Chapter 908: Zuo Liuyun

“It’s a big tone.”

Feng Yun Wuji, who was about to leave, stopped again and looked at the three men with a gloomy expression: “If I remember correctly, your Sword Sect should be a sect of Yuecheng City, and you dare to run to my Lincheng to run wild. Do you think I am near the city without anyone!”

Ye Xiu was his intended opponent, how could he let them take it away, and he also heard it out, even though Ye Xiu stole their Cultivation Technique, he helped them perfect it, which was a great favor.

They actually want to avenge their grievances, and he hates this kind of people the most in his life.

So he can’t leave it alone.

“Who do you think you are……”

The brother just wanted to say something, he was covered by the brother.

You are so arrogant and don’t look at the identity of others, they are masters of the Ninth Stage fake immortal, can you humiliate them?

If you can’t make it right, we will all be killed by you. Those who understand the situation know that you want to behave in front of the junior sisters, and those who don’t understand think you are doing death.

If you die, you die, don’t pull us down, okay?

“What am I?”

Fengyun Wuji is on fire. Among the younger generation of disciples, no one dares to talk to themselves like this. I think you are living impatiently.

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, his spirit is not normal, please don’t be familiar with him, but this matter is between my Jianzong and him, and I hope you will not interfere in this matter, I will be thankful for my Jianzong in the future. ”

Senior brother is already a little regretful now. He said that, mainly because he thinks that this kid can easily rush out of their encirclement. There must be some unknown means. If their Sword Sect can get it, it will definitely be stronger.

The reason why he dared to speak in front of Feng Yun Wuji was because he saw Feng Yun Wuji fighting against Ye Xiu, thinking that they were enemies. Who would have thought that this guy actually stood on Ye Xiu’s side.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads, and at least they have to delay for some time, waiting for the brothers to come.

“Does daddy lack your thank you? Get out immediately if you know it, otherwise, I don’t mind giving you a ride.”

Feng Yun Wuji said with a calm face that the forces of Lincheng and Yuecheng have always been incompatible with fire and water. Now they have crossed the boundary when they come here. Now they still want to do something with the people in Lincheng, and he has every reason to do it with them.

Although there is competition among the major forces in Lincheng, when facing external forces, they will definitely be unanimous to the outside world.

Even if they meet someone else, as long as there are two others, it is impossible to stand idly by.


As soon as the brother wanted to speak, he heard a loud voice behind him: “Fengyun Wuji, I haven’t seen you for many days, I didn’t expect you to be so domineering.”

When the three of them heard this voice, their faces immediately showed joy. When they looked back, they saw a young man in a white long-distance runner galloping with the three of them. Cultivation Base were all masters of the ninth realm of fake immortals.

And the one headed is their brother Dan, Zuo Liuyun.

At this moment, they were so excited that they wanted to cry.

Finally saw my relatives.

“Zuo Liuyun? You came just right, come and fight me again.”

Feng Yun Wuji frowned slightly. Of course he knew this Zuo Liuyun. In the two-city competition half a year ago, the two of them had a duel. In the end, this kid cheated and made himself a difference and missed the first place.

This matter made him depressed for a long time, if it hadn’t been for the sect master to stop him, he would have rushed to Yuecheng and settled with this kid.

This time it was good, he came to the door himself, just because he hadn’t fought hard before, there was no reason not to fight.

“Don’t, if you have to fight with me, I’ll just admit defeat.”

Zuo Liuyun didn’t want to fight this madman. He was exhausted last time, and he quickly said: “I was wrong last time, but you also know that the victory of the two cities is directly related to the mining of fairy mines. Quan, I was forced to do that by the master too.”

“If you really want to fight, we will compete again in the two-city competition in half a year. It won’t work this time. I have a mission.”

There is a medium-sized immortal stone vein between Lincheng and Yuecheng. This is a sweet pastry for any city. Everyone wants the right to mine. For this reason, there have been wars between the two cities.

Later, the major forces felt that this was not the way to fight, so the high-level leaders of the various factions gathered together. After several days of negotiations, they finally discussed a way to try and replace the battle, that is, the two cities sent young disciples to compete.

The party who wins the first place has the right to mine the vein for one year.

In the past few years, Lincheng won, which caused Yuecheng to lose a lot. Last time, his Master gave him a death order. If he didn’t get the first place, let him evolve into Xianchi.

This bit his key point. Huaxianchi is a good thing in the eyes of others, but in his eyes it is a side-by-side approach. He doesn’t want to consume his own potential for the sake of the mere Earth Immortals Cultivation Base, so he tricked him in the competition. .

The strength of the two is between the two, and it takes at least a thousand rounds to tell the victory or defeat, but I feel that my scalp is tingling after thinking about it.

He hates trouble the most in his life. He usually hides when he can hide, but if he can’t hide this time, he can only play a snack game.

But speaking of it, he was really sorry for Feng Yun Wuji, after all, he won shame.

“You say you don’t fight, you don’t fight, who do you think you are, besides, this is my site in Lincheng, you come and want to leave intact, do you think it’s possible?”

Feng Yun Wuji didn’t plan to let this kid go, dare to play tricks on him, you don’t know why the flowers are so red.

Said to be hands-on.

“Don’t mess around. There are many people on my side. If you force me, don’t blame us for bullying and less people.”

Zuo Liuyun glanced at him and said, what to fight, what is good to fight, do you have a good night’s sleep at this time? I really don’t understand people like you.

Things that can be solved by moving your mouth clearly, you have to fight back and forth, you die, is it interesting?

Can’t you just sit down and drink tea and chat?


Feng Yun Wuji’s expression froze, this guy is too despicable, he even planned to bully fewer people, and his face was so bad.

Although he is warlike, he is not stupid. He fights with four masters of the 9th grade pseudo-celestial all by himself, which is completely looking for abuse, he is not a masochistic.

So the foot that had just been lifted was put down again.

“Don’t be angry, I will let you win the head office next time.”

Zuo Liuyun smiled, and then briefly understood the situation from Liu Ruoxian and looked at Ye Xiu: “Your Excellency, this is a great favor to my Sword Sect, but the Cultivation Technique matter is very important. You have to join my sword sect, so that we can go back and have a relationship.”

“Sorry, I have joined the martial arts, so I can’t agree to your proposal.”

Ye Xiu shook his head, not to mention that he had joined the more powerful Fore-Tian Jue. Even if he hadn’t joined, he wouldn’t be able to join the Sword Sect.

I am now alone and lonely, and once I reach the Sword Sect, it is really a bad idea for every day, and the ground is not working.

He was not so stupid and took the initiative to cast himself into the net.

“Then this is not easy.”

Zuo Liuyun frowned, he hated trouble the most.

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