Chapter 862: Nine-character mantra is ready

“What the hell is this place!”

Qi Tian exclaimed that the true dragon is one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Although its dragon bones can’t resist the erosion of time and long time, it can still do it for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is not difficult to see from the keel Ye Xiu encountered before.

Although the dragon bone is also boned, it can still be used to enhance the quality of the Pluto sword, and its value is no less than a middle-grade Dao Item.

But here, this keel became so fragile.

But it would take at least a million years for the dragon bones to be eroded by time to this extent, but I am afraid that it has not been so long since the disappearance of the dragon clan.


Ye Xiu kept walking deeper without saying a word.

After that, they passed through two barriers again. Not only did the time flow here faster, the number of white bones on the ground also reached the extreme, and everything they could see was pale.

It’s almost as if a white carpet is spread on the ground, and the scalp of the person watching it is tingling.

The most important thing is that the flow of time here is even more terrifying, and the bones that can persist here are all powerful existences during their lifetimes.

There was actually a layer here, and you can imagine how many powerful creatures died here.

If they were gathered together, it would be easy to destroy the entire Nine Heavens continent.

too frightening.

“What is the skeleton of Demonic Beasts, so huge?”

Ye Xiu found that among these white bones was a very large skeleton, even larger than a dragon bone. From a distance, it looked like a small mountain, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

In other words, not only was this skeleton preserved, it also contained a ray of energy.

From this it can be seen that it is probably even more terrifying than the ancient beasts such as true dragons.

“This should be the bones of the Vajra Demon Ape. I didn’t expect such a thing to actually exist.”

Qi Tian thought about it and said, Vajra is the most special kind of Demonic Beasts in ancient times, and it is also the most powerful Demonic Beasts in size and strength, none of them.

The reason why it is special is that it cannot absorb the power of Star to Ascension’s own Cultivation Base like ordinary Demonic Beasts, or it cannot be cultivated at all.

The only way to get promoted is to eat, eat all kinds of powerful Demonic Beasts, and absorb their flesh and blood essence to Ascension the physical strength and power.

It is said that the adult Vajra demon ape can reach hundreds of feet in size, a real dragon with hands torn, and Black Tortoise on its feet.

This shows how terrifying this Vajra demon ape is.

However, the number of Vajra demon apes is extremely rare, coupled with its particularity, so once it appears, it will be chased by the big god-tier beasts, so the introduction of Vajra demon apes is extremely rare.

He also learned this from an incomplete ancient book.

At the time, he thought this guy was a fabricated alien, but after seeing this huge skeleton, he knew that the description in the ancient books was probably true.

And this Vajra Demon Ape is more powerful and terrifying than described in the record.

“Unfortunately, this guy has been dead for too long, otherwise its bones can be at least one grade of Ascension.”

Ye Xiu was a little bit lost. This Vajra demon ape should have existed for the same time as those dragon bones, but there is still a ray of power, and its strength is evident.

But these remaining powers are already very thin and can’t bring any help to Pluto at all.

“It’s a pity. If we come in a few days earlier, things will be different.”

Qi Tian nodded and said, the time flow here is extremely fast. Although it is impossible to determine the specific ratio, at least ten years or even decades have passed for a day outside here.

So if they came in early, even one day, they might be able to use it as waste.

Now it can only be seen as a specimen.


Ye Xiu nodded and said. Although the time ratio here is not very obvious, they can also feel it roughly. I am afraid it has exceeded the outside world by more than ten thousand times.

If one year passed outside, it would be tens of thousands of years old here.

“Let’s find the Nine-Character Mantra first, otherwise we will probably be trapped and die here.”

Qi Tian reminded him that he could feel that the time barrier here was getting stronger. They couldn’t break it before, and now it’s even more impossible.

“what is that!”

Suddenly, Ye Xiu found nine black shadows in front of him, and his heart was shocked.

Because after they entered here, everything they saw was bare ground, even if there were some dead wood and bones, most of them were eroded by time.

Before they met, they disintegrated on their own.

Now, these nine shadows always stood there, and they seemed to be taller than the bones of this Vajra demon ape. How could this not surprise Ye Xiu.

“Let’s take a look.”

Qi Tian said in a hurry, he felt that there was probably the center of this space. If the nine-character mantra really exists, it should exist in that place.


Ye Xiu responded, and then quickened his pace.

I don’t know how long they have gone, they finally came to the front of the nine black shadows, which turned out to be nine steles.

There are countless words written densely on it, and it is quite old.

But Ye Xiu recognized at a glance that the writing was exactly the same as the one he found when he got the mantra of soldiers, obviously from an era.

In other words, the nine-character mantra recorded on these nine stone tablets is very likely.

And there are a total of nine steles here, could it be…

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu’s mood could no longer be suppressed, and then he checked them one by one.

Because of his previous experience, Ye Xiu easily figured out the meaning of this ancient text. After a short period of adaptation, he understood the content recorded above.

But to his disappointment, what was recorded on this stone tablet was not the nine-character mantra, but a general introduction of the Xing-Moon Dynasty.

As mentioned above, this Xing-Moon Dynasty was once a very powerful dynasty, among which there were countless masters in the Supreme Realm, and several great emperors were born before and after.

Existences like real dragons can only be used as their mounts.

However, Ye Xiu was not very concerned about the situation of the Star-Moon Dynasty, so after a brief look, he walked to the front of the other stone tablets.

The above is the same as the previous one, and they are all secrets about the Star-Moon Dynasty. The more you look at it, the more disappointed Ye Xiu’s heart is.

Just when he finished reading the fifth piece and was about to give up, he found that the content on the sixth piece suddenly changed and turned into a peculiar Cultivation Technique.

After a simple identification, his eyes lit up immediately.

Because he discovered that what was recorded on it turned out to be the content of the mantra of Zhezi. After that, he looked at the remaining three stone tablets, which were impressively written with Ji, Number, and the first three mantras.

In addition to the five-character mantras he had previously mastered, including the five-character mantras of pros and cons, soldiers, fighting, team, and action, he just made up the nine-character mantras, which gave him the feeling that he could not find any place to break through the iron shoes. .

The whole person can’t be calm anymore.

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