Chapter 878: Fighting Ninth Stage

“Ye Xiu, for the sake of your hard work, as long as you leave now, I can forget the blame.”

This Ninth Stage quasi-emperor said with a calm face. His name is Shao Yucheng. He broke through to the quasi-emperor state three thousand years ago and has lived for 10,000 years.

So his experience is extremely rich, but he has never seen a person like Ye Xiu in cultivation so far.

At a young age, he not only broke the known record and made his breakthrough to the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but also led to the Chaos Divine Tribulation that he had never seen before.

The most important thing is that the current Sacred Land has become precarious. Neither the 300,000 army nor Mu Tianye can be easily dismissed.

If you continue to make this situation worse, even if you kill Ye Xiu, I’m afraid that Sacred Land will be over.

Because for a sect, the most important thing is not the inheritance of Cultivation Technique, nor the Shanmen resident, but the people, the people are gone, so how complete the inheritance of Shaking Sacred Land is preserved, and the magnificent construction of the Shanmen resident is just Looks like it has no meaning at all.

And these disciples are Shaking Sacred Land’s family property accumulated over the past tens of thousands of years. If they die, Shaking Sacred Land will not be far away from forgetting the seed.

Even if he can rebuild Sacred Land, it is almost impossible for him to restore it to its original state.

After all, it’s impossible for other forces to watch you rise, and it’s pretty good if you don’t let you fall into the trap.

Although Fang Yexiu and the others left just like this, his face was a little unsustainable, but compared with the future of Shaoguang Sacred Land, he had no other choice.

“If you said this before, I would leave without hesitation. As for now, do you think it’s possible?”

Ye Xiu asked back. Although the shaking of Sacred Land at this time could not pose too much threat to him, he did not want to be missed by a master of the Ninth Stage Quasi-Emperor Realm.

He can’t be afraid, after all, it won’t take long for him to be promoted to the Sixth Stage, or even the Seventh Stage, Eighth Stage, but the people around him can’t help but be afraid.

Since the hatred between the two cannot be erased, it can only be done away with the roots. Only in this way can it be ensured that nothing is lost.

“Do you really think I can’t kill you!”

Shao Yucheng said with a cold face that he had already made the biggest concession and was even willing to let them leave, but this kid didn’t even appreciate it.

Although he also admitted that Ye Xiu’s aura was strong, but after all he was four Realm lower than himself.

It is not very difficult to kill him.

“Stop talking nonsense, let me see what’s so extraordinary about you shaking Sacred Land.”

Ye Xiu said with excitement, he, like Mu Tianye, is a militant in his bones. He has been cultivating for so long, and he has even reached the Fifth Stage quasi-emperor realm.

With many methods, he is completely confident and qualified to fight the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor.

Only with this kind of existence can he fight with all his strength, just thinking about the excitement he feels.

“Okay, you asked for this, Demon Emperor Seal.”

Shao Yucheng shouted angrily, and the demon power in his body immediately rushed out, gathering towards his right hand like a stormy sea. After a while, a seal appeared in the palm of his hand.

This seal was scarlet, as if blood was flowing, and like flames beating, it was very strange, full of frightening power.

The Demon Emperor Seal is one of the three emperor scriptures of Shaking Sacred Land, the supreme combat skill recorded in the Demon Emperor scripture.

This seal can only be used for Demonic Beasts or Monster Cultivation. Once used, it will mobilize the blood power blessing in the Monster Clan’s body, and the stronger the bloodline power, the stronger the power of the Monster Emperor Seal.

Shao Yucheng’s body is Qingluan, with the Phoenix bloodline in his body, and his rank is not inferior to that of the real dragon bloodline.

When this seal was used by him, it directly aroused the power of the Phoenix clan in the bloodline. Once it was hit, it would be swallowed by the Phoenix Fire, and there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Because Feng Huo is the most powerful flame between heaven and earth, even the top fire on the fire list cannot be compared with it.

“Sura Jinlei!”

Ye Xiu felt the power contained in this seal, and did not dare to be careless. With a move in his heart, his hands were also held up and down on his chest.

Subsequently, the power of the nine colors of yellow, green, blue, boom, brown, blue, purple, white, and black gathered between the palms of Ye Xiu’s hands.

These nine powers respectively represent the nine different powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness, and these nine different powers are combined into one under the control of Ye Xiu.

In the end, a sphere that is almost nothingness is formed, and it blooms with a nine-color halo.

“My God, what did I see? Ye Xiu actually has nine different physiques.”

“It’s nothing to have nine different physiques. The most terrifying thing is that he can perfectly integrate the nine powers together. Is this still a human being?”

“It’s terrible. It’s no wonder that he can stop killing Buddhas all the way, and it’s the first time I have seen him with nine physiques at the same time.”

This scene frightened everyone.

In the world, there are many people with multiple physiques, but according to the classics and their understanding, the people with the most physique have only five different physiques at the same time.

But Ye Xiu possessed nine types at the same time, almost covering the nine most original powers between heaven and earth.

But the most frightening thing is that he was able to perfectly integrate the nine powers. You must know that the difficulty of fusing one more power will be geometrically multiplied.

At the same time, the integration of nine kinds is beyond the scope of manpower, how could they not be shocked.


Although Shao Yucheng was also surprised, he didn’t care too much, because his Demon Emperor Seal was not bad at all.

After the Demon Emperor Seal was condensed, he no longer wasted time, stepping out like an arrow from the string, instantly came to Ye Xiu’s face, and slapped it down.

“Good job.”

Ye Xiu was about to try Shura Jinlei, a combination of nine powers, how powerful would it be, so his figure flashed over.


Shura Jinlei collided with the Demon Emperor Seal, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky with a loud noise that rang through the world, and both of them were instantly lifted off by this terrifying force.

More than that, the place where this force passes is like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves, and everything is instantly evaporated.

There are even people with a low Cultivation Base who didn’t even scream out and turned into nothingness.

When all the dust settled, a deep pit with a depth of thousands of feet and a width of several tens of miles appeared on the scene, which almost covered the entire range of Sacred Land.

And Ye Xiu and Shao Yu were established on both sides of the deep pit, looking at each other remotely, they all have different degrees of color on their bodies.

Shao Yucheng’s situation is not optimistic. He looks like a stinky beggar who has just returned from a waste collection. He is embarrassed and his hair is scattered on his face, covering most of his face.

And there was still a ray of light golden blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

“How can this be!”

Shao Yucheng said in disbelief that he is the Ninth Stage quasi emperor, and he has been promoted to the quasi emperor for three thousand years.

Although Ye Xiu reached the Cultivation Base of the Fifth Stage, he was just a breakthrough. How could he have the strength to fight himself? It felt like a person who had just learned to walk and suddenly outperformed an adult. .

This is simply incredible.

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