The 916th chapter dragon blood fruit ripens (middle)

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, in a cave.

A group of people are restoring the Cultivation Base in it. They are all disciples of the Eight Trigrams, and they are all the Cultivation Bases in Human Wonderland.

The Eight Trigrams majored in battle formations. It is one of the four major forces in Lincheng. Its disciples themselves are not high in strength, but they are proficient in battle formations, so once they appear, several people, or even dozens of them, act at the same time. Place an order.

This time, like Ye Xiu and others, they came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts to hunt Demonic Beasts. Not long ago, they had just experienced a fierce battle. They used the battle formation and more than ten people to behead a big monster of Earth Immortals first rank.

But they also suffered serious injuries. They are now recovering from the Cultivation Base here. Suddenly, an astonishing pressure fell from the top of their heads, which made them feel refreshed.

The headed brother walked out of the cave and looked up, only to see a real dragon phantom emerging from the clouds, and a burst of golden energy fell from his mouth.

“Dragon’s blood fruit is a unique vision of heaven and earth when the dragon’s blood fruit matures.”

The brother’s eyes were bright. Although he had never seen dragon blood fruit, he had seen an introduction about dragon blood fruit in Sect’s classics. The situation was no different from the vision at this time.

This is a treasure of the world. After taking it, it will be of great benefit to the masters of the human fairyland, and it can also accelerate the speed of breakthrough Earth Immortals.

Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing in Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

“Everyone immediately stopped cultivating and let me grab the dragon blood fruit.”

The brother immediately gave the order, and the others stood up and rushed out after hearing this.

In the fairy world, especially in the fringe town of Fengyu Lincheng, resources are very scarce. Even Outer Sect disciples can only get a dozen low-grade fairy stones every month.

Even if it is inner disciple, the monthly ration is not enough for their cultivation, so every once in a while disciples of various factions will come to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts to hunt Demonic Beasts in exchange for resources.

After a period of life here, you will know that resources are competing, not waiting. Once you find out, take care of who you are and you will be over.

Now that the Dragon Blood Fruit was shocked, they naturally couldn’t watch it, they had to grab it.

In a dense forest in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The Five Elements sect disciple was encircling a Demonic Beasts of the Ninth Stage of Immortality, and also felt a strong pressure from the sky, and then heard a loud dragon roar resounding through the sky and the earth.

Xun looked up and saw the real dragon phantom poking his head out of the clouds.

“It’s the dragon’s blood fruit, don’t get entangled with it, let’s snatch the dragon’s blood fruit.”

Upon seeing this, the senior brother directly ordered the Demonic Beasts to be released immediately, and rushed towards the direction where the vision was.

“The Xuantian Sect disciple listened to the order, let me grab the dragon blood fruit.”

Since then, the three major forces of Xuantian, Eight Trigrams, and Five Elements, hundreds of disciples have all rushed to the place where the dragon blood fruit is.

But the further they went, the frown frowned, because the closer they were to the location of the dragon’s blood fruit, the more Demonic Beasts were in number, and countless Demonic Beasts were coming here.

There was even a wave of beasts, which surrounded them instead.

However, these Demonic Beasts didn’t take action against them. Instead, they avoided them as if they hadn’t seen them. Obviously, they were all rushing to Dragon Blood Fruit.

If they delay the time and the dragon blood fruit is snatched by other Demonic Beasts, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

Before long, a group of people came to the location of Dragon Blood Fruit, but before they got close, they found that countless Demonic Beasts formed a circle.

One by one, they seemed to be lost, standing still, but some Demonic Beasts with a low Cultivation Base were able to move forward slowly.

“what happened?”

A celestial master stepped into the animal circle, and instantly turned into a “statue”, standing there, just like the Demonic Beasts around him, no matter how the people behind yelled, there was no response.

“Everyone, be careful, there is formation in front, don’t go over.”

But he was too late, and more than 30 people have already been recruited, all of them standing still and becoming a member of the “Animal Circle”.

“What kind of formation is this, it is so powerful, and there is no trace at all.”

The faces of the disciples of the Eight Trigrams have changed drastically. Although they majored in battle formations, battle formations are also a branch of formation, so they also have a good understanding of formation.

But the formation in front of us has no traces of formation at all, as if it were formed naturally. Such formations are often terrifying.

“I haven’t heard of formation here, and there is no introduction in the ancient books that formation of dragon blood fruit will appear when it matures.”

These people often go in and out of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, so they are very familiar with the situation here, but they didn’t find this entrance to the underground, let alone heard of formation here.

As for the maturity of dragon blood fruits, they have only heard of the phenomena of heaven and earth, and there is no record of accompanying formation at all.

“What should we do now?”

One person asked.


The Eight Trigrams disciple thought for a while.

They don’t understand this formation at all, and they might just enter it rashly.

But it takes two or three days for the dragon blood fruit to mature, and during this time there will definitely be Demonic Beasts coming, and I can use them to break the formation.

No matter how strong the formation is, there is no limit to it. As long as it exceeds this limit, the formation will break without attack.

That evening, in the underground cave.

“Demonic Beasts came in so soon, your formation is not good.”

Ye Xiu frowned.

“What do you know.”

Swallowing Golden Sable rolled his eyes. The formation of daddy intercepted the powerful Demonic Beasts. Those who came in were all incompetent small characters, and they just solved it casually.

If there was no formation, they would have been dead for a long time. I really don’t know how this guy’s brain grew.

“What kind of formation you are setting up, can actually stop the big monsters above Earth Immortals.”

After a while, Ye Xiu also discovered that the demonic beasts from Realm were all pseudo-fairies and human beings, especially pseudo-fairies, and the demonic beasts of human beings were less than one or two in number.

So he could also see that this formation was specially set up by Demonic Beasts, which is high in Realm, which is amazing. Anyway, he has never seen such a formation.

“You just noticed it.”

Tuntian Jin Siao glanced at him, and when you saw it, the day lily was cold.

“Don’t talk nonsense, what formation is this on earth?”

Ye Xiu ignored it, but directly asked the name of formation.

He remembers that there is a complete list of formations in the Tianjue Gate, and there should be a lot of high-level formations recorded on it. As long as you know the name, you should be able to find it.

“Why, want to learn? A mantra, this king will teach you.”

Swallowing Golden Sable’s eyes narrowed, revealing a greedy look.


Of course Ye Xiu couldn’t agree, he was still planning to use the mantra to change the formation pattern.

As for this formation, I already know its characteristics, so I can use it to find it.

It’s nothing more than spending more time.

“I can’t help but tease, forget it, let me tell you, the name of this formation is…”

Just as Swallowing Golden Sable wanted to say the name of formation, he heard a roar outside.

At this time, the face of Tian Tian Jin Shou changed suddenly.

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