Chapter 872: Shaking Light Sanctuary

“Yes, unless the five seniors kill me, otherwise, even if I climb, I have to climb to Sacred Land.”

Ye Xiu said firmly with a face, he promised that Xiaohu would never give up on her anytime, so even if the Sacred Land is Longtan Tiger’s Lair, he has to break into it.

Said he was leaving here.

“You wait a minute.”

Lao Wu sighed and said: “This void teleportation charm can send you directly to Tianyu. Wherever you are, it is only 300 million miles away from Sacred Land. At your speed, it may not take you five days to reach Yao. Just Sacred Land, so you can at least have some time to adjust your status when you get there.”

He could see that Ye Xiu was determined to pass. If he didn’t do anything, even if Ye Xiu could reach Shaoguang Sacred Land, the power in his body would have been almost consumed.

At that time, he couldn’t even see the little fox and was killed by the people from Shaking Sacred Land.

This was not what he wanted to see, so he took out the Void Teleportation Talisman, which was more powerful than the Great Move Talisman, and could be used at critical moments.

Even a master facing the emperor realm can save a small life.

Therefore, there are not a few Void Teleportation Talismans in the entire Shenzhou.

In fact, he prepared this talisman for Ye Xiu. He had already visited the heaven before and set the coordinates in the void teleportation talisman there.

This is already the limit of the Void Teleportation Talisman. If he can, he even wants to set the coordinates in the Shaking Light Sanctuary, so that he can save more time.

He did this because his mood was quite contradictory at this time.

On the one hand, he wanted Ye Xiu to go there, so that at least the little fox could still see Ye Xiu, but on the other hand, he didn’t want Ye Xiu to take risks because it was definitely a dead end.

As for this Void Teleportation Talisman, it can be considered safe and sound.

Seeing Ye Xiu’s determination at this moment, he took it out.

With the help of this Void Teleportation Talisman, Ye Xiu can reach Sacred Land before the little fox, and then take the time to adjust his state.

Although the impact was not great, Ye Xiu could face all this in a state of complete victory.

As for the rest, he can only rely on himself.

“Thank you five Elder, your great kindness, I will never forget Ye Xiu in this life.”

Ye Xiu was very excited. If he had written all nine characters, he would indeed be able to rush to Sacred Land within five days, but then, not only would he exhaust his body’s strength, but his body would also bear a great load.

Even if he gets there, he can rush into Sacred Land at best, and he may not even see the last side of the little fox.

Now that he has this talisman, his confidence has increased a bit.

“I just hope you don’t blame me.”

Lao Wu sighed. He didn’t know if it was good or bad for him to do so.

After all, Ye Xiu used to think of it as if he was going to die, and this charm could only make Ye Xiu look more beautiful, or to see the last side of Xiaohu.

In fact, his heart is more inclined to Ye Xiu’s giving up.

With Ye Xiu’s talent, it won’t take long for him to be promoted to the quasi-emperor and become the overlord of one party. It is not impossible for him to break through and become the emperor in the future.

But the matter was over, he also knew that no matter what he was saying, he couldn’t change Ye Xiu’s mind. He could only do something within his power.


Ye Xiu didn’t waste time, and he directly shredded the void teleportation symbol in his hand.

A white light flashed, and Ye Xiu’s figure disappeared before Lao Wu’s eyes.

In the ancient city of Tianjue hundreds of thousands of miles away, a white light flashed in a corner as well, and then Ye Xiu’s figure slowly emerged.

After that, Ye Xiu asked someone about the direction of Shaoguang Sacred Land, and then rushed over there non-stop.

Under Ye Xiu’s full effort, he rushed from the heaven to the shaking light sanctuary in only four days.

The situation here is the same as that of the Profound Sky Sacred Land, Shaking Sacred Land also sits on a large area. At this time, Ye Xiu’s location is in a Shaking City outside of Shaking Sacred Land.

Shaking Light City is a big city under the jurisdiction of Shaking Light Sanctuary, and it is also the largest city in Shaking Light Sanctuary.

After getting to know, Ye Xiu learned from the people in the city that this time Shaoguang Shengzi and the Ten Thousand Demon Holy Maiden were married, and Shaoguang Sacred Land also attached great importance to it and planned to do a special deal.

In order to allow more people to witness this historic moment, they also issued thousands of invitations to Shaoguang City in advance. Those who hold this invitation can enter Shaoguang Sacred Land directly from Shaoguang City the day after tomorrow to participate in the wedding banquet. .

This was a great thing for Ye Xiu, as long as he got an invitation letter, he would be able to blend into the Sacred Land without knowing it.

So after coming here, he did not rush to restore the Cultivation Base, but directly found a person with an invitation letter. After stopping him, he used the ancient technique of facial cleansing to change his appearance.

After that, I started to restore the Cultivation Base using this person’s resources.

This continuous drive for 20 consecutive days made him a little overwhelmed. The power in his body was almost exhausted by as much as 70%. Before entering the Sacred Land, he had to adjust his own state to the best.

There was no words for a night, and it was the third day in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the sky became bright, the invitation letter in Ye Xiu’s hand trembled slightly, and he also woke up from cultivation.

After two days of cultivation, his Cultivation Base has been completely restored, and even a little bit of Ascension, as long as he wants, he can break through the quasi-emperor realm and induce Heavenly Tribulation at any time.

If he hadn’t tried his best to suppress it, he would have breakthrough Realm at this time.

But he knew that he still couldn’t make a breakthrough, and he needed Heavenly Tribulation’s help to rescue the little fox.

After sorting it out a bit, after confirming that there were no problems, he walked out of the room and came to the central square of Yaoguang City, where many people had already gathered at this time.

One by one is very excited.

“Unexpectedly, we would enter another day to visit Sacred Land.”

“Yeah, I have stayed here for decades. Shaking Sacred Land is still an unattainable existence for me. I didn’t expect that I can enter it to watch the ceremony today, and I will finally blow it up in the future.”

“It’s a pity that you can only stay in it for a while. If you can cultivate in it, you will have no regrets in this life.”

There was a lot of discussion. Although most of the people here have always lived here, but Shaking Sacred Land, they still entered for the first time. The excitement in their hearts is naturally beyond words.

“Today is the wedding day of my son of Shaoguang and Holy Maiden. Although Er et al. obtained the qualification to enter Shaoguang Sacred Land to observe the ceremony, it is only to observe the ceremony. Therefore, after entering Shaoguang Sacred Land, you must follow I shake up the rules of Sacred Land and don’t make a loud noise. If there is any offender, kill it, do you hear it clearly?”

An Elder from Sacred Land spoke.

“Listen clearly.”

The crowd replied.

“Very well, take out the invitation letter in your hand, and leave immediately if you don’t have it, otherwise you will be directly obliterated by the teleportation array. If you die, don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance.”

The Elder said again.

As soon as he said this, some people who were going to fish in troubled waters fought a cold war. Although they didn’t know whether this Elder was true or false, they didn’t dare to gamble with their own life.

Soon more than a dozen people escaped.


With a big wave of Elder’s hand, the rune covering the entire square was activated.

Then a white light flashed, and Ye Xiu and the others disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they were already in the Shaking Sacred Land.

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