Chapter 859: New Discovery

Ye Xiu and the others only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and people had already arrived in a dim space. It looked the same as the Minor World that they had encountered in Yunmengze before, and it was equally huge, and it was still lifeless and deserted. The sight.

“what is that?”

Qin Wanru exclaimed, pointing to a swaying shadow in the distance with a look of horror and shouted.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just the shadow of some dead trees.”

Qian Duoduo pulled Qin Wanru to Own’s side. When he was in Yunmengze before, he also entered the Minor World, so he was very familiar with the situation here.

Those shadows looked like warriors from a distance, but they were actually dead trees.


Qin Wanru breathed a sigh of relief.

“Everyone start cultivating.”

Although Ye Xiu was very curious about this place, Qin Sheng’s previous instructions were still fresh in his memory, so he didn’t plan to go deep, and then found a place to sit cross-legged and start cultivation.

He found that the situation here is the same as Qin Sheng said, the rules of heaven and earth are very clear, and cultivation here is definitely more effective.

You must know that after the Cultivation Base reaches the King of People Realm, the accumulation of strength cannot quickly Ascension Cultivation Base. It is necessary to constantly insight into the rules of the world.

Then the rules of heaven and earth are transformed into own Dao according to own understanding, and integrated into own Minor World to make it more perfect.

Only in this way can it withstand the impact of the rules of heaven and earth at the time of breakthrough, otherwise, it will be crushed to death by the rules of heaven and earth.

As for the flow of time, Ye Xiu didn’t notice it, but it was reasonable, because the loss of time was also relative, and there was no way to judge without a corresponding reference.

What’s more, there is no change in spring and autumn, the sun and the moon change, and the concept of time is extremely vague here.

“Ye Xiu, Big Brother, will you leave after you go out?”

Qin Wanqing walked over at this time and asked in a low voice.

“Well, I need to go inside Shenzhou after I go out.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, he couldn’t see the girl’s intentions, but now he really didn’t have the energy to focus on it, and he had always treated Qin Wanqing as a Little Sister.

“Is it for the little fox Big sis?”

Qin Wanqing knew about the affairs between Ye Xiu and Xiaohu, and also knew that his main purpose for coming to China was to find Xiaohu. He was envious and a little bit lost at the same time.

“Yes, she was taken to the interior of China. I already know her approximate location. I must find her this time.”

Ye Xiu said firmly, they had been apart for a few years, and he didn’t know how that girl was doing now.

However, he should be able to get accurate information after he left, because when Jiang Li left, he asked Jiang Li to help investigate this matter.

I believe that with Jiang Li’s identity and status, it should not be difficult to find out the specific situation of Xiaohu.

“Can you take me with me?”

Qin Wanqing almost blurted it out. Before, she had to leave Ye Xiu because she had something to do. But now, her work has been done, and the Daqin Dynasty is not as regular as it is. Even without herself, she can develop well. .

So now she should live for herself.

Of course, she knew Ye Xiu’s feelings for Xiaohu and Lin Qingcheng, so she didn’t expect Ye Xiu to accept herself, as long as she could stay by his side it was enough.

“You can’t go. The interior of China is different from here. There are many strong people. It will be dangerous for you to follow me. Don’t worry, I will come back to see you after I pick up Xiaohu.”

Ye Xiu shook his head.

After going to the interior of China, there were many crises. He himself didn’t know what would happen and what dangers he would encounter, and he couldn’t even guarantee that he would be able to survive.

Besides, Qin Wanqing is now the queen of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Great Qin Dynasty is not what it used to be, and in terms of identity, it is no longer lower than the ordinary Sacred Land son.

Her appearance will inevitably attract the attention of all forces and will not be conducive to his plan.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to follow Qin Wanqing because of emotion and reason, it is for her good.

“I see.”

Qin Wanqing nodded, her face full of loss.

Although she could pass by herself, she didn’t want to force Ye Xiu, let alone embarrass him. After all, she couldn’t help Ye Xiu at all except her status at this time.

“Go to cultivation.”

Ye Xiu patted her on the shoulder and didn’t say much. It’s not good to say too much of this kind of thing.


Qin Wanqing nodded and walked back.

Ye Xiu shook his head, stopped thinking about this matter, and began to insight into the rules of the world.


Suddenly, Ye Xiu was awakened by the throbbing in his body, and his brows wrinkled.

“Qi Tian, ​​do you feel something wrong?”

Ye Xiu asked hurriedly.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Tian was a little inexplicable, he was also insight into the rules of the world before, after all, his current Realm is similar to Ye Xiu, and the rules of the world are also useful to him.

But he didn’t feel anything wrong at all.

“When I was cultivating, I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart. I can’t tell the details, it’s very strange anyway.”

Qi Tian frowned.

“Then be happy, feel it with your heart, and see if you can find anything.”

Qi Tian thought for a while, he didn’t think Ye Xiu had an illusion. For Ye Xiu, who had already broken through the Cultivation Base, he would not have an illusion under normal circumstances.

The appearance of this feeling shows that there is indeed something wrong here, or something is attracting him.

The best way is to empty yourself, maybe you can capture the origin of this feeling.

“Okay, I will try.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and then completely let go of his own mind according to Qi Tian’s method, and carefully sensed the changes in his body.

At this moment, the five mantras of Lin, Ping, Fighting, Team, and Xing were all operating at the same time, as if something was attracting them.


Ye Xiu exclaimed: “Could it be that there is also a nine-character mantra in this secret place?”

In other words, anyone would think so. After all, this kind of situation can only resonate with the five mantras only if it has the same origin.

I just don’t know which word it is.

“It should be correct.”

Qi Tian also felt that it was very possible. According to the magical degree of the nine-character mantra, it is not unacceptable to have a connection with each other. As for why it did not appear before, it may be the reason for the insufficient number.

After all, no one had ever obtained more than five mantras at the same time before Ye Xiu.

“It seems that you have to go in and have a look this time.”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to go deep into it, but since the nine-character mantra was involved, he couldn’t ignore it. If he could get another one, his strength would also be greatly Ascension.

In that way, this trip to China will be easier.

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