes were extremely cold, and no one dared to ignore her. You wait for me.

“Brother Wuji, do you want to be a guest at Jianzong?”

When Zuo Liuyun saw Mu Qinglan like this, he knew that this woman was wrong, but he was too lazy to say anything else. The immortal realm is different from the lower realm, and it is not your little pseudo-immortal who can fool around.

If this continues, she will be killed by herself sooner or later. Anyway, she has already said everything she should say, and it’s up to her how to do it.

But she was dead, but she was clean when she died.

“No, I have to rush back to my life, there will be a period of time later.”

Feng Yun Wuji didn’t want to go to Jianzong either. The relationship between the two sects was very stiff before the two cities were compared. At this time, I went to Jianzong as a guest. If Sect’s disciples knew about it, what should they think?

After talking about Fengyun Wuji also left, leaving only Zuo Liuyun.

“Let’s go back too.”

After Zuo Liuyun finished speaking, he took the people away. They didn’t know it was. After they left, a Daoist shadow flashed by the side, and followed Zuo Liuyun and the others…

Three days later, Ye Xiu and Tuntian Jinshou arrived at the junction of Lincheng and Yuecheng.

“I said, why did your kid go back to Lincheng so early? The outside world is big, and you are not worse than you in Tianjuemen.”

Tian Tuntian Jin Shou couldn’t help saying, it had wanted to say this a long time ago, and it couldn’t help saying it just as it was about to enter the realm of Lincheng.

Before it went to Lincheng, on the one hand, it was to avoid the swordsman’s pursuit, and on the other hand, it wanted to get the scattered nine-character mantras over Lincheng.

Now that its purpose has been achieved, it doesn’t make much sense to return to Lincheng.

“You can leave anytime you want, and I didn’t stop you.”

Ye Xiu said directly, now that he has a certain understanding of the general situation of the immortal world, here, there is a Huaxianchi that can directly promote the pseudo-immortals to Earth Immortals.

Although the strength of these Earth Immortals is not flattering, Cultivation Base suppression can easily crush himself, so he will not leave Lincheng before breaking through to Earth Immortals or without the ability to protect himself.

Although Lincheng has few resources and fierce competition, after all, Sect is here, and Sect masters can provide timely assistance if they encounter danger, but if they leave here, they will be far from quenching their thirst.

And Tuntian Jinshou is an idle master, with it by his side, he can’t do quiet cultivation.

So this guy had better leave, so that he can also save worry.

“That won’t work. The thing your kid owes to the king hasn’t been paid yet. How can this king leave? If your kid loses his promise and gets fat, then who can tell the king to make sense.”

Heaven-swallowing Jinshou said: “Besides, the current situation of this king needs to be relieved with your Primordial Heaven-swallowing technique. ”

Of course it will not leave. Apart from the two reasons it said, there is the most important one, which is that it is very optimistic about Ye Xiu’s future.

He still has a great vengeance that he has not yet reported, and its enemies are extremely powerful in the immortal world. It is impossible for one person to avenge him. If Ye Xiu grows up, he should be able to help him.

The reason why it favors Ye Xiu is mainly because he did not leave himself before. In the fairy world, it is easy to meet a person with high talent, but it is not easy to meet a person with high talent and reliable character. .

In such a fairyland where The Weak are Prey to the Strong, where interests are paramount, wanting to find a person with a reliable character is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

It believed that Ye Xiu would never betray himself like the bastard before, it believed in his own vision.

“up to you.”

Ye Xiu looked helpless and could only let it follow.

After another half an hour, the two came to a canyon.

Between Lincheng and Yuecheng, there is a mountain that stretches for tens of thousands of miles, as if a natural barrier separates the two.

Beyond the mountain is the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, so this canyon is the only way to Lincheng.

For some reason, after Ye Xiu came here, he noticed a feeling of being peeped.

Although this feeling came fast and went fast, it made Ye Xiu vigilant.

“There is weirdness here, get out of here.”

Swallowing Golden Sable immediately said that it had a keen sense of crisis. When Ye Xiu noticed something was wrong, it felt a dangerous aura. Obviously, there was an ambush in this canyon.

It’s just that it doesn’t know who will set up an ambush here, could it be Jianzong? Shouldn’t, do they have the guts to be an enemy of Tian Juemen?

There is no need to swallow the golden sable to say that Ye Xiu has already begun to retreat.

But as soon as he left, dozens of Daoist shadows rushed out of the canyon, immediately surrounding Ye Xiu.

One by one looked at Ye Xiu fiercely.

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