Chapter VIII Returning to the other body by the other way


The four immediately understood what this person meant. He should have mastered some kind of assassin, and could give Ye Xiu a thunderous blow, but it would take time to prepare.

They also know that this is not the way to go, so they pin their hopes on this person, hoping that he can make the world happen.

After speaking, the four formed a battle formation, trapping Ye Xiu in it.

“If you want to trap me, it’s not enough for you, Yin & Yang Five Thunders.”

Ye Xiu wouldn’t let them succeed. With a move in his heart, a five-colored thunder light appeared on his body and poured into the ground madly.

The next moment, five thunder pillars rise from the ground, and their electrical and optical connections are connected together to form a thunder cage, trapping them in it.

Boom boom boom…

The five thunder pillars made waves of thunder, and each thunder was accompanied by a thunder-thick thunder, which instantly severely injured the four of them.

Then his eyes were like electricity, he swept towards the last person, raised his hand a little, a thunder light turned into a thunder dragon, opened his blood basin and rushed towards the person.

There was no worry on the other side’s face, but a smile that succeeded in the conspiracy.

“Swallow Heaven Poison Palm!”

The man shouted and rolled out a palm.

Suddenly, a gloomy force flew out of his palm, and immediately turned into a black hole, and began to madly plunder the surrounding forces to strengthen itself.

While the Thunder Dragon couldn’t escape it, it instantly changed into a part of it.

As the absorbed power increased, the size of the poison palm became bigger and bigger, and the aura on it became more violent, and there was an electric arc faintly emerging.

“not good!”

The messengers of various factions were shocked that the poisonous palm contained in this palm could absorb other powers and grow stronger. It should be a very rare poisonous poison with a phagocytic effect.

This kind of poison is extremely rare in the immortal world. This person actually incorporated this poison into his palm, not only has the effect of swallowing power to enhance his own power, but also contains highly poisonous itself.

If this hit Ye Xiu, then he would definitely be a dead end.

“Don’t worry.”

These people will immediately stop them. If it’s someone else, they won’t pay attention to it. It’s normal for the sect to test and kill a few people.

But the problem is that Ye Xiu is not an ordinary person. Not only is he powerful and potential is extremely high, but he also masters three mantras, which is definitely the target of various factions.

So he can’t die yet, at least he can’t die now.

“Wait a moment.”

At this moment, Zhuge Feng, who was holding a folding fan, spoke again.

The palm of the other party was indeed unexpected, but Ye Xiu didn’t show the slightest worry on his face. Obviously, he had a way to deal with this strike.

It was a bit early for them to take action at this time. Not only was it meaningless, but it might also disrupt Ye Xiu’s plan.

So he wanted to see what skills Ye Xiu had, and he dared to ignore the poisonous palm of the other party.

Others also discovered this after hearing this, and stopped to watch the changes.

However, what surprised everyone was that Ye Xiu stood there quietly, waiting for the venomous palm to hit him, without any intention of dodge.

In the end, the poison palm also successfully hit Ye Xiu, and the moment the poison palm touched Ye Xiu’s body, it quickly dispersed into poison mist and enveloped him.

“You Kewei who is a sinner, you can’t live if you are a sinner.”

There was a cold light in the person’s eyes. Although he didn’t want to kill people in the martial arts test, it was no wonder that Ye Xiu wanted to die by himself.

My own green ghostly poison was the virulent poison that saw the blood seal the throat, and later I was incorporated into many other virulent poisons, and it was simply the king of poison.

Even if the facial features are closed, it can still penetrate through the pores. Even if you have a fairy Cultivation Base, you will undoubtedly die.

“Hey, how did this poisonous fog fade?”

Others also squeezed a sweat for Ye Xiu, but soon they discovered that the poisonous mist that enveloped Ye Xiu was getting lighter and weaker. After a while, Ye Xiu’s figure could even be seen.

“Isn’t this nonsense, the poisonous intrusion into the body will definitely become weaker and weaker.”

This person doesn’t care, the poisonous mist must invade the human body to be effective, otherwise, no matter how strong the poison is, it is impossible to kill.

This is all normal, what’s so fuss about…


The person’s eyes suddenly rounded, looking at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

What did he see? It turned out that this poisonous mist was not invading Ye Xiu’s body, but was swallowed by him.

Not only him, but others are also blinded.

“Lying in a big trough, how can this kid swallow anything?”

“Isn’t it? I swallowed fire before and now I’m swallowing poison. Isn’t this still a human being?”

“This guy is simply invincible, poison fire is not effective to him, and his strength is far stronger than the same rank person. I really don’t know what Cultivation Technique he cultivates.”

Everyone was amazed, whether it was the bone spirit cold and fire before, or the person using Qingyou Poison.

It was a terrible thing in the eyes of other people, but Ye Xiu was good, and he swallowed it all in one bite. It was simple, straightforward, and very overbearing.

There is one at the scene, who has seen such a way of fighting, and just start eating without a word.

This is a battle. People who don’t know thought he was having a picnic.

“Impossible, this is impossible, how can you be okay!”

The person who used the poison was also blinded. This Qingyou poison was a brand new poison that he had cultivated for a long time. He didn’t even have the antidote himself. There were no one thousand but 800 masters who died under this poison.

Now that this kid took the initiative to inhale the poison into his body, this was simply an act of seeking death, but his complexion was ruddy, and there was no sign of poisoning at all, but it seemed that he had taken some kind of tonic.

This makes him puzzled.

“Come and not be indecent, you also try my means.”

After Ye Xiu finished talking about the handle, a faint light shot out from his fingertips, and instantly sank into this person’s chest.

This poison is highly poisonous after Shura’s transformation and purification, and it is more pure than before, and he added the poison of the bone-eating clam in it.

The poison of this bone-eroding clam is also Ascension with its own Cultivation Base’s Ascension. The poison is more violent, not weaker than this person’s Qingyou poison. When the two are superimposed, the poison is stronger and more violent.

The other party used poison to deal with him. If he didn’t have the Nine Transformation Tianxin, he would already be a corpse at this time, and the malicious intentions of his intentions can be seen.

If this is the case, then give him a way to return to the other body. Whether it is dead or alive, it depends on his good fortune.

“It’s useless, daddy is a master of poison. If you want to use poison to hurt me, it’s idiotic to say…”

Before the word dream was finished, his voice stopped abruptly, and his face instantly turned dark green, and his body could not help shaking, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Only then did he realize the terrible poison of this poison, and quickly took out the detoxification pellet he had previously refined, but the severity of the poison was far beyond his imagination, and he couldn’t resist the detoxification pellet before it was poured out.

One head fell to the ground, blood was vomiting at the mouth, and after a few strokes of his legs, there was no movement.

But at this time, his eyes were round and filled with disbelief.

Thinking of him playing with drugs all his life, but never expected to be killed by someone else with poison, this is simply a big irony to him, and he won’t look down on him.

“The opportunity is here.”

The death of this person made Zhuge Feng a smile on his face, and when the fan was closed, he immediately transmitted his voice.

When other people saw this, they were all over the road, and this kid must not be allowed to join the heavenly gate.

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