Chapter 857: Unifying Central

Half a month later, Ye Xiu led the army class to return to the court. Before entering the imperial city, Daqin’s people spontaneously greeted each other with excitement on their faces.

I think that a few years ago, many of them were not enough to eat or wear warmth, and they were even more ashamed of the people of Daqin.

Many people even plan to rise up to overthrow the tyranny of Da Qin and re-establish a regime.

But I didn’t expect that within a few days, the Great Qin Dynasty would be completely renewed, and even achieved an unprecedented feat of unifying the Central Regions of China. Even with them, the status of the original people of the Great Qin Dynasty was also Ascensioned a lot. People from other countries would not realize it. Take a look at the high.

And all of this was given by Ye Xiu. Although he has not yet returned to the Great Qin Dynasty, the people have already regarded him as the Great Qin Army God.

There are even many people who spontaneously build temples and temples for them to enshrine incense.

“I heard that Marshal Ye is less than 30 years old now, and there is no decent woman around him to take care of him, and I don’t know if our little daughter uses this blessing to serve him.”

“Your daughter? Don’t tease it. Just your dignified face. The daughter you gave birth can hardly see where it is. Marshal Ye is a dragon and phoenix among people. How can you be attracted to this kind of vulgar fan? You must marry a wife. You have to marry our Miss.”

“Go, go, what is Miss in your house, our master is the prime minister of Qin, and only Miss in our house can be worthy of a hero like Marshal Ye.”

The scene was extremely lively, countless people stood on both sides of the road looking forward to it, their eyes were full of expectations, and everyone regarded Ye Xiu as an idol.

Even more, many people are ready to take this opportunity to pull the line for Ye Xiu to protect the media.

“Come here, here Marshal Ye is here.”

I don’t know who shouted so, and the entire imperial city exploded directly, and the originally noisy streets directly exploded the pot and stretched out their necks one by one, looking forward to it.

But the good times didn’t last long, and a rush of murderous air came from the front, like a basin of cold water pouring the people on the scene to the heart, and the atmosphere instantly calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw an iron-blooded team, with their heads high, and striding into the imperial city with great strides, the weak-willed people were even directly stunned by the powerful aura.

Ye Xiu was wearing a spotless white robe, riding a high-headed Dragon Horse and walking at the forefront of the team, his eyes clear and he was not moved by foreign objects.

After he walked in front of everyone, those talents gradually woke up, and one by one, they beat their chests and their feet, secretly cursing that they missed the opportunity to protect the media.

Soon, the army walked from the crowd to outside the palace.

At this time, Qin Wanqing, Qin Wanru, Qin Sheng, Qian Duoduo, and Daqin officials were all waiting here.

In addition, the Sect Leader of the Sacred Demon Sect Qi Tian, ​​the Sect Leader of the Beast Controlling Sect Sheng Qiankun, and Zhengyimen Master Feng Qingyang also stand after Qin Wanqing and before Baiguan.

Before the real Martial Ancestor was breached, the Saint Demon Sect and the Beast Control Sect had already submitted the letter of surrender to the Da Qin Dynasty, and since then declared that they would never betrayed by the Da Qin Dynasty.

After discussion by the senior Qin dynasty, they accepted two submissions and ordered them to move the entire clan into the hinterland of the Qin dynasty within three days for better control.

Since then, the entire central part of China has been included in the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty.

So the three of them also appeared here, but it is not difficult to see from the position that they are headed by Feng Qingyang who is in front of the door.

At this time Qian Duoduo, who was standing next to Qin Wanru, blinked at Ye Xiu, which made Ye Xiu stare back. He didn’t want to take such a trip, but he couldn’t stand the painstaking persuasion of Qin Wanqing and Xia Yufeng.

No way, the current Da Qin needed such an opportunity to show the power of the dynasty and stabilize the hearts of the people, so Ye Xiu bit his spine to support it.

It’s good for this kid to watch own jokes again, which is really itchy.

Qian Duoduo shrank his neck and felt very wronged in his heart. I really didn’t mean to look at your jokes.

“Marshal Ye has worked so hard and made great achievements for my Great Qin Dynasty. Hereby, I hereby designate Ye Xiu as the side-by-side king of the Great Qin Dynasty…”

Qin Wanqing’s yellow robe was added at this time. Although she was a little childish, she was still brave and heroic, giving people a sense of lofty superiority, making it impossible to connect with her before.

The next two hours were all spent in the rewards, after which Qin Wanqing invited Ye Xiu into the palace.

After retreating the subordinates and Baiguan, only Qin Wanqing and others remained.

“Ye Xiu, Big Brother, really thank you this time.”

Qin Wanqing saluted Ye Xiu heavily. She knew that this time the Great Qin Dynasty was able to achieve such a great victory and unified the central part of Shenzhou, Ye Xiu can be said to have contributed.

Without him, the situation in the Great Qin Dynasty would have been reversed 180 degrees.

“You should thank you so much. He is the biggest hero in this battle.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand and said, these are all he should do. Let’s not say that he had promised a lot of battles before, and based on the relationship between them, he couldn’t stand idly by.

Moreover, this matter is not entirely his credit, in contrast, more money is more credit.

If he doesn’t have a lot of money in advance, he will not be able to do this no matter how strong his ability is.

He still knows this very well.

“Dage, don’t praise me anymore. I just made a little more money. I can’t lead the soldiers to fight.”

A lot of money said with a smile.

“You brothers don’t shirk each other. Now that the Great Qin Dynasty is able to have today, your brothers are indispensable. No one can deny this.”

Qin Sheng opened his mouth and said, although Ye Xiu had robbed him of the name of his military god, he was still very happy because it was his real goal to keep Da Qin.

As for those false names, he doesn’t care at all.

“Uncle Huang is right. Although we have given you rewards before, we can’t compare with your merits based on those fictitious names. So after discussing, we decided to open the Daqin secrets and let you cultivate for a period of time.”

Qin Wanqing said.

“Great Qin secret land?”

Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo were both startled. They had heard of this place for the first time.

“Yes, Daqin secret land is the foundation of my Daqin dynasty to this day. Only the princes of the past and those who made unworldly achievements can enter. The reason why the emperor can break through to the Ninth Stage King at such an age is because he was in Cultivation in the Daqin Secret Land for a year.”

Qin Wanqing explained that Qin Sheng was the youngest Little Brother of her father, and was not much older than Qin Wanqing and the others.

Normally, it is difficult for him to be promoted to the Ninth Stage human king at his age, relying on the Daqin secret land.

“To be precise, it took me only one year from the First Stage Ren Wang breakthrough to the Ninth Stage Ren Wang, and my talents can only be regarded as the upper middle level. If you are Ye Xiu, I am afraid it will not take so long. NS.”

Qin Sheng added another sentence, otherwise it would not be possible to highlight the power of Daqin’s secret land.

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