Chapter 874 Chaos and Divine Tribulation

“This, this is Jieyun, he actually transcends Tribulation at this time. Isn’t this openly provoking Sacred Land? Who is this kid, he has such courage.”

“Fuck, it turned out to be the Red Cloud Tribulation, how could it be possible, he is not in the Ninth Stage Supreme Realm, how could it lead to the Red Cloud Tribulation.”

“It’s not the Red Cloud Tribulation. You can see that this Tribulation Cloud has begun to change, and it turned into golden. Is there any golden one in this Heavenly Tribulation?”

“Yes, as far as I know, Xianjie seems to be golden?”

“How is it possible, the immortal Tribulation is the Heavenly Tribulation that the emperor will face when he ascends, this kid is only the Supreme Ninth Stage, how can he cause the immortal tribulation.”

This situation shocked everyone. Many people don’t say they have seen the golden Heavenly Tribulation. They have never even heard of it.

But this is Sacred Land after all, and most of the people who can be invited to the wedding are masters of the top powers. Naturally, the experience is beyond comparison with ordinary people.

So soon someone recognized the origin of the golden Heavenly Tribulation, it was the Xianjie.

You know, the breakthrough is not the end point of cultivation, breaking the void, soaring Immortal Ascension is the goal of everyone’s cultivation.

However, with the introverted rules of the Nine Heavens continent today, the chance of becoming an emperor has become very slim. It is for this reason that many Ninth Stage quasi-emperor realm masters will appear.

Since the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor swept Nine Heavens, there has never been a great emperor, and no one has ascended to Immortal Ascension, so this matter has gradually been forgotten.

But no matter what, such a Heavenly Tribulation is impossible to descend on a Ninth Stage Supreme.

That’s the Heavenly Tribulation that the emperor realm powerhouse will only endure when it soars.

“No, look at it, Jie Yun has begun to change again.”

At this moment, someone discovered that the robbery cloud had changed again, turning from gold to dark gold. The momentum was more than ten times stronger than before, and the space was a bit unbearable, and it began to twist quickly.

You know, the golden robbery cloud is the most obvious symbol of the immortal robbery, but they don’t know the dark golden robbery cloud.

Because in their memory, Xianjie is already the top Heavenly Tribulation.

“Well, is this the legendary Chaos God Tribulation, my God, what kind of monster this kid is?”

Long Yunfei suddenly exclaimed. He had read an ancient book before, which contained a record of the Chaos Tribulation, but compared to the Immortal Tribulation, this Chaos Tribulation was completely legendary.

Because the chaos divine calamity only appeared in ancient times.

It is said that at the time when the world was first opened, everything was not perfect, so that the rules of the world were like a book, just like a book, and it was just as easy to get insight.

So the cultivator at that time was more powerful, and everything to cultivate was up to the avenue. Immortal Ascension was even easier. The ordinary Heavenly Tribulation couldn’t hurt them anymore.

Therefore, Heaven and Earth descended from the Chaos Divine Tribulation, and only this degree of Heavenly Tribulation could cause them a certain degree of harm.

With the passage of time, the rules of heaven and earth have become more and more perfect, and the difficulty of cultivation has also increased day by day. Only then did Ziyun, Qingyun and even Red Cloud Tribulation appear.

But in these tens of thousands of years, Azure Cloud Tribulation has rarely appeared, most of them are Ziyun Tribulation, let alone Chaos Divine Tribulation.

In other words, this Ye Xiu was able to lead the Chaos Divine Tribulation, which shows that his strength has reached the level of the ancient cultivator, which is simply incredible.

“Those who are irrelevant should leave immediately, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.”

Ye Xiu glanced at everyone and said this lightly, and then his body shape began to change, eventually returning to its original appearance.

“Ye Xiu, he is Ye Xiu, how could he appear here?”

Someone recognized Ye Xiu’s identity and immediately exclaimed.

You must know that what Ye Xiu did in Wuyu and the Great Qin Dynasty has spread within Shenzhou.

So Ye Xiu’s name is not unfamiliar to them, but everyone didn’t expect him to appear here, but his appearance can also explain why he can attract such a terrible Heavenly Tribulation.

You should know that the Red Cloud Tribulation once appeared in the periphery of Shenzhou. At that time, no one knew that this Heavenly Tribulation was introduced by Ye Xiu, but many people speculated based on the changes before and after Ye Xiu that this Heavenly Tribulation was introduced by Ye Xiu.

Moreover, the more this matter passed through evil, and eventually even spread to the interior of China, and more people spread it, this matter became true.

Since Ye Xiu induced the Red Cloud Tribulation when he broke through the Human King Realm, it seems that it is not unacceptable for him to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm and induce the Chaos Divine Tribulation.

“Get out of here!”

Most people have not read the introduction about the Chaos Tribulation, but judging from the breath released by Heavenly Tribulation, this is definitely a Heavenly Tribulation even more terrifying than the Red Cloud Tribulation.

Even the masters of the Quasi-Emperor Realm might not be able to resist such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, let alone them.

Continue to stay here, they are likely to be buried with Sacred Land.

However, there was only a red figure on the scene, not only did not leave Ye Xiu, but ran towards Ye Xiu. It was the other protagonist today, Xiaohu.

“The son.”

Little Fox came to Ye Xiu, took off the hijab from his head and looked at Ye Xiu excitedly.

She had thought about Ye Xiu’s coming, but she didn’t expect Ye Xiu to appear in front of her in this way, and her heart was moved. You know, coming here is definitely a dead end.

But the matter is now, and she doesn’t want to change anything, as long as she can be with Ye Xiu, there is no fear of death.

“Little Fox, I’m here to pick you up.”

Ye Xiu reached out and touched the beautiful face of Little Fox, his heart full of tenderness.


Little Fox nodded heavily, then closed her eyes and felt the warmth coming from Ye Xiu’s palm. Her heart became calmer than ever before at this moment.

“Asshole, get her back for me!”

Long Yunfei was almost blown up when he saw this scene. Today is his day of great joy, but this pair of dog men and women make love to Own in front of so many people.

This makes him look so good.

More importantly, Xiaohu is the woman he has identified, and the only woman he has been tempted for so many years. He will never allow her to be embraced by others.


There was no need for Long Yunfei to remind him, a quasi-emperor had already rushed over, but he was not trying to snatch a woman for Long Yunfei.

The power of this Chaos Divine Tribulation is too terrifying. Once it bursts out here, Sacred Land will be bombarded into dross in an instant, so he must kill Ye Xiu before Heavenly Tribulation arrives.

Only in this way can the safety of Sacred Land be maintained.


But unfortunately, they are still a step late.

I saw a dark golden thunder dragon descending from the sky, and the guardian array of Sacred Land shaking light in front of this Heavenly Tribulation, it was destroyed in an instant like paper paste.

The most incredible thing was that the target of this Heavenly Tribulation attack was not Ye Xiu, but the quasi-emperor realm master who went straight.

The terrifying thunder light instantly drowned his figure.


Suddenly, there was a tremor in the space a hundred meters away, and then a three-meter-long crack appeared, and the quasi-emperor realm master walked out of the void directly.

But the color was already hung on his body, and there was still a ray of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, although he escaped a catastrophe, he was also severely injured by the Heavenly Tribulation.

“You, you can control Heavenly Tribulation!”

The quasi-emperor said with an ugly face, it is common sense that Heavenly Tribulation attacked the person of Transcends Tribulation, but this Heavenly Tribulation attacked himself instead of normal, the only explanation was that it was controlled by Ye Xiu.

But he has never heard of anyone who can control Heavenly Tribulation.

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