Chapter 960 One Move Determines the Victory

“Who are you?”

Ye Xiu frowned, he felt a little pressure from this person, and it seemed that the person who came was not good.

“Iron Jianmen, Fengyun Wuji.”

Feng Yun Wuji said indifferently, speaking of which, he was a little envious of Ye Xiu.

Tianjuemen is a big force in the First Stage days. Although Lincheng Branch Sect is a pioneer, it still makes people yearn for.

It can be said that many people in Lincheng are eager to join Tianjuemen.

However, Feng Yun Wuji has a different starting point from others. Others want to join Tian Jue Sect because they hope to find a great backer so that they will not be bullied.

But he is because after joining Tian Juemen, he can have a stronger opponent for him to challenge.

It’s a pity that when he ascended, Tian Juemen hadn’t planned to establish a branch, let alone recruit disciples in person. Of course, even if Tian Juemen personally left, he missed it and joined Tiejianmen.

However, he also knew that it was very good to join the Iron Sword Sect with the strength and talent he showed at the time.

After all, he is not a genius-type disciple, and he can achieve what he is today entirely by relying on his own efforts a hundred times more than others.

“Are you here to kill me?”

Ye Xiu squinted his eyes and said, although this person’s Cultivation Base is not low, it is absolutely impossible to kill him.

“Rather than killing you, I want to fight you more. Don’t worry, I will suppress my Cultivation Base in the third rank Realm. As long as you can beat me, I will let you go.”

Feng Yun Wuji said indifferently: “But if you lose, I will kill you. After all, the teacher’s life is hard to violate, I hope you can understand.”

He is not interested in killing people, but if Ye Xiu can’t even defeat himself after suppressing Cultivation Base, then he will kill Ye Xiu to complete the task.

But if Ye Xiu can beat himself, then he will regard Ye Xiu as his opponent, not only will not kill him, but also prevent others from killing him.

A good opponent is very rare for him, even if he is dead, he can only die in his own hands.


Ye Xiu did not refuse, he saw the shadow of Tian Ye from Feng Yun Wuji.

This guy is very similar to Amano, so direct and domineering. His appearance reminds me of the scene when I first met Mu Amano.

And a good opponent he is extremely eager, the person in front of him is fully qualified to be his own opponent.

“I act in an open and honest manner. Even if I suppress Cultivation Base, I still take advantage of you. So I want to decide the outcome with you. What do you think?”

Feng Yun Wuji thought about it for a while and said that he is a fake ninth-grade Cultivation Base. Even if Realm is suppressed, the strength and physical body in his body will not be weakened in the slightest.

If fighting a protracted battle, Ye Xiu would definitely not be his own opponent, even if it was consumption, he could kill him here.

But this is not the result I hoped for.

“One move determines the outcome? Yes.”

Ye Xiu nodded, his impression of Feng Yun Wuji improved a lot.

Although the two are now enemies, he can achieve this level is beyond the reach of many people.

If he was not a disciple of Iron Sword Sect, they might still become friends, but unfortunately, the hatred between himself and Iron Sword Sect seemed to have reached the point where it could not be reconciled.

Therefore, they are also destined to be enemies in the future, unless he joins the Tianjue Sect or leaves the Iron Sword Sect in the future.

But this seems impossible, at least impossible in a short time.

“You humans are really troublesome. This kid’s strength can easily kill you. Why do you want to compete with you? It’s really unnecessary.”

Tian Tuntian Jin Shou curled his lips to convey to Ye Xiu, in their world, there were only two choices of killing and being killed. There were no other options. If you wanted not to be killed, you could only kill the opponent first.

The Weak are Prey to the Strong, survival of the fittest, this is the true portrayal of their Demonic Beasts’ life. In order to kill the enemy, they can do everything they want.

As for competitions and discussions, those belong to humans only, and this is something it has never understood.

“This is the difference between man and beast.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, the reason why people call them humans is because they know how to adapt.

The relationship between people is not only about killing and being killed, but more complicated, such as enemies, friends, relatives, friends, etc., and these relationships will change as some conditions change. .

Even two original enemies can turn into friends under certain conditions, and two close friends can face each other overnight, but this kind of thing is rare among Demonic Beasts.

But it is precisely because of this flexibility that human beings can preserve themselves in the face of harsh environments and become the spirit of all things, the protagonist of heaven and earth.

If you ask him to explain, he really can’t explain it. It’s not that he doesn’t understand, but that this kind of thing cannot be described in words.


Tuntian Jin Diao glanced at him and said that you were fat, but you were still breathing.

“I heard that you have a fairy artifact?”

Feng Yun Wuji asked.


Ye Xiu nodded and took out the immortal weapon as he spoke. Since it is a trick to determine the outcome, he naturally has to do his best. This is also a respect for his opponent.

“It just so happens that I have, you be careful.”

After Feng Yun Wuji finished speaking, he took out the own war sword, with a faint blood glow on it, and the bloody air from the sword could be smelled from far away. It can be seen that this sword has also killed many creatures. .

Before the two of them started, the aura on their bodies had already begun to entangle and collide, generating a strong coercion and spreading around them.

Suddenly, a leaf fell from the sky.

At the moment they landed, they both shot at the same time.

“Sword drawing style!”

Feng Yun Wuji didn’t release the water because of Ye Xiu’s poor Cultivation Base. It was a false insult to his opponent, so his shot was the iron sword and six sword drawing style.

This style is the starting style, imitating the action of the Practitioner when drawing the sword. In order to increase the speed of his own shot, the Practitioner can unexpectedly kill the enemy, so he practiced the technique of drawing the sword hard, and finally even created the sword drawing technique.

But the sword drawing style of the Iron Sword Gate is faster than the sword drawing technique. It seems simple, but there are countless changes hidden in it.

With one sword drawn, it was like opening the world, and Ye Xiu couldn’t open his eyes in a brilliant Sword Ray.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu’s rich experience directly closed his eyes and used his perception to make a sword.

This sword is equally simple and straightforward without fancy, but it pierces like a dragon.

Coincidentally, when the tips of the two swords touched together, they actually wiped out the flames.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the two retreated at the same time, looking at each other at a distance of 100 meters.

At this time, the right hands of the two of them were trembling a little, but Feng Yun Wuji was better. After all, the immortal power in his body was transformed into 90%, and he had begun to feed back to the physical body, even if there was only a trace, it was extraordinary physically comparable.

Ye Xiu was because he had cultivated the indestructible demon body, his body was extremely powerful, but he still couldn’t see enough in front of the immortal body.

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